
Eden of Babylon

pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. In a world where adventures,power,glory,fame and wealth . All come from one place and here we call it eden . Here you can be whatever you want to be or at least try to. In eden there are these dungeons all over the world and these dungeons are connected to other worlds and universes only by conquering these dungeons will you be able to stand among the ranking or even the most strongest of all . In this story you will follow Leonard as he grows through the stages of life hardships,love,betrayal and most of all rage . Follow Leonard as he become a strong individual known as the beast king.

Belair_smooth1116 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

8-Exam tournament

"As you choose your class be sure to make sure to pic the one that best fits you. Because once you choose you can't change because once it's chosen you are already on the verge of have your class evolve into one of its advanced classes. The basic classes you have a choice to pick from is berserker, warrior, mage, rouge, ranger, acolyte, and the specialist class wanderer. And each class has a series of advanced classes once you get to a certain level you can evolve your class into its advanced class each class has an upgrade and some classes have more than one advanced class now to choose your classes." Said the director.

After about an hour all 30 kids picked there classes. Isabella ended up picking the warrior class to get the experience of a warrior because she already had the means of a mage but this way she can not only level up her magic but she'll also be able to gain hand to hand combat also. Michael also picked the warrior class to build his strength and defense. Because in his mindset the best offense is defense. Jeremiah chose the ranger class. Due to him being a snow elf he his a natural born hunter so a ranger is perfect for his skills. Delilah ended up choosing a mage which was very obvious with the way she uses her energy. But of coarse Ben picked a warrior class. He said because his strength isn't high enough to be of any help to the king in the future and it's a certain class that he wants to become when he gets to that level. And Leo with all of his mysteries picked the wanderer class and his response was. " A wanderer is someone explores the world so find its secrets and treasures and of utmost power. A wanderer is basically a jack of all trades. He or she is a master at all but a master at none at the same time. The perfect response from someone so astronomical.

In the meantime while Leo and everyone was chatting it up laughing and enjoying their selves. Leo started getting a strange feeling in his head he never felt before and these words started popping up.

System unlocking.....99%

System unlocking....100%

[ System unlocked ]

All rewards shall now be retrieved.

( Congratulations on becoming an adventurer )

Title unlocked

New Title acquired

(Title: beast king )

Would like to equip this title ?

Yes or No ?

New Title acquired

(Title: beast king )

Would like to equip this title ?

Yes or No ?

New Title acquired

(Title: beast king )

Would like to equip this title ?

Yes or No ?

New Title acquired

(Title: beast king )

Would like to equip this title ?

Yes or No ?

Leo stopped joking around and started focusing. So he closed his eyes acting like he was meditating so no one would bother him. Really he wanted to see what these words was. " WHAT !!!!!! A system ? What does it mean I unlocked a system I've never heard anything about this before."

New Title acquired

(Title: Beast king )

Would like to equip this title ?

Yes or No ?

" Hmmm sounds interesting sound like a good title for a soon to be king anyway." Leo thought as he mentally pushed yes.


A rush of power went through Leo it made his whole body tingle. But for some reason if felt as if his stats have doubled. Right now he feels as though he could fight and beat a SS rank adventurer. Which he knows he couldn't because an SS rank power is equal to 5 American nukes. An SSS rank is as strong as 10 nukes and a X rank hunters power is equal to that of a meteor crashing from outer space.

Next Leo started seeing even more words.

-Title : Demon Beast King. Has been equipped

- stats have been increased by 100% permanently.

- New Skills acquired:


[ Evo Skill: heavenly roar : user roar like a mighty lion given off a powerful gust of wind breaking the sound barrier.] Lv.1

- New Skills acquired:


[ Evo Skill : Beastdom: invite beast and humans to your kingdom beast that are invited receive a human form to level up just like an Adventurer and adventurers receive a stat boost as if they were born a beast. With said skill both beast and adventurers evolve.]

[ Skill: inspect: giving the user the ability to look at an item and see the full description.] Lv.1

[ Skill: pain nullification: pain resistance. ]

[ Evo Universal Skill: Creation: a universal skill that allows the user to create his or her own skills regardless of the class. User is also able to create skills.]

[ Evo skill: Giver of gifts: user is able to gift said created skill,name,and class weather it's advanced or basic.]

( Congratulations on becoming a Adventurer you have unlocked the option to switch your system guides.)

-Available guides: 1/2

-Guides- Sekhet rank mythical god beast.

-Equip Sekhet

Yes or No.

Out of everything Leo has just seen the one thing that stuck out the most was his mother's name. He hasn't heard her voice or seen her in the past 6 years. At the sight of it Leo didn't hesitate to mentally push yes. At that moment a feeling washed over Leo that he has felt in 6 years the warmth of his mother.

( My boy my precious precious boy I told I I'd be with you for as long as I can. And now you have become an official adventurer. I'm so glad you was able to unlock the guide feature. This skill is very useful I have never heard of it before but being my consciousness was inside the necklace I gave you which is a mighty strong item if I do say so myself but I was able to fully understand this thing you have called a system. It will allow you to level up faster and be able to function as a adventurer even better. But everything isn't unlocked yet you will have to level up to be able to do more but right now you are very strong. And I seen you have a title now your title is way stronger than mine was. The world see you as a Demon Beast King now there are currently 15 demon kings so far that is know to man. But you are aways to go to have to worry about them right now. So little pointer son get stronger to be the strongest of them all and now that you have the [ Skill: Beastdom] you can also find followers and not only you but they will get stronger too. But before I let you have fun you need to learn to check on your stats and distribute your SP( status points ). All you of to do is think it and your status screen will pop up.

" mom I have so much I want to say but that's going to have till wait till later the tournament will start soon" Leo said.

After talking with his mother some. Leo decided to call up his status screen.


Race: Awakened Beastmen

Name: Leonard Fluram

Level: 1

Class: Wanderer

Title: Demon Beast King

HP: 16,000

MP: 2,200

Stamina: 2,200

[ Stat ]

Strength: 280

Stamina: 220

Agility: 240

Intelligence: 220

Mentality: 220

[ SP: 35 ]

[ Skills ]

Attack Skills :

[ Evo Skill: Heavenly roar:Lv.Max,Melt Slash:Lv.1,God's Wrath:Lv.1, Evo Onyx Flame:Lv.1,Evo Flame Bullet:Lv.1,Frey's sphere:Lv.1,Evo Onyx Lighting,Evo Hell Flare:Lv.1,Create Summon Gate:Lv.1,Insulated Prison:Lv.Max,Evo Disintegeration:Lv.Max,Evo Beast Cannon:Lv1,Aura Manipulation:Lv.1,Mind power:Lv.Max,Clone:Lv.1,Demon Lord Haki:Lv.MAX

Passive Skills

(Beast sense:Lv.Max,Evo beastly appetite:Lv.max,Self-Regen:Lv.Max,Control Magic:Lv.max,Darkflame Lighting:Lv1,Thought Acceleration:Lv.1,Evo universal creation:Lv.Max,Fusion:Lv.Max,Separate:Lv.Max,Evo Holy Beastform:Lv.1,Predator:Lv1,Beastdom:Lv.1,Magic Perception:Lv.1,Thought Transmission:Lv.Max,beastly intimidation:Lv.1,Great Demon Lords Haki:Lv1,Future Attack Prediction:Lv1,Soul Corridor:Lv.1,Arcane Soul Recall:Lv.Max,Shadow Step:Lv.Max,Primitive Magic:Lv.1,Power of words:Lv.1,pain nullification:Lv.Max,Weapons Mastery:Lv.Max,Elemental manipulation:Lv.Max, Evo skill: Giver of gifts:Lv.1.

-Items equipped:





-Necklace: Herons Necklace:+50 all stats + Evo skill.

-Left ring:

-Right ring: Evo Storage Ring:+10m radius storage.

" now that I have everything I need to become a powerful adventurer. It's time for the real fun to begin" Leo said to his self with a sinister grin on his face.....

[. Quest received: win the tournament in 1st place.

Rewards: 10,000XP

All skills level up.

20 Stat Points. ]

Meanwhile back at the castle.

..... HATCH TIME 24 hr remain.....