
Chapter LXXVII

Chapter LXXVII

George's POV

  January 31

We've been planning for two days now and we finally come up with a plan. It's early in the morning; Zephiel, Blue, Rose, and Jessica are on their way to the hidden passage that could let them into the Manor.

While us preparing to march because by the afternoon we'll occupy land near the Zephaniah and make a camp there. so that we have a place to take the injuries. I look around and saw the knights are all geared up and ready to go.

We have an army of about seven thousand with us because we took those knights who surrender during the war in the Zephyt and those who we only knock with us. If you are wondering whose watching over Zephyt. It's the Marquis daughter, They are the only royal that has Marquis in their lineage every city now is under the Marquis of Xayah,