
Eden Cooper:Killer's in the wood

Dedicated to her career as a detective, Eden Cooper must find out what's behind the killings in Willowbrook. Almost everyday, bodies are found in the woods and they all have one thing in common, a strange bite mark or scratch. In a bid to unravel the mystery behind these deaths, Eden comes across an attractive stalker, Lowell Keelin. Lowell is a Werewolf who claimed Eden was his mate and him stalking her was just to protect her. It took Eden a while to understand who or what he was protecting her from but by then, pieces came together and they led to Lowell being the killer. Initially growing feelings for a humorous and attractive Lowell, Eden felt betrayed that she had fallen in love with a serial killer and vowed to put him behind bars. Lowell however insists on being innocent. Who is the killer in the woods?

Esther_Olayode · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 4

Eden Cooper


"Unit 15, section D, should be disbursed within the perimeter of the affected area. Search parties, K-19 shepherd teams, inspectors and other attack order restoring management are to find themselves..."

Orders oozed out of the PA system and everyone was moving to and fro to their allocated spaces. Eden grabbed her pistol and fixed it in the holster before taking her car keys. Her eyes caught the picture frame of herself in a college graduating gown, smiling at the camera with her mom and dad by her side with the same huge smiles on their faces. She let out a little smile, as she remembered how those smiles had turned sour when she proposed going to the police academy to them.

"I'd like to speak to you, Detective Cooper.", a familiar hoarse voice called behind her.

"I'm a little too busy now, Chief. Can it wait until I'm back?"

She made to move, but the bulky man placed his hand on the table blocking her way.

"It's an order."

Eden watched as the place got empty, and she was left with her boss eventually. Her heart was ramming against her ribcage, as she wondered what it was he wanted to tell her.

"Is everything okay, Sir?" She asked, trying to be as neutral as she could.

"Not as okay as I thought. Yesterday, you..." He lowered his voice which switched from commanding to suggestive. "...do you think what happened was truly a bear attack?"

Eden straightened, her heart pleading to fly out of her chest. What was he trying to insinuate, and why did he decide to discuss this with her?

"I...I don't get you, Sir."

Hamilton banged his palm on the table, his face red from what she guessed to be either excitement from what he discovered or frustration because she wasn't getting his point.

"Don't you get it?", he turned to look at her again. "For years, we haven't recorded any murder case or bear attack. What if someone is out there killing these people and pretending to be bears?"

"We cannot guess cases, Chief. It's imperative that we follow protocols, find out evidences and hold whoever is responsible."

Hamilton dug a hand in his pocket and brought out rumpled papers. Turns out they were pictures. He straightened them on the table.

"Look at this", he pointed at one with a teenager wearing a high school uniform. She was a pretty dark haired girl with such gay smiles. It's quite unfortunate that death chose her to punish. "This is the daughter of one of the most influential people in the town or country."

"Why was she staying in Willowbrook and not in the city like other rich kids?" Eden asked.

"Because she came here to spend the weekend with her dad. Her parents got separated when she was four, poor baby, and now she's separated from either of them."

"The other one," Eden quickly pointed, trying to avoid any emotional diaspora. "Who's that?"

"This is Esther Drake, a singer and also the daughter of a very influential man in this town. A linked case; a linked reason."

"Calm down, Chief. We haven't got to the root of the matter." She suggested, before picking up the third one that had the face of a teenage boy with dark hair and till green eyes. As she ran a finger over the picture, it reminded her of Lowell, the mentally deranged man who had broken into her house the night before. Their stories had been quite similar, but she wasn't ready to believe anything crazy. Her life was enough mess already.

"The son of...."

"A very influential man in the country." She finished for him. "Do you, by any chance, suspect that these rich men could belong in a cult, maybe?"

Hamilton raised his brows. "Like the illuminati?", he huffed. "I thought you were smart."

"What? You should hear me out first. This is the only logical explanation."

"That they all belong to a cult group? Hell, these people barely relate..."

"Linked cases, remember?"

"No. What I'm saying is that there is someone out there killing the rich people's kids to instill fear so that when next they come requesting for valuables, it would be given without hesitation. Now, work on that." His voice had now regained its commanding tone. "I need you to visit every one of the victim's house and ask them questions." He turned to go, but then paused and glanced back. "No freaky or weird questions, city cop."

She wished he would stop calling her that. Rolling her eyes at the new job assigned to her, she jumped into her car and made towards Esther's parent's house on the hills. It was a long drive that took an hour and a half. The house was, however, worth the stress, as it settled on a hill, overlooking the bridge, creeks, steeped mountains and the road. It was mainly built with glass, such that she could see through into the living room as she drove on to the garage.

It was a high tech house; typical of rich people living in rural areas. What they were looking for in such a place, she couldn't place her finger on it. Perhaps, the freaking and weird questions would help.

"Detective Cooper from the WPD. I'm here for a few questioning as regards the death of Esther Drake, if you don't mind." She flashed her badge at them, but they eyed her suspiciously before opening the door wider for her to enter.

"So, when last did you hear from Esther, and what did she tell you when you did?"

The mother looked too young to have birthed a twenty-nine years old child, while the husband still looks very much youthful as well. She had her black hair styled in the most sophisticated way, and asides from the lack of make up on her face, she looked flashy. Her husband simply wore a grey sweatshirt and pants.

"Esther never really had a good relationship with either of us." Eden's hand paused as she wanted to write. The woman's answer reminded her of her own parents.

"Why?", she inquired again.

"We never really wanted her to become a singer. I mean, there were several businesses to oversee, but she chose to be a singer?", the father said. She could feel the pain in his voice.

"You know you can't...we can't really choose what our kids are passionate about. They may be your kids, but remember they are a living soul like you that deserve to make their own decisions."

After several other questions, she was able to note that the last time they talked to Esther had been a few weeks ago, when she'd gladly told them she would be coming home. She was ready to reconcile with them, but she never got the chance to do so. As she left the house, Marianne, Esther's mom, was behind her. She turned to thank them.

"Thank you for your time, Mrs. Drake.", She pulled out a hand which she took in a shake.

"Do you have kids?" Her husband showed up just before she left.

"No, but I have parents, so I know what it's like."