
Eden: Aurora Mission

In the shadows of space, humanity's last hope travels aboard the Eden spacecraft, searching for a new home among the stars. Among them is Avery, a young woman haunted by the ghosts of war and loss, who finds herself at the center of a daring mission-the Aurora mission. The target? An unknown planet, full of mysteries and promises. But nothing is as it seems. Upon landing, they discover a lost alien civilization, frozen in time, venerating the artifacts of an ancient race that vanished without a trace. As Avery delves into the culture and history of these strange beings, she encounters an unexpected ally-a native who offers her a new perspective on life, war, and the truth about her own past. Yet, as dark secrets come to light, Avery begins to question everything she thought she knew. A web of lies surrounds the Aurora mission, and a sinister connection between the vanished ancestral race and the fate of Earth emerges. On the verge of a discovery that could alter the course of two civilizations, Avery faces a terrible dilemma. Can she bear the burden of two races, or will the attempt to save humanity lead to her downfall? In a universe full of uncertainties, one thing is certain: Avery's journey will define the dawn of a new world or the twilight of humanity.

Elysian_Emberwood · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

Chapter 1

In a distant future, in the year 2150, Earth faces devastating consequences due to conflicts and environmental disasters. A global war reaches its climax, and the resulting destruction threatens the survival of humanity. With time running out and little hope for the future of the planet, the survivors embark on the colonization ship Eden.

This ship, a colossal engineering feat, had originally been conceived as a landmark of human space expansion, a symbol of our ability to reach the stars. However, destiny had other plans, and Eden became a sanctuary, a refuge for the last survivors of humanity. Now, as they traverse the vast cosmos, the passengers of this ship find themselves free from old conflicts and prejudices, united by a common mission: to seek a new home, a fresh start for humanity.

Avery is awakened by the alarm clock on the bedside table, blaring loudly. Getting out of bed with a grunt, Avery, still half-groggy from the short sleep, stretches and begins to walk towards the bathroom, stumbling over clothes scattered around the room in an organized mess, in her opinion, not seeing the need to tidy everything up. Continuing to walk towards the small bathroom in her room to take a shower and try to shake off the sleep that is overwhelming her, as she steps out of the shower, Avery finds herself looking at the mirror in front of her, seeing the reflection of a 20-year-old woman with wet red hair around her head. Her face is dry and gaunt from the little food she has been eating due to rationing in recent months. Her body, though slim, exhibits the defined muscles from her training on the Eden. Her turquoise-blue eyes, cloudy and dull, reflect her memories from 15 years ago when she boarded the Eden.

Avery vividly and clearly remembers the catastrophic events that marked her childhood, as if she were reliving them. War ravaged the Earth, turning it into a chaotic and desolate battlefield. Explosions echoed as smoke rose in black spirals on the horizon. Her mother ran, carrying her in her arms, trying to protect little Avery from the atrocities happening around them.

As the war came to an end, the consequences of human actions revealed themselves through large-scale natural disasters. Devastating earthquakes, unprecedented hurricanes and storms, and raging fires consumed the world. It was a period of loss and uncertainty, in which Avery and her mother were forced to seek refuge with other survivors aboard the Eden.

Now, alone in the bathroom, memories of those dark times haunt Avery like vivid nightmares. She finds herself standing in front of the mirror, trembling and gasping, unable to control the anguish consuming her. Clinging to the sink tightly, hot tears stream down her face as she tries in vain to contain the sobs threatening to escape. It is another panic attack, a bitter consequence of the painful memories that now and then return to torment her.

With a herculean effort, Avery reaches her thin, pale fingers towards the silver locket resting on her heart. She opens it, revealing the photo of her mother, the only family she knew. Since boarding the Eden, she has had no news of her and doesn't know if she is alive or dead. With trembling fingers, Avery caresses the photo, revisiting memories of happy days she spent with her mother. The soothing and comforting memories help calm her panic attack, and a ghostly smile begins to form on her pale lips, now regaining color.

With renewed determination, Avery straightens up in front of the mirror and begins to regulate her breathing, focusing on inhaling and exhaling in a calm and steady rhythm. She wraps herself in a red towel hanging on the metal rack beside her and feels grateful to have found a way to deal with her panic attacks. Although she knows they will still occur, Avery feels stronger and more capable of facing them now that she has her mother in mind and breathing techniques under control.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Avery meticulously puts on her recruit uniform. The sturdy black pants have gray details in the seams, giving a sleek and functional look. Over a breathable white shirt, she wears a black vest embroidered with the Eden symbol on the left side of her chest.

The Eden symbol depicts a majestic tree with lush branches reaching towards the sky, while its roots intertwine to form a circle with a robust trunk at the center. Avery learned in one of her classes that this symbol represents the Tree of Life, an emblem of vitality, strength, and the ability to overcome adversity. This powerful image is taught to all children and teenagers aboard the ship as a constant reminder of the ideology necessary for humanity to thrive once again.

Over the shirt, Avery puts on a long-sleeved black jacket, also adorned with the Eden symbol, standing out against the dark fabric. The jacket has strategically positioned pockets and sturdy closures, ensuring that essential items are always within reach. Finally, she puts on a pair of dark gray boots with non-slip soles and ankle support, designed to withstand the toughest terrains without compromising comfort.

Walking through the bustling corridor, Avery is lost in her thoughts when she feels an arm draped over her shoulders. She turns to the side and finds her long-time friend, Kyle, who greets her with a warm smile. Kyle has short, curly black hair cascading over his forehead in an always pleasantly messy manner. His face has well-defined bone structure but is softened by smooth, fair skin. There's a stubble on his chin, indicating that he must have recently started growing it. His light brown eyes have a playful expression that seems to light up his whole face. He is slim, but not frail; on the contrary, there's a certain solidity in his movements that denotes a healthy physique. Avery knows he's the kind of person who likes to take care of himself, but not in an overly obsessive way-he simply values appearance and health.

"Kyle, what kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?" Avery asks, rolling her eyes at Kyle's now wider smile.

"Oh, come on, Avery. I thought you were my friend," Kyle replies, with a smile on his face and a playful look at his friend, before averting his gaze to avoid her critical stare. "I just swapped Richard's shampoo with blue dye, a graduation gift," he adds, releasing a laugh he had been holding in when he hears Avery's muffled laughter, which she tries to hide with a cough.

"Really, Kyle, you're a genius. Maybe you should apply to MIT instead of being a guard on the Eden," Avery says, returning a smile to her friend, who pretends to be offended by what she said. "Don't look at me like that. Even you were surprised when you were chosen to be part of the Eden guard pilots," she adds, lightly elbowing her friend's belly, while enjoying the memory of Kyle's shocked expression at graduation.

"Maybe they picked me for my good looks. Someone needs to make that place shine a bit with all that black and gray theme...," Kyle says, lowering his voice as he reaches the end of his sentence. He imagines all those serious and somber people on the floor, devoid of any sense of humor. "I won't survive that. I'll definitely die of boredom. You'll have to bury me after I die of acute boredom," he concludes, giving a pitiful look to Avery, after all his excitement with the prank he played on Richard earlier.

"Technically, I'd throw you into space since we don't have enough land to bury you and your ego here on the Eden," Avery says, adjusting her uniform and making sure everything is in place. "And you won't be alone; I'll be there too, or have you forgotten who was your partner in all the mischief we made in school?" she adds, giving a mischievous smile to her downcast friend by her side. "We still have each other, so it'll just be another challenge for us, forever together, remember?" she extends her hand with her pinky finger raised towards Kyle, who intertwines their pinkies just like when they made the promise never to part as children.

Avery and Kyle walk through the illuminated corridors of Eden with firm and confident steps. The two stand out in their standardized gray recruit uniforms, contrasting with a crowd of all colors and styles of clothing moving through the main corridors of the ship. The sounds of conversations, footsteps, and work equipment echo through the space, creating an atmosphere of intense activity.

As they walk, they pass through various compact and efficient residential areas, designed to accommodate families and individuals, providing privacy and security. Occasionally, windows offer breathtaking views of space, serving as a reminder of the extraordinary environment they find themselves in.

Along their route, they cross communal spaces and leisure areas where the ship's inhabitants have opportunities to socialize and maintain a sense of normalcy. In the center of the ship, they catch a glimpse of the large glass dome that houses a green park, a tranquil and serene environment for the colonists to reconnect with nature. This space is also used for hydroponic and aquaponic farming, ensuring the self-sufficiency of food on Eden.

Avery and Kyle continue walking, absorbing the complexity and vibrant life that fills the corridors of this incredible colonization ship.

As the recruits approach the intersection gate of Section 2 of Eden, the commotion subsides, giving way to a more formal and organized environment. The presence of the ship's guards, all dressed in the same black and gray uniform, conveys a sense of security and confidence. Every detail of their uniforms seems to have been carefully designed to represent the values of Eden 07, such as vitality, strength, and the ability to overcome challenges.

The recruits waiting in line for inspection and approval to enter the guard's center in Section 2 appear tense and anxious, some whispering quietly to each other while others remain silent, observing the guards attentively. The sound of footsteps and voices blends with the ventilation, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and tension.

Avery and Kyle approach the line, sensing the anxiety among the other recruits. They know they are about to take another step in their journey to become members of Eden, and the determination in their eyes reflects that certainty. They exchange a quick glance, as if encouraging each other, and then join the line, ready to face whatever lies ahead.

Just as they position themselves in line, an imposing guard at the end of the corridor steps forward, his footsteps resonating in the ensuing silence. He raises his hand, capturing everyone's attention, and speaks with a firm and resonant voice:

"Attention, recruits. The inspection and approval process will begin now. Maintain order and composure. Remember, you are about to enter the heart of Eden."

The tension mounts, but so does the determination in the recruits' eyes. They are ready. This is the challenge they are willing to face for a place in Eden.

The guard, exuding unquestionable authority, marches back to the gate. The intense light emanating from the other side carves a dramatic shadow, transforming him into a powerful silhouette in the corridor. Avery and Kyle exchange a glance of mutual recognition. This is the challenge they accepted to confront.

Suddenly, the deafening silence is shattered by the sound of the heavy intersection gate opening. A torrent of light bursts forth from the guard complex, engulfing the corridor and revealing a glimpse of the unknown that awaits them. The uncertainty of what lies beyond, still concealed, stirs electrifying restlessness.

But in the instant the light from the complex touches their eyes, Avery and Kyle's expressions transform. They stand motionless, their gazes fixed, pure surprise written on their faces. What they see beyond the gate is something unexpected, something that makes them question everything they have ever known.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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