
Eden of Rothania

Rothania was a peaceful realm filled with talking animals, Fauns, Giants, elves, and Ivors who were dwarfs. It wasn't until a thousand years later that Rothania's queen began to fall, and the first king began to rule. This change in leadership began a new era of strife and war, as the king sought to expand his power and influence. This led to a period of great suffering among the various races of Rothania, as they battled each other for control of the kingdom. "Brother, is magic real?" "Of course not, idiot" There were voices in her dreams calling for her help. They needed her, but where were they? Who are they? She had no idea who or where these voices were coming from. She thought it must be her imagination, but the voices kept calling her, begging her to help them. She was filled with confusion and uneasiness. The twinkling butterfly changed everything. What if they hadn't followed it? Could the future have been different? The butterfly seemed to be a sign, a sign that the voices were real. However, they weren't sure where it would lead them. Did the twins actually belong to that place? Will they be able to change the fate of Rothania? [JOIN THE TWINS IN THEIR ADVENTURE~ EDEN OF ROTHANIA]

002_Yuki_Onna · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Shadow's Gamble

As the enigmatic figure's words hung in the air, Aricen and Casey exchanged glances, the bustling marketplace pulsating around them under the afternoon sun. Their expressions bore a mixture of intrigue and caution, the vibrant stalls creating an atmosphere that felt both alive and watchful.

The footsteps led Aricen and Casey through the labyrinthine alleys of the marketplace, weaving through the tapestry of stalls and shadows. The sun cast intricate patterns of light and shade, adding an almost mystical quality to the bustling scene.

Aricen's ear twitched with wariness. "What exactly do you want from us?" he demanded, his voice edged with caution.

The figure's smile deepened, their eyes glinting with subtle amusement. "I am but a humble conduit for opportunities," they replied cryptically. "Your path has brought you here, and the choices you make will ripple through the fabric of destiny."

Casey's brow furrowed. "Cut the riddles," she retorted. "I believe we didn't agree to be here for mind games."

The figure chuckled, the sound like a ripple through the water. "Riddles you say?" the figure halted, the afternoon sunlight dappling their form. "Then, tell me," they turned toward Casey with a peculiar grin, "why do you look like someone who has been dead for centuries?"

Casey was taken aback by the sudden question. Her eyes turned towards Aricen, who was as shocked and nervous as her. "I don't know what you are talking about, Mister," she replied, her voice quivering slightly.

The figure's gaze grew more intense, their aura shifting from amusement to something far more unsettling. "Mystic Haven," the figure uttered with a smile. The aura changed yet again. Casey knew it, she could feel it, and that fact was scary in itself.

A sign bore the name "Mystic Haven," written in an elegant script that seemed to shimmer in the daylight. They had finally arrived at a quaint yet inviting establishment nestled between two large buildings.

The air was rich with the enticing aroma of exotic spices and savory dishes. Soft laughter and the clinking of glasses drifted from within, hinting at the camaraderie that lingered like an invisible thread. The figure pushed open the wooden door, and a wave of warmth and conversation greeted them.

Stepping inside, Aricen and Casey found themselves in a cosy restaurant, its walls adorned with intricate tapestries and softly glowing lanterns. Tables were occupied by patrons engrossed in lively conversations, their faces illuminated by the soft sunlight filtering through the windows. The figure led them through the bustling room, their presence parting the sea of activity like a silent tide.

A narrow staircase at the back of the restaurant beckoned, its steps ascending toward a sense of quiet intimacy. The figure ascended, Aricen and Casey following suit. As they reached the upper floor, a corridor stretched before them, flanked by a series of closed doors.

The figures paused before one of the doors, their gaze fixed on Aricen and Casey. "Rest here for today," they said, their voices carrying a soothing undertone. "The path ahead is wrought with challenges, and a moment of respite will serve you well."

With a final nod, the figure retreated down the corridor, their presence fading into the sunlight. Aricen and Casey exchanged a brief glance, a mixture of gratitude and curiosity passing between them.

Aricen pushed open the door to their designated room, revealing a space that mirrored the restaurant's cozy charm. Soft, golden light spilled from a decorative lamp perched on a wooden bedside table. The room was adorned with intricate rugs and drapes, lending an air of comfort and warmth.

Casey's fingers grazed the soft fabric of the bedspread, her fatigue momentarily forgotten. "It's... surprisingly welcoming," she murmured.

Aricen chuckled, his eyes glinting with a touch of amusement. "Perhaps the Mistress of Shadows has a penchant for aesthetics, among other things."

Settling into the room, Aricen and Casey shed their outerwear and weapons, allowing the tension of their recent trials to gradually dissipate. The soft creak of the bed springs under Aricen's weight and the sigh of relief that escaped Casey's lips was a testament to the weariness they both felt.

As they made themselves comfortable, a soft knock echoed through the door. Aricen stood, opening it to find a discreet figure holding a tray laden with steaming bowls of fragrant soup and fresh bread. The figure placed the tray on the bedside table and offered a respectful nod before departing.

The aroma of the soup wafted through the room, drawing them both to the table. They ate in companionable silence, the warm sustenance soothing both body and soul. The events of the day seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a shared sense of camaraderie and quiet anticipation of what lay ahead.

With their hunger sated and the meal complete, Aricen and Casey settled into the soft embrace of their beds. The flicker of sunlight cast gentle shadows across the room, creating a cocoon of tranquility.

After a while, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the room was bathed in a soft, dusky light, Aricen and Casey found themselves lost in their own thoughts. The events of the day had been overwhelming, and the respite offered by Mystic Haven was a welcome reprieve.

Casey broke the comfortable silence, her voice thoughtful. "You know, despite the strangeness of it all, there's something oddly enchanting about this place."

Aricen nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the play of shadows dancing across the room. "It's as if the threads of fate have brought us to this crossroads," he mused. "And for better or worse, we're here now."

Their moment of reflection was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. Aricen moved to answer it, revealing the same discreet figure who had delivered their meal. In their hands was a folded piece of parchment, sealed with an intricate emblem.

"The Mistress sends her regards," the figure said, their tone neutral. "Your first task awaits."

With a nod, the figure retreated down the corridor, leaving Aricen and Casey to exchange curious glances. Aricen broke the seal and unfolded the parchment, his eyes scanning the words written in elegant script.

"The Mistress certainly doesn't waste any time," Aricen remarked, his voice laced with a mixture of intrigue and caution.

Casey's fingers twitched with anticipation as she leaned in to read the contents of the parchment. Her eyes swiftly skimmed the lines, her expression shifting from curiosity to disbelief. The task before her was more daunting than she had expected. She was to infiltrate an underground smuggling ring that operated within the shadows of the city. Her mission was to dismantle their operations, gather crucial information, and eliminate any threats to the Mistress's dominion.

Aricen sensed Casey's unease and watched as her brows knit together in a frown. He could practically feel the storm of emotions brewing beneath her composed exterior. "Casey?" he inquired gently, his concern evident.

Casey's gaze snapped up, her eyes meeting Aricen's in a flash of frustration. "This… this is absurd!" she exclaimed. Her voice was edged with anger.

"She expects me to take down an entire smuggling ring on my own? Does she think I'm invincible?"

Aricen held up his hands in a placating gesture, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I know it's a lot to take in," he said, his tone soothing. "But remember, we're resourceful. And you have your own unique abilities. You won't be completely alone in this."

Casey's frustration simmered, her magic crackling beneath her skin as if mirroring her emotional turmoil. "I get it, Aricen. But this… it's not just about the task. It's the fact that she thinks I can handle this while you will be kept somewhere else."

Aricen's gaze softened his empathy a steady anchor in the storm of Casey's emotions. "Casey, the Mistress is smart, so she doesn't fully trust us yet. But this is our sole chance to make her believe us. Like this, we can dig more information about her and how closely she is connected to the king."

Casey's shoulders slumped, her anger giving way to a resigned sigh. "I know, I know," she muttered, her voice carrying a mix of frustration and defeat. "But that doesn't mean I have to like it."

Aricen reached out and placed a comforting hand on Casey's shoulder. "I understand how you feel. But let's turn this to our advantage. While you're tackling the smuggling ring, I'll look around this area and try to gather some leads. This place is like that secret black market we visited. We'll cover more ground this way."

Casey's gaze met Aricen's, a mixture of determination and gratitude in her eyes. "You always know how to put a positive spin on things, don't you?"

There was yet another knock on the door, a voice chimed in, "Miss Casey, it's time!"