
Eden Mae Presents: December Eve

There is nothing more painful than losing someone you love. Dizzie Drews, a feared Headmaster at the Poisoned Drinks, lost the love of his life February Marquess to lung cancer and tries to move on. February Marquess, now known as December Eve, is working hard to keep the people that he loves safe while living a double life as Dizzie's assistant. There is nothing more painful than losing a loved one, but it hurts more to lie. Especially when your loved one has the biggest target on his back.

Thepityparty · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Hello, my lovelies! So, as you might be able to tell, I haven't had the most organized writing schedule. If I'm honest, writer's block and winter break got to me hard. Trying to seriously write while my mind is racing and I have all my family over is difficult, especially since I wanna give good content to you. So, starting tomorrow, I'll be uploading chapters to December Eve on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 pm/EST and another surprise book on Tuesday and Thursday at the same time.

I hope you understand and are loving this book as much as I am!

Best wishes and happy 2021,
