
Efflorescence Harem System: Reborn to be a Lith

Hajime was never really a fan of flowers. They withered and faded too quickly for him to even notice. His gaze, however, couldn't help but be drawn towards the most beautiful flower in his vision as it danced in the breeze. "Daddy!" The blue flower closed itself into a bud and returned to a human form. A small, five-year-old girl ran over to Hajime and hugged him. "I told you to call me big brother." "But why?" "Because I am not your father." How did he go from dying to a flower, to the world's cutest oleander calling him "daddy?". He wasn't sure himself. The only thing he wanted was to pop his cherry. To die as a virgin would be an embarrassing way to end his life...well that nightmare already happened. God truly has forsaken Hajime. Waiting 33 Years before he becomes a man? Absolute Bullshit! And now he must live with these damn notifications, being reminded every day about the impossible standard of abstinence... He wants to go back home but unfortunately, Earth doesn't have monsters, magic, or talking flowers. Once he gains access to his system, Hajime will curse himself for ever wishing to go back home. Warning: R-18, Plants and Flowers, Insects, Smut, incest, NO NTR, No Yuri, so if you don’t like any of this do not read.

Synphomia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

The Door Opens

Hajime waited patiently for Sakura to return from the toilet. He stared at his reflection. The mirror had grown tired of seeing him.

'Am I ready?' he wondered nervously as he fidgeted. Sweat dripped from his brow, as he swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

'Relax Hajime, this is what you always wanted. Whether it's morally correct or not isn't important now. This is your life's mission.'

Hajime paced back and forth, trying to calm himself.

'Maybe I should give up. I mean, power doesn't mean anything in this world right?'

He laughed bitterly to himself.

'No, that's a lie. Power is everything. Without power, you'll never get anywhere. And even if you do get somewhere, you'll be useless. Useless people are worthless. That's why they get stepped on. And crushed. And trampled on. And forgotten. And cast aside like garbage. Like the Aetherless

'Should I tell her before or after about the system?'

[The host should tell her after their bond is formed]


The door creaked open.

Sakura's head peeped out from behind the door. Her blue hair, framing her angelic features perfectly. Her cheeks dusted red with embarrassment. Her lips curved upward into a timid smile. Her green and yellow eyes looked straight at Hajime, full of confusion and apprehension.

'Holy shit she's even prettier than before.'

"Sakura what's the matter?" he inquired anxiously.

She hesitated for a moment before answering, "Um... I... I don't think I can do this anymore."

Sakura averted her gaze as she stared at the floor instead.

"W-why not?" stuttered Hajime..

She looked up at him, her face was flushed red from embarrassment. 

"Because I just made my first fruit."

"What does that even mean?" asked Hajime incredulously.

Sakura's cheeks reddened even further as she tried to explain. "It means I'm ripe."

Hajime furrowed his brows in confusion.


Sakura nodded shyly, biting her lip.

"Yes, ripe. As in ready to bear children. As in ready to have sex. As in ready for you to stick your big fat cock inside me and pump me full of your cum. That kind of ripeness."

"So basically, you're saying that you've had your period and you're ready to have babies?" clarified Hajime.

Sakura giggled and shook her head vigorously, her blue hair swaying gently as she moved.

"Not exactly, but close enough. I'm more fertile now. Which means, I'm more likely to get pregnant if we have sex. And I don't want to be a single mom if you die." giggled Sakura.

Hajime groaned inwardly.

'I won't die right System'


'What's the chance of her getting pregnant?'

[There is a 97% chance of Sakura becoming pregnant]

'And if I pull out?'

[60%, but you lose your Petal's shlong]

'Would the system shop have anything to prevent pregnancies?'

[No, the System does not support the murder of future points]


[The host can store the fertilized seeds in the storage space provided by the system]

'There's a storage space?'

[The host can summon it by stating 'I wish to store my daughters in the system storage ]

Hajime felt like banging his head against a wall.

"Hajime... are you listening to me?" whined Sakura impatiently.

Hajime blinked and cleared his throat, "Sorry I was lost in thought. What were you saying?"

"I was asking if you were going to take responsibility if you knocked me up," she repeated with an adorable pout on her face.

Hajime hesitated for a moment, contemplating the consequences of such a decision. 'If I say yes, I have to freeze my daughter but I get points and lose my virginity. On the other hand, I won't be committing the biggest taboo in this empire but I'll remain a virgin and lose points.'

[The host can also use the existence of their child to explain the system to Aurora and Sophia]

'System, are you the devil by any chance?'

[The devil is merely another System]


'Should you be revealing such details to me? Are there going to be any repercussions?'

[Exact knowledge can't be given but the host can be given hints and clues that may or may not be helpful]

'So it's basically useless.'


"Hajime~" whined Sakura again, her voice laced with frustration.

"I'll take responsibility if that happens," agreed Hajime calmly.

"Really?" Sakura squealed in delight, her green and yellow eyes shining with joy. She leapt forward, throwing her arms around his neck, as she hugged him tightly.

"Yay! I'm so excited to have your babies Hajime." Sakura declared happily, her face bright red with excitement.

'Is she that excited?'

Hajime stood motionless, caught off guard by her sudden embrace.

'Wait System I'll be the first person to impregnate a Floralith right? How many babies do they carry?'

[Twins or Triplets]

'You mean guaranteed?' questioned Hajime. He couldn't believe the system.

[The System will provide more details in the future]

Sakura glanced up at him expectantly.

"Well, we shouldn't waste time," said Hajime with a nervous smile on his face.

"Yeah, let's do it," agreed Sakura eagerly.

Hajime scooped her up into his arms and walked over to the bed. He laid her down gently. She stared up at him, her green and yellow eyes widening slightly as her hands moved behind her back, removing her bra. His fingers trembled slightly as he unbuttoned her pink blouse, revealing her bare chest.

Her breasts were small, her nipples hard and swollen, begging for attention. He leaned in, his lips hovering mere inches from hers. He pressed his lips against hers and kissed her deeply, his tongue invading her mouth. She moaned softly into the kiss, surrendering herself completely to him, melting beneath him as she yielded to his dominance.

"I love you." Sakura whispered against his lips, her voice trembling with emotion.

Hajime broke the kiss and stared deeply into her eyes.. He remembered how scared he was of oleanders but now he's about to pluck the most beautiful oleander, his daughter.

"I love you too," he replied earnestly as he stroked her cheek gently with his thumb.

Her face lit up, her smile brightening the entire room. "You'll always love me right?"

"Of course I will," he reassured her.

"Forever and ever?" she persisted.

"Until the day I die," promised Hajime solemnly.

"Good, because if you don't, I'm going to kill you."