

We all know about the word ‘Essence’. Heard a lot about it, making use of it. Commonly known as an extract of herbs and food. Regardless, what if this essence is a part of a natural element. Like Fire, water, earth, and wind; imagine a rare element called Essence….. Eden, called in full name Eden Locker discovers on his thirteenth birthday that he is mixed blood, Magus. Unlike some humans around him who are half or sometimes pure. This growing Magus can easily change the circulation of his blood from complete human to pure Magus. It is a story of an orphan boy who is adapter by a family that also carries a different bloodline. At first, life remains normal for him but, then one day everything changes when Eden gets an invitation from the school named Bridge to Golden Gate. A school where the combination of fantasy and reality features a different world. Along with a new journey in life, Eden also encounters a different system. Quest after quest, Eden began to attach along with the system when suddenly the Main Quest opens itself and ask him to complete a quest that is forbidden in the school. What will Eden do to complete it? Will there be further quests such as this? How will Eden Locker adjust his life path along with the new system and the fantasy school? Come and have fun in discord and learn more about my works: https://discord.gg/HtVYhwEq

Ninestar619_5803 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
124 Chs

A long term mission ends up in failure.

"EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!" he demanded an explanation immediately.

The man gazed at her with his eyes beaming with anger but, the Lady kept her calm,

"Sir, the mission constant for decades. As its reports were said to appear aft-"

"After decades, YES!" roared the man interrupting, "I have waited for so long for the mission's report and then!


"...." The lady named Cosmo had nothing but, silence to maintain. Her lips began to shiver as her structure was trembling.

The man in the pale suit analyzed her status and could say she was frightened even though, she was the strongest command in the army.

Suddenly, the man STAMP on the table with his huge fist, frightening both the human with their heart beak sped within seconds.

"WHAT'S WRONG?! WHY THE SILENCES?!!" asked the general in rage.

Unfortunately, the Lady did not know how to reply to what to say.

How would she deliver a failure to a man who never met failure in his life?

Everyone knew about his rude and strict statics that won battles, then from nowhere a command presents a bouquet of failure.

Who can imagine the result or the next move of this man?

Of course, death was a fine wish.

But, even death was shamefully requested for the lady to ask her leader.

Due to this she chose silence.

The general understood all her fear. Why should he wait for a sentence of the report, when they have all died inside the command's throat?

Immediately, the General snatched the file from the table and tore it open.

His hands were bulky that could smash a skull open as easily aa paper however, the paper was the only lucky object that survived his tear.

It was a detailed report about their long-termed mission, with the title:


Below came the details.




The current mission had progressed as plotted from the start.

The combination of ten different groupgroupsided in five teams, each in two parties.

The plot was:

Each Magus bloodline holder or a Magus was to be haunted down and slayer.

A special hidden force was established to slay all Magus Bloodline.

The force was equipped by Party A and Party B with all the latest technologies and resources from all parts of the world to accomplish the task, no matter the cause.

Furthermore, the mission also consisted of a covert plan to openly murder the entire members of the Black Crest Family.

They would be taken as a great wall of lockage for the mission to be a success.

During the progress of the mission, the troops received unexpected allies from many corners of the world, which provided a heating support in hunting the last family from around the world.

Thus, this mission went on for decades.

It was completely covered from the eyes of the higher-up, armies, authorities and governments of the world.

It was a long endless mission, full of searching and killing from every corner of the planet.

The results were delayed serval times due to sudden call of a Magus bloodline holder.

Thus, after the progress of the mission for serval decades, the result were finally expected to be delivered.

Collecting the information took about six months for till the final record.

Conclusion: On the day of the results, it was reported that the mission has been failed.

Status of Failure: ONE last Magus Bloodline still exist on the earth. He is also known as the last member of the Black Crest Family.



'FAILURE' stamped in red was marked on the report paper.

There was a short silence in room.

Even this silence felt like the silence of haunted houses. Both the gender's beat was starting to beat loud in terror.

Suddenly, the paper twisted, "'HIW DID HE SURVIVORED?!" he roared, slapping off the file on the two people's hue, "I need an answer."

No one could wait now or keep his silence.

If they did, this man might end up killing both the people and rush away looking for the reason for himself.

It was much safer to reply him rather than maintaining silences or else who know what would be the condition of the rest sector.

The man in pale suit replied that he had no clue of what was going on.

However, he regraded opening his mouth. It would have been better of the lady had spoken first.

The moment he replied this, hard fist came up and punched his face, twisting his skull around till his neck almost cracked and he was thrown towards the wall, knocked out. All his papers, scattered on the floor, untidy the earth

Viewing this, the lady turned terrified, soaking up in sweat. She realized that her turn was next.

Even if she spoke first, still she was going to be hit. It was no use to calm down this man.

He was turning into a monster that was impossible to be enchained.

For her side, she seriously reminds calm because she learned that she was the one to bring this news to the beast.

Thus, she will have to face the consequences which didn't affect her much due to her level of skills in the army.

Yet, standing in this red zone, all she could do was pray to leave this room alive.

The moment she gazed at her officer, a large grip dragged her collar, pulling her high on air, hanging her which began to choke her breathe.

"you are the worst spier, I have ever seen" clenched the man his teeth in rage as he held her mercilessly, "After all the training you won through. After winning the tops rank of spy in my army, this is how you show me your face…."

He squeaked her collar, locking her breath in her chest. The lady began to struggle for freedom that seem hopeless from his grip.

As her legs hung, she choked and inhaled for her lungs but, the lock was too hard.

The man thundered, "You were sent as spicy in that era then why didn't you perform your duty well…... ANSWER ME?!"

"Sir…. sir…. Please give me a second." Struggled the lady appearing as a poor puppet, "Please I can explain it to you! honest! AH…AH!" she cried.

The man thankfully let her talk as he brought her down on her feet but, didn't release her off.

"BARK!!!" he roared.

The lady named Cosmo, known as a spicy in the BLACK WING AMRY explained thoroughly that it was her personal duty to kill all the ladies of the Black crest family and murder all the girls mercilessly, leaving no trace of them.

Burning off their body was the best thing she did, rather than burning them.

As the reviewing process came and to scan the assignment as justification, she changed her job serval times, in different fields.

She became a nurse, a doctor, an engineer, a fighter, a sportswoman.

She also changed her ranks as an employer, laborer, servant, maid, or secretary while searching for any family to ben spared.

This process took her a year and six months.

When recently in the day they were satisfied that the mission has boon over, and she was enjoying her vacation in a ceremony as a rest from the long period of work...….

There suddenly, shattered into pieces.

There hard work was washed away on front of their eyes by the weave of the wind.

"A youth stood up on the podium by the end of the show with the Magus Bloodline flowing within...him…" replied the lady in fear as it started taking over her.

The wild gaze of the huge monster was starting eat her up in terror. While the anger man was hearing her grave,

"At first I thought he was faking around that how on earth a Magus can eb still alive after a long search and massacring.

But, then he proved himself, his status in common sense.

There it was clear for me. I assume that he was the real Magus bloodline holder and the worst part, he is from that family…."

"DARN IT!" raged up the man asking, "Then why didn't you pick up the chance and kill him by your dragger at that moment?"

He added a point that surely, he was wide opened. All you need you do was stab him at his back till the sharp dragger pulls off the heart from the front, "WHY SUCH LAZINESS? WAS ALL THIS TO INSULT ME?!"

"I deeply apologizes for my reply. I never intended to do such a thing to one of our great generals but, the stage wasn't the right place to do it…." shivered the lady as she explained her weakness.

"'WHY NOT?!" thundered the General, "WHAT ON EARTH CAN BLOCK MY SPICES?!" he shouted on her face.

"SIR…. PLEASE UNDERSTAND ME…..." begged the lady, "Those eight principals and the worst one of all of them is the Principal of Knowledge.

He had doubt on me since the day I entered the school pretending to be a teacher.

I had a lot of troubles in avoiding him in all my actions.

I was serious trouble out there.... Because of him."

"Which place does that idiot lives in?" asked the man lifting up the body.

"It's... it's…. among those three Academy in the world." answered the lady struggling.

"WHICH ONE?!" barked the man at her when she breathe her last strength replying,


"And what type of Magus is he?" he asked one last question before boiling up in the fire, "A dark Magus or a summon type!"

"I can't say it clearly, sir…." Replied the lady at her whispers, pumping her voice out of her lungs, "I.... can say.... that …. he is an Albino Magus…. Those rare types...AH! AH!" his arms fell lose taking, losing all her strength.