
Eden's Lost Light

A world in the distant future, where VRMMORPG is the new trend. It's the game called a game where the end goal is to find the distant utopia and if you find it, you will be the next GM of the world, it swept through the markets, having millions of players worldwide including our main character who had some "help" buying one.

KingAka20 · Games
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22 Chs

The Real World Also Have <Quests>

Going inside the local convenience store and Clarent bought himself some cup noodles. Then the t.v. in the convenience store sounded and the news about the next pro league in the area was happening in just a month woke the energy inside Clarent.

Even though it's called a pro league, it's just a mini-tournament hosted by the town every 2 months. All towns have that. Clarent has already planned to join it, but he would need a team to join.

"If I want to pay the debt that my old man left me, I'd need to join it someday."

"What is it, sir?"

"Nothing, anyway. Here's my payment."

Clarent handed him a dollar bill and immediately went out. Once he entered his newly developed room, he poured some water into a kettle and heated it. While waiting for it to heat, he had prioritized his goals.

"First, I need to find a party to make farming easier, and so that I can enter that tournament. The minimum amount recommended is 6, and the maximum recommended is 10. A party needs to consist of a Vanguard, a Range Dealer, a buffer, a mage, and the Main Damage Dealer."

A vanguard is a tank and is always, at most times, the one who starts the fighting while tanking all the damage, a range dealer, like the mage supports the vanguard from the rear, but unlike the mage who needs time to cast spells, the range dealer acts as a scout and bodyguard for the mage and buffer, while the buffer heals, and provides buffs for the entire team, and the Main Damage Dealer, as the name entails its someone who does the most damage of the team, and the most skilled.

"Then I have the case, such as my debt, which is due at the end of the month. Looks like I need to get down on my knees again and beg."

"And last, the last <quest> I received is the Armageddon update. I've seen in the community that you don't have to wait for maintenance to update the game, rather in the game when you're playing the system itself would give you a <quest> related to the update, and it didn't matter if you complete or not."

In a year or two, the Armageddon update would've already taken place and the deal with Aiko would be void, and she might make all the modifications of the apartment a debt that Clarent could never hope to pay.

The kettle shrieked, and once Clarent turned off the stove, he poured the hot water into the cup noodles.

"Damn, so for now, let's find ourselves a party."

After waiting for the noodles to cook, and eating them, Clarent took a bath and slept on his new bed (Provided By: Aiko!), and the next day he immediately went to play the game.


Upon entering the game again. I was in front of the fountain and not in the forest, showing that I'd died in the game, right before it forcefully logged me out, but before I died, I completed the <quest>, so I should've gotten my rewards.

Though my equipment are almost broken, in just one hit from that damn ogre. I should have gained at least a title and an item from that system <quest>.




Race: Demi-God, Human

Parent Deity: The Unknown

Name: Clarent

Age: 26

Level: 42

Class: 'Alcorian Disciple Swordsman'

Titles: Saviour of a Tribe (Rare), Ogre Slayer (Rare), Rising Star (Rare), Saviour of Alcor (Unique), Ye Who Witnessed The Beginning of Armageddon (Mythic).

HP: 5,676/5,676 MP: 2,222/2,222

Stats: (Str): 85 (+60) (Agi): 146 (+55) (Vit): 105 (+50) (Int): 98 (+35) (Magic Power): 70(+95)

Skills: Sword Mastery (Advanced), First Aid (Intermediate), Digging (Beginner), Sharpening (Beginner), Observation (Advanced), Repairing (Intermediate), Cleaning (Intermediate), Magic Resistance (Advanced), Fiery Wrath of Alcor (Advanced).

Class Skills: Alcorian Sword Style (Advanced), Alcorian Breathing Technique (Advanced), Alcorian Mana Control (Advanced).

Racial Traits: Divine Blood.

Unallocated Points: 0


Ogre Slayer and Rising Star are titles I've heard of before. Ogre Slayer gives me more health by 10%, 10 to vitality, and 10 to strength, while Rising Star improves my reputation with the people around the world, and improves all of my stats by 5.

But Saviour of Alcor and... Ye Who Witnessed The Beginning of Armageddon...


[Clarent.Exe has stopped working]

[Your heart rate has increased to a dangerous degree!]

I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself down, but it wasn't working at all. A damn (Mythic) rarity title has been given to me, while there's only one of each, a (Mythic) is something that's incomparable, and is something that could attract even more unwanted attention!

First, let's check Saviour of Alcor.


[Saviour of Alcor](Unique)

You've saved Alcor from a certain disaster, either you directed an army to save it or were the one who fends off the disaster. If it were not for your efforts, Alcor would've been destroyed. You gain a +15 for all stats, a 50% discount on all items in Alcor, and skills related to Alcor are now 100% more effective.


Though for some this would seem like a trash title for its effects, but not for me. Since I thrive on that last effect, especially the 50% discount on all items, easier access to repairs, item commissions, and potions, which are considered the most expensive items in-game thus far.

Now, time to check the last one.


[Ye Who Witnessed The Beginning of Armageddon](Mythic)

It is fitting for 'Alcor', the Town of Beginnings, to be the first place where the first signs of Armageddon take place, for the beginning and the end is just both sides of a coin. You gain +50 to Magic Power, Health, and Mana increase by 100%, and you have increased mana and stamina regeneration by 50%.


This is one of, if not the best, I've gotten so far. In the game, there are only a few titles and items that give increased mana and stamina regeneration of that amount, together with the increased health and mana by 100%, I'm basically at the same stat level as a level 80 player.

And if I remember correctly, I also received a hundred gold and a unique item.


[Emperor Alcor The First' Wrath](Unique)

Durability: 2,500/2,500

Damage: 1,000-2,500

Additional Effects: +10 Strength, +10 Magic Power, You gain the skill 'Fiery Wrath of Alcor' (Advance) only when you equip this weapon.

A sword that emits a fiery radiance that replicates Emperor Alcor the First' wrath, and righteousness when this sword is drawn when he was uniting the kingdom of man, is one of the 8 sword series.

Condition of Use: You need to be an 'Alcorian Disciple Swordsman'


The sword looks like a European long sword but is made of gold, with the handle wrapped in red leather, and the pommel resembling a dragon's head with red gems in the eyes. Even the scabbard is gold with jewelry embedded in it.

I went to Rosaria's smithy, and when her assistants saw me they went my way and crowded me immediately, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Hey, hey, is it true that you killed a hundred ogres?"


"Is it true that you summoned a beacon of light in the sky and is the prophet of Emperor Alcor The First?"


"Of course that's true. It's said that a descendant of Alcor will save the Town of Beginnings! And isn't that what he just did?"

"One by one."

"So, can we have your autograph?"

The assistants and disciple smiths pulled out fountain pens and papers while handing them to me. This overwhelmed me, and I can't imagine myself once I go to the capital.

"Oy! Ya twats get back here and work before I gut every single last one ya, in front of your families!"

"Hiek, yes ma'am!"

Rosaria glared at her team as they head back inside, shuddering from her threat. But why does it feel like she would do exactly what she said?

"Look at ya! Already all grown, and of course abusin my babies, now give it ere, and I'll fix em' up real nice."

I gave her my equipment, and at least the system puts me in my default clothes if it's still in my inventory when I unequip my current items. Once I gave it to her, she immediately handed it back. The damages on the items were all gone like a miracle took place.

"So, where are you heading? You've basically graduated from this place already."

She's right, but there's a guy or two I needed to visit before leaving this place, the guard and the master. After that, I need to find a party and raid dungeons.

"Ooh, nice sword ya got there, but be wary. Those overzealous folks might label you as a heretic."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful. Anyway, please take care."

"Bah, just go, <Hero of Alcor>."

Now, where are those two? Unknown to me, I have to fight against the Giant's Hand Guild as I arrive at the Alcorian Swordsmanship Academy.