
Eden Mae Presents: December Eve

There is nothing more painful than losing someone you love. Dizzie Drews, a feared Headmaster at the Poisoned Drinks, lost the love of his life February Marquess to lung cancer and tries to move on. February Marquess, now known as December Eve, is working hard to keep the people that he loves safe while living a double life as Dizzie's assistant. There is nothing more painful than losing a loved one, but it hurts more to lie. Especially when your loved one has the biggest target on his back.

Thepityparty · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Cat and Mouse

"Oh ma gawd girl, just stay the fuck still."

I groan. Another brush stabs my cheeks, adding more powder to my already powdered face. Why did I agree to let Niko do my makeup? He turns to looks in front of me before breaking out into a smile.

"You look jaw-dropping."

"I already was though."

"Shut it and look at yourself." He moves out of my way to reveal my face in the mirror.

He was right, I do look bomb as fuck. My platinum blonde hair is styled to the side, with a few hairs brushing my forehead, giving me the 'I-woke-up-like-this' look. My face was rid of my typical moles and splash of freckles, making it smooth and a light tan. My cheeks and jawline were contoured and blushed, making it more defined and sharp. Not like it wasn't already. My eyes were a smoky black, with bits of grey and even white, making my golden brown eyes pop. Lastly, my lips were a deeper red but still looked natural. I also noticed little bits of glitter on my upper lip and cheekbones, making my skin even more godlike.

"I...have no words."

"Told you. Now come on, we still have to finalize your outfit." He pulls me out of my seat and drags me to my room. For a midget, he is a strong motherfucker. Well, midget to my 6' height. He's only 5'4, which I tease him constantly about.

He shoves me into my room and slams the door shut, locking it. Here we go. He goes into my closet, digging around for good pants. Yes, I have only a shirt on and boxers. Along with fishnet leggings. Ask Niko, not me. But I don't mind them. I look sexy. I just didn't give consent to the makeup that is now on my face.

He runs out with my white leather jeans and threw them at me. "Put 'em on. I gotta get my makeup on."

I look down at the jeans and wondered where these were in my closet. Niko probably bought them for me, but I just threw them into the back. I do what Niko says, not wanting to risk his wrath tonight. After a bit of a struggle, and a pairing with some body glitter for my chest, I look like a god. I turn around and show my ass to the mirror. Yep, still popping. I grab my phone and wallet and stuff them into my too-small pockets. I walk into the bathroom to find Niko still putting on makeup.

"Nik, you do realize were only going to a club, right? Not the royal ball."

He gives me a glare through the mirror before finishing putting on his fake eyelash. "I wanna look good. Unlike you, I don't attract men that easy."

I scoff. He dips back into some highlighter and brushes it on his high cheekbones. The glitter perfectly reflects on his deeply tan skin, his brown eyes looking more shimmery than usual. He is wearing no shirt, except a crop-top cut off at his collarbone, showing off his toned chest and abdomen. The bell-bottom jeans he's wearing make his butt really pop. Between the two of us, he definitely was blessed with the big ass. He rubs on some salve on his lips.

"Well, that's debatable."

He flicks powder on my face. I look at him, mouth agape.


"Oh my lord, you call me the drama queen." He rolled his eyes and continued rubbing on more salve.

"Drunk you will say something different," I muttered, walking out of the bathroom.

"Touche," he replied, his voice echoing down the hallway. I chuckle and grab my motorcycle keys, simultaneously hiding his Porsche keys.

"You know, just for that, we're taking my bike."

He pops his head out of the bathroom, eyes giving me the most deadly glare I've ever been given. Well, one of the most deadly.

"You wouldn't."

"Watch me hoe." I started walking out of the house, swinging the keys on my fingers. He sprints into the kitchen, trying to find his keys. After a few minutes, he groans and curses God for granting me life. He sulks to me and grates his teeth together.

"Let's go." He brushes past me and walks down the hallway.

"C'mon, it won't be that bad." His head does a full 180 and for a split second, I thought his neck broke.

"Not that bad?!? NOT THAT BAD?!? Feb, last time we rode on that death bike, my hair looked like I just walked out of a fucking wind tunnel. Now, I put time and effort into BOTH of our outfits, and I would HATE for it to be ruined. So, please please please please pleaaaaaaase, let's take my car."


He stares at me and gets on his knees. I sigh. He knew where to hit.

"Fine. They're underneath your ugly daisy's in the living room."

He beams and pecks my cheek. Watching his retreating form, I'm reminded of the fact if he doesn't keep his side up, I'm going to have an orgy in his car and make sure to leave the evidence.


The club in of itself wasn't bad. The building was on the sleek and modern side of things, with a big and cozy interior. It was honestly something you'd see in like Magic Mike or something. No, it was the fact that it was a BDSM club. And that it has bomb ass drinks to keep you enticed. I continue to sip on my Jameson in anger.

Damn this club and their quality drinks.

The droning of the music doesn't help, nor does the fact that it's been 2 hours, and Niko was nowhere in sight. Another sip down the drain. I bet he's here with some random dominant, getting it on or something. When I take another sip, it tasted more bitter.

See, I would say something conventional like, 'Oh, I'm so not jealous, I'm just looking out for him.' But in all honesty, I was jealous. I was the ripe old age of 25. Most people I know are either in love or finding something that makes them happy, where it be their job or their overly aggressive dog named Hugo who hates my guts but loves Niko apparently. I know, it's insensitive of the "bad boy" to be lovesick. But I was. And it was a bitter pill to swallow.

Finishing my drink, I slide it down to the bartender and left a 5 dollar bill on my stool. I smoothed down my shirt and wormed my way into the crowd. I don't understand why Niko is into this so much. You can never tell with him. Me, sure I've dabbled into BDSM, but it was very light. Whenever I slept with a guy, they typically ask to be bound or gagged. Now, I'm not trained at all, but after a few nights of doing it, I can say I'm a semi-professional. But nothing compared to these guys. They made sex look like an extreme sport. I was in the little leagues while they were like NFL level type shit.

I suck at analogies.

Now that I have finally made it through the crowd, I realized I never made it through per se. I was smack dab in the middle. All around me, there were people grinding, kissing, practically having sex, and I was in the middle of it. This put my school's prom after-party to shame. There was a little room, but it wasn't much. Why was I even trying to leave? Oh right, Niko was my DD, I couldn't leave without him. Nah, screw Niko. But other than that, why was I leaving? The music, the people, the heat, the lust, it kept me rooted in place. Maybe my body was subconsciously trying to get me away from it. I felt burning in my chest, but I pushed it down. After standing there, my body, on its own, started to sway. My initial urge was to stop myself, in case I did something super embarrassing, but I said fuck it. There were people literally having sex right next to me. I gave into my body movement, even though it was screaming at me to leave, and rocked to the music.

The beat was slow, sensual even, and I used that to my advantage. I was taking notes of the girl next to me, swaying my hips and sliding my hands down my body. I dipped when the beat dropped and popped up, finding my own rhythm. Heat crept up my back as I felt eyes boring into my behind.

I turned halfway to find a man covered in shadows looking at me, his black eyes shielded by his drink. His eyes never left my body, raking up and down, paying close attention to my ass. I now thank Niko for giving me tight jeans.

A beat drop was coming up in the song, and I got an idea. As soon as it dropped, I dropped, making sure to pop out my ass a little more. His hand gripped his cup a little harder as I made my slow descent up, my hands ghosting my thighs. It started getting uncomfortably hot, so, finding fun in the little game we were playing, I slowly took off my shirt. His jaw was clenched, begging for me to go faster with only his eyes. As soon as the shirt was off, I threw it into the crowd.

My Love by Justin Timberlake came on, and a whole crowd brushed past me. I smirked and turned my whole body towards him and crooked my finger, beckoning him toward me. He really wasted no time as he was literally throwing people aside, trying to get to me as fast as he could. Before he could reach me though, I disappeared into the crowd. His face went from confusion to amusement, his smirk never leaving his face. He started to search for me through the crowd. His dark eyes locked with mine and followed me through the crowd, in the scariest, and lust-filled, game of cat and mouse. Ever.

And I loved it.


His hands gripped my waist as I swayed to a different song. Now that he's got me, I don't think he planned on letting me go. I backed up into his crotch and dipped, making his grip tighten. When I got back up, he spun me around and looked into my eyes.

Now that I was this close, I could see that the shadows weren't from the club or people, it was his skin color. He had dark cocoa skin, with dark dreads pouring over his forehead and broad shoulders. His eyes, however, were a pale blue instead of the black eyes I thought they were. He was a big dude, standing just a bit taller than me, but not by much. Muscles filled him out, making his appearance more masculine if that was even possible. Before I could get any further with my investigation, he put his hand below my chin and lifted my face back into his blue eyes. He smirked, rubbing circles on my chin. What is he doing? His head tilts to the side as he looks at me, and all I can do is drown in his eyes. The lights were turning them into a bright blue, then to a deep green, and other colors. They were dancing, calling to me.

For a second, I forget I'm dying. I forget the pain, the ever-ticking clock in my heart.

He leans into my ear and whisper in his gravely, baritone voice, "Let's get out of here." A dread-lock falls over his eyes, tickling my ear. I nodded at him, taking his hand in mine. He smiled and started dragging me toward the exit near the bar.

"You didn't come here with anyone, did you?" Oh shit. While I was losing myself in lover boy, I totally forgot about Niko. He'll be fine. I trusted himself to take him home when he was done.

"Yeah, but they're probably here with someone so..." He let out a 'hm' before pushing the door open, the cold Montana air hitting me. If I had to guess, it was maybe around 1 in the morning, considering we left as soon as the sun set. He pulls me toward a motorcycle and I squealed in delight.

He turns to me and smiles. "That's not the typical reaction I get, but I mean, I'm not complaining." He climbs over his bike and turned it on. The cycle revved loudly, his smile evident on his face. He turned to me and raise an eyebrow. "You comin'?"

"No helmet, huh?" I repeat what he did, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I've never fallen off. Have you?"

"Only once, but that was when I was learning how to safely by my instructor."

"Oh, so you have a cycle?"

"Hell yeah."

He chuckles and shakes his head, dreadlocks shaking in front of his face. "You are just full of surprises."

"We just met, don't get too ahead of yourself. So, are we going, or are we gonna waste precious gas?"

He revs the gas and shoots off. Well, I guess that answers my question. The cold air kept on hitting my face, including his dreads, so I hid my face in his shirt. That's when I realize I had no shirt on, but a jacket instead. I was so caught up in him that I didn't realize he had taken off his jacket and gave it to me. I tightened my hold on him and fell further into the smell of this man. He relaxed in my arms and went a bit slower, but I didn't know the difference. All I knew was, this night was certainly an interesting one. Let's just hope he isn't some perverted rapist or something.