
Eden's Generation

**WARNING SPOILERS FOR THE FIRST FEW CHAPTERS** In the Aozora Galaxy exists 3 Planets that are constantly at war with each other. Planet Dynatos where it's inhabitants have a large amount of mana and a sturdy body but are behind in technology, then there is Planet Exynia where it's inhabitants have little to no mana but they are super intelligent and are much more technology advanced, and last but not least are Planet Avari where human resides, where human doesn't possess as much mana as the people of Dynatos and doesn't have as much intelligence as the people of Exynia, but humans have the potential to surpass them. After an intense battle, that caused the death of Rayden's best friend, he felt that life is now meaningless. Ray have become depressed and keep thinking that he should have died instead of his best friend. Until one day he decided to end it all, but he only wants to die while fighting, so he secretly take a mission that is too strong for him alone. But even that won't kill him. Feeling that he's out of option, he decided to die with his own hand, but before he could do that, he saw a child injured with his dead mother in the middle of the snowfield. Will Ray found meaning in life once more? Will that child be the key to curing Ray? *It's both sci fi and fantasy* *Just a head up, I'm trying to make this story continue down the lineage like Jojo's Bizzare Adventure* *Also this is my first time ever writing a story so I'm sorry if there are mistakes*

RelRel · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Black Drakon attacks

After a 10 hour journey through a private jet, the group arrives in front of The BloodMoon Forest. The BloodMoon Forest is a unique forest different from the other, when there's a full moon, all the monster in the forest will become blood lusted, thus every morning after a full moon the forest smelled like blood and is filled with the corpse of animals eaten by the monsters.

"Hhhh it gives me the creep every time I come here" Luna said whilst shivering

"Oh, come on now, how can you hate this smell of blood and animal corpses" Ray said sarcastically

"Alright now, less joking and more serious now, this could potentially be our most dangerous mission yet" Luke reminds them

"Yeah yeah, let's finish this quickly so that you can be a family man" Ray teases Luke.

Then all three of them starts entering the forest

After half an hour have passed, Ray starts to wonder

"Hmm this is weird, how come we haven't seen anything yet? Not just the monster that we haven't seen, not even a single animal was seen"

"Yeah even though the forest stinks of blood and corpses, we haven't even seen a single corpse in the forest" Luna replied

But then Luke sense something ominous. Luke then held his hand up with a tight fist to signal Ray and Luna to stop. After they stops, they started to observe a particular cave in the forest

"That's where the smells of corpse in the forest came from, it seems that all of the corpse were all in that cave"

"No wonder we didn't find any corpse on the way here"

Then a black figure comes out of the cave

It's a Black Drakon, the Black Drakon seems to have a long messy black hair with yellow eyes, His Body is that of a lean muscular young man with the height of 2,5 meters, He seems to wear something like a black garb with his chest and abs being shown, and he seems to be carrying a great sword in his back.

"Ughh why do I have to this shit job anyway? I hate being stealthy like this"

"If only the portal could be completed in just a day, now I'm stuck here guarding this place for a month"

"At least the monster around here was delicious" The Black Drakon casually complained while stretching

Ray looked at his clan member then whisper "It seems like it's a young Black Drakon instead of an ancient one, and we've confirmed that they are planting a portal here, we'll retreat right away"

Ray then reports to the guild a report of their founding through his phone

But the Black Drakon sense that there are people hiding at the top of tree branches

Then suddenly the Black Drakon disappears from Ray's view then reappear directly in front of them

"I SEE YOU!!!!" the Black Drakon smiles

As both Luke and Ray got startled by the sudden appearance of the Black Drakon in front of them, Luna who is a few steps back from them managed to make a move


Just before the Drakon's claw managed to reach the startled Luke, A muscular man symbolizing the Lion Zodiac sign came attacking from above

|ZODIAC SUMMON| is Luna aeryn's ability to summon The 12 Zodiacs, while in the beginning she could only summon one at a time, now she is able to summon 3 at a time while having borrowed of the Zodiacs power into her own

"Hahahahaha, you're pretty good to have survive that attack from the mighty me!" Leo speaks proudly

*whistles* "To think that you could tank that attack, this ought to be interesting" the Black Drakon smiles harder

"Hear me as my name is Kiros Mavros, the second son of the Mavros Royal family" Kiros proudly introduces himself

"NOW! It's our chance to retreat!!" Ray shouts

"Ohoho no can do, I've already created a barrier surrounding the forest, once you went into the forest, no one can get out! Hahahaha" Kiros laughs

"I'll take the pleasure to take all 4 of you at the same time"

"Shit! I guess we have no choice than to fight him" said Ray

"It's fine, he's not an ancient type, we should be able to take him down" Luke says calming the tension

"Still, he's a royalty, he's going to be more powerful than a normal Drakon" Ray replies

"Then I guess we have no choice but to go all out" said Luna with a slight smile


Then a large muscular man with a giant golden axe in his back and a Centaur with Bow and arrows made out of magic appears, they are Taurus and Sagitarius.

Taurus is an enormous muscular man twice the size of Ray with black and white hair and a mustache. While Sagitarius is a muscular half man half horse with long brown hair.

"Taurus fight in the front with Leo and Ray! Luke prepare a level 8 magic in case something goes wrong! And Sagitarius let me borrow your power and help me supports from a distance"

"Yes milady!" Leo, Taurus and Sagitarius obeys her

"Hahahahaha this is going to be interesting" Kiros laughs out loud

"Consider this an honor boy" said Leo while he swung a punch towards Kiros

Kiros dodges easily, but before he could counter attack, suddenly a giant golden axe is swung to his head. After Kiros barely dodged the axe he smiles even harder

"Ha! Is that really it? The power of a Black Drakon?! You couldn't even attacked and have only been dodging this whole time!" Leo mocks Kiros but but the provocation just falls to Kiros's deaf ear

After dodging multiple hits from Taurus and Leo and arrow shots from Luna and Sagitarius, Kiros realizes that the blonde-haired man hasn't started attacking him

Kiros smirked "I GUESS I NEED TO TAKE OUT THE WEAKLING FIRST", Kiros lunges towards Ray thinking he'll be an easy target.

But suddenly a giant red translucent shield appears surrounding Ray |ABSOLUTE SHIELD|

It's defense was so strong, that even Kiros claws shatters upon impact.

"To be called a weakling, how humiliating" Ray said to Kiros with a straight face

|ABSOLUTE MATERIALIZATION| is Rayden Aragorn's ability to conjure red translucent weapons out of pure magic, he could conjure it instantly that it advantages him a lot with an element of surprises in battles. His conjured weapons are not cheap of quality either, they are as sturdy if not more than the highest sold weapons in Avari. And because it's made out of pure magic, he can add additional effects to the conjured weapon with whatever he like whenever the time

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