
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 018

"I expect you and your team to not be tardy for the briefing!"

'Was this good or bad?!'

I couldn't tell if this was fortunate or not, but one thing was sure. I had just set off a chain of events.

Murmurs flew into the air once again without restraint.

"What the f**k, A mission from the principal, not only in the first week but on the first day of classes?!!"

"This quickly?!"

"Isn't this a new record?!!"

It would seem they were just as shocked as I was; this was unprecedented, as I would bet my money that even the most excellent fortune teller.

I could not say I was not excited, though, as even though it was only the first day, the classes were already boring me to an unparalleled degree.

My group members were all present, and their reactions to what the principal had just said were identical.

Classes went by quickly, and the end of the day came by swiftly, following which we had to make ourselves present in the principal's office.

"Glad to see you that are all here… on time!"

We responded with a slight nod, as we were all standing in a straight line as we stood at the front of her desk.

"Your guide has told me that you have potential. I have seen some of it, but I want to see how deep it goes.

For the missions you are about to be sent on, it is estimated that you will be away from the school for just over a month, in the worst-case scenario, two months.

Your first assignment is a citizen of the horizon, or do I say ex-citizen. His name is Doran Miller, A.K.A. Man-child."

She got up from her seat and handed some files to each of us before sitting, then continuing.

"Age 37… decided he was above it all and went rogue.

He is suspected to be at a high school, shapeshifted as a teenager, as for which teenager exactly, we are not sure.

We've had him on our radar for quite some time now, and as for why he has the name man-child, if you haven't figured that part out yet, then you sure are slow.

But if you are that dense, it is because he likes them far younger than himself. Now, for the do's and do not's.

You will communicate under code names; you will provide yourself with fake IDs.

You will begin recon starting from next week, you will provide your residence, Information will be the only thing provided by us the school, and this only applies for the first week of your first mission.

You will organize for a plane to take you to XXXX city on Saturday, so you will have the entirety of Sunday to get settled in for your recon beginning on Monday.

You are to prevent civilians from being hurt or caught in the crossfire, capture if possible; if not, you are to kill!

Let me clarify that this mission is your first or, rather, the first in a set of missions.

By making you provide accommodation and such for yourselves, you are tested on your resourcefulness, ability to think outside the box and ability to adapt.

You are excused from classes for the next two months until your return, starting today. That said, you are still required to study for your exams.

I'm usually not one to wish this but, I wish you luck.

That will be all!"

We walked out of the office, and Daniel calmly broke the silence.

"Wish us luck?! We'll need more than luck; we'll need money, accommodation, intel brokers, sources, handlers, transportation, not to talk of combat gear and attire…."

He paused as we all walked to the exit portal in thought.

"we're gonna need to walk on water to pull this off, guys, cause I don't know if none of us noticed, but we don't have the funds!"

I stood there thinking whether or not I should use my arsenal of wealth and connections to solve all our problems, but I feared the lack of independence it would cause in the team.

I decided I would refrain from doing so unless there was no other choice.

"I have an idea!"

I said with a low voice which seemed to wake everyone up as they were now entirely focused on me.

"Which is??"

Daniel said in anticipation.

"Before I get to it, I want to know if everyone agrees who calls the plays in this team."

I said ambiguously, indirectly referring to myself, which they seemed to understand as they all responded with a nod.

"Ok! Mia and Mya, you both are on transport duty, we'll need a ride to get into the city, and we'll need ground vehicles to move around, see what you can do, if you have any issues, tell me!

She said we needed to get ourselves a flight to our destination; she never mentioned it has to be a private jet or an airbus, work it out.

Cecilia, I need you on accommodations and money gathering; you can summon creatures, make use of them, don't go overboard with them.

Daniel, I need you on intel, whatever we don't know now, I need you to find out before we even leave; there's a number for intel on the files given to each of us; call and get us educated.

Here's my number; I want everyone else to give their numbers to Daniel, and he'll keep us connected.

Let me know if anyone has any problems."

I handed Daniel my number as I began to walk away.

"What about you? What are you going to do?!"

I paused for a moment,

"Me? I took the hardest job; let's say I'm going to call in a favour, get us suits and weapons that won't get us killed."

Seeing as my job here was done, I continued to make my way to my house; I intended on using the underground passageway to get into the mansion.

Even though my stalkers had seemed to have an early retirement, I could have made my way back directly to the mansion, but I just chose not to do so; to be safe!