
Egypt's Israeli princess

long ago in the ancient lands of Israel there lived a girl Malka who lived with her parents and four younger brothers on their farm enjoying their peaceful days planting crops and herding livestock sure her brothers annoyed her but she loved them sure her parents where overprotective but she loved them in the end Malka's heart was so big she could love anyone and anything including the son of the man who had destroyed her perfect life on the other hand born to be a merciless ruler of one of the greatest and most powerful civilisation you are the morning and evening star which sets along the Nile river of Egypt giving life to the empire conquering other nations taking back the lands they have stolen from you ... You are the prince of Egypt you are Prince Horus II and you are next in line for becoming the Pharoah of Egypt being heartless involves not loving but why do you feel this way to your servant she's just a slave why do you feel a connection whenever your near her ? can this two from two different worlds actually keep their love a secret how long can they last before they fall into each other's arms ? how long can Prince Horus be captivated by her? what will the Pharoah do when he hears of their inforbiding love ?

Anastasiapillay · History
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1 Chs

chapter one

long long ago about five thousand years ago there were lovers who lived for each other who took each step for each other I'm going to be telling you the love story between an Israeli slave and the prince of Egypt and the love they both shared for each other


LONG ago in the ancient times there was a girl dressed in white who laid in the middle of the wheat crop reading a scroll about the news in the main land when she heard her mother scream her heart went cold her hands began to shiver as she read out aloud the top headlines "EGYPT GOES TO CONQUER THE LANDS OF . ISRAEL."

She threw the scroll aside and sprinted to the house when she saw men dressed in silver armour holding your mother while she weeps she look at the other armored men Kicking her father in the gut while the blood runs down his mouth her younger brothers are nowhere to be seen she clasp her hand over her mouth tears flowing down her cheeks

then she felt someone pick her up and throw her over their shoulder the hard armour under her body she cried, screamed and kicked the air punching the guard on his back screaming "let me go !!! let me go please papa !" but his groans only got louder as her mother begged and pleaded for them to let her husband and children go

just then she was thrown to the ground as a couple of guards surrounded her one spoke up

"what shall we do with this beauty?" the other laughed just when a man dressed in gold armour walked in he wasn't using a crown so he wasn't loyalty " take her back to the camp the king might find use of her " they laugh and they grab her by her wrist and throw her in the back of a carriage filled with women and young girls a women crawls to her and hugs her shoulders

"we must have faith we will get out alive god will help us return home " she nodded as the carriage started to move after a long wobbly ride they carriage came to a standstill the doors flung open as the women and girls started to exit

when she had gotten out one guard yanked her to his side her white dress now muddy and dirty they pulled her into a tent and threw her into a tub of cold water goosebumps cralwed her body as a women dressed in a silk dress her hair beaded with beads as she had a golden band in her hair her eyes being highlighted with her traditional Egyptian eyeliner she smiled at me nodding in approval

"what's your name young one ?" she asked smirking

"M-Malka " the girl had said her hands on either side of her as she stared at the ground

"that's a very beautiful name Malka I'm Bes head mistress of the servants in the palace "

Malka nodded wiping the stray tear that had escaped her eyes

"well then a bath should get you cleaned along with a nice silk dress " Malka nodded again not ushering another word to Bes

after the cold bath she had put on a beige silk dress as Bes braided her hair adding a white flower to each braid she then added eyeliner to Malka's eyes once she was done she kissed Malka on the forehead patting her head almost motherly

" Be good who knows the Pharoah might make you one of the princes night roamer "

Malka raised her head wide eyes " night roamer ?" she asked her voice sweet and melodic a bit raspy though

" Yes accompany the prince on the nights he cannot sleep " she said smiling at me

"and what am I to do ? ... oh I know we could read scrolls from the palaces collection"

she laughed at Malka shaking her head "You will understand later in time "

Malka nodded as Bes leaded her out the tent and into another huge tent only this had a carpet along with a nice comfortable bed and a man dressed in a white silk outfit along with the crown of upper and lower Egypt she had seen it in drawing her grandfather had done before he had pass away from a disease many say it was from the bites of the insects by the Nile river ...her grandfather had traveled to Egypt for three mouths after he returned he had gotten sick and a week later had passed away

Bes bowed as Malka did the same the king smiled at her manners since she had not being from his land but still respected him but that's not what Malka had being thinking off no no she had only one thing in her mind "REVENGE" but unfortunately she was one against a powerful empire so she had to plan everything out down to the last detail before she could strike

" And who do you bring with you Bes?" he asked his voice cold and deep

she replied " Pharoah you are the morning and evening star here I bring a young captured Malka"

she then points to Malka who stands still her fingers locked together as she stares at the ground

" Ah look at me young Malka " she then slowly raised her head looking at the tan skinned king she smirked

"Blue eyes " he said grabbing Malka by her chin

"yes Horus will love her prepare her as a gift to him being back once we return " Bes nodded adding "Yes my Pharoah" she grabbed Malka by the elbow and led the out the tent

"what's going to happen now ?" Malka asked

"You meet the prince the future of Egypt who knows maybe he will like you " Malka's eyes widen as she looked at the ground still walking with Bes holding onto her elbow

she led her into a smaller tent with a bed on the ground " sleep you need to rest Tommorow our journey to Egypt starts " Bes said walking out the tent

Malka closed her eyes and dozed off

after a good nap she had being waken up by Bes who had given her a white silk dress and had redid her hair adding new flowers to her hair

they then got onto the carriage as it descended to its destination all the way to Egypt