

This section is for all the spells that are going to be used throughout the series. It is going to get updated as we move along with the series, so if you don't get a spell in the chapters come and check it out here. It's going to get regularly updated so you can find every spell used in the series here.

Most of the spell here are original or self-made. There are also some spells that I found online and from tumblr( ghostflowerdreams ), these spells were not mine nor do I take any credit for them.

Lumos -creates light

Romper escudo -breaks shield

Wingardium leviosa -lavitate

Glisseo -turns stuff slippery

Relashio -releases if something is being held

Incendio -causes fire

Aguamenti -water spell

Locomotor mortis -locks both leg

Expelliarmus -disarming charm

Diffindo -severing charm

Evaneso -vanishing spell

Accio -summoning charm

Fiendfyre -cursed fire

petrificus totalus - makes someone immobile after being hit.

incarcarous - tie you with up rope once taken hit

confringo - explode into flames

deprimo - exerts a downward pressure

duro - hardens a object

expulso- explode upon contact

avis flamos - birds that explode in flame after sometime

protego totelum - advanced shield

impedimenta - freezes someone

obscuro- blindfolds target

geminio- duplicate object

stupefy- stuns target upon contact

expeliarmus- disarming charm

riddiculus- turns an object or an spell into something different

impervius- general protection from fire, water.

oppungo- assault someone with a object

engorgio- causes swelling

deprimo- shatters ground

tarantallegra- causes legs to go out of control

salvio hexia- protection from normal and simple hexes

arania exumai- black scorch blast

Agrandir- enlarge something

Let me know if you guys want me to add potions and other important artefacts info in here as well.

LEGENDARYTrollcreators' thoughts