
Eden’s Multiverse Journey

——HIATUS—— Given an opportunity like none other, Eden becomes the next Entity King (One Above All) and his only goal? enjoy life! Watch as our MC travels the multiverse doing whatever he wants without consequences! *No Rape* *No NTR, but there is Netori* *Serious Wish Fulfillment* —————————————— new author

XIIXIV · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

The Party Never Ends

For this world i chose another background.

i realized in the last world i didn't really use my family name for much.

This time since i know there's gonna be an apocalypse, so i'm gonna prepare the best i can.

My family is one of the most prestigious families in japan.

Our family specializes in weapons, medicine and food manufacturing as well as a plethora of other things.

We own the biggest estate in the area, not far from the Takagis

I enrolled in the same highschool as the protagonists to make sure to insert myself a little bit.


It's my first day at the new school and i'm standing in front of a teacher with blonde hair, her name is Kyoko Hayashi.

She's one of the women i want to save.

Where's Aya? she's getting to know her other sisters right now.

"Hello, Kaos-san; my name is Kyoko Hayashi, and i will be your teacher for this year. Stand at the door, i'll introduce you" i like her voice, she sounds strict, but nice if you're good.

Kyoko walked into the class and got ready to let me in.

"Okay everyone! we have a new student today, i hope you all treat him well, please Kaos-san come in." Like a wave, murmurs from all over the class came in.

"Is it the famous heir to the Kaos family?!"

"Why is he at this school?"

"How do i look? this is my chance to live the rich life i always wanted!"

"You have so much makeup on you look like an arts-n-crafts project, he won't want you slut!"

'wow these kids are really going for throats in their insults, seems like my kind of school'

"Good morning, my name is Eden Kaos, i hope to make friends with all of you through this year."

and then the questions rolled in, am i single, what hobbies i have, etc.

"My hobbies? i like to fight, spar, anything that gets my blood pumping."

although i didn't say this to exactly rouse Saekos interest, although i really do enjoy the surprise that flashed through her eyes, i genuinely like fighting.

After they calmed down i took a seat next to saeko and introduced myself.

"Hello, My name is Eden Kaos, nice to meet you, i hope you could show me around the school later?"

"Hello, Kaos-san, my name is Saeko Busujima, i'd be happy to show you around later."


After class Saeko showed me all the wonders of the school.

Finally we arrived at the Kendo Club.

"Oh! there's a kendo club? it seems right up my alley, do you think i can try out?" i showed surprise and then asked if i could try out.

"Well, Kaos-san, i am the captain of this club, i'd be happy to give you a tryout."

And that's how we started, me and Saeko got into position and started our spar.

She's really strong for a mortal human, it is definitely interesting.

Enough time has passed, i made a quick move and defeated her, pressing the wooden sword on her neck.

"Nice fight, Busujima-san, you're the strongest person i've ever fought against" this is true, other people i beat it wasn't really a fight, more like a one sided massacre.

"*pant* Nice one *pant* Kaos-san." i can't tell if she's breathing like that from being tired or…


After a few more sparring sessions and advising Saeko on her fighting style, i walked her to her dojo.

"Goodnight, Busujima-san."

"Hey, Kaos-san" While leaving she stopped me, me being a nice young respectful gentleman i am, i stopped and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Please, from now on call me Saeko, only my friends call me that, we seem to be the same, i'd be happy if you would accept that."

Yea, i may have showed a little bit of my sadistic side earlier, i limited my power to get a good fight with her and it relived a lot of stress.

"Of course, Saeko. Please call me Eden as well then." i smiled at her, turned around and started waking away.

If i would've turned around at that time i probably would've saw her blush and her eyes glaze after i said her name.


Moving on through the year, it quickly approached time for plot to start.

Through the years i kept a good relationship with Saeko, she definitely likes me but ill wait for the apocalypse to start to have more time with her.

I've interacted a few times with Rei and Saya.

i helped Rei with Shido when he tried to bother her, he may be arrogant with other students but my background is something his can't compare to.

I met saya during the mid-terms. she was in second place and had 20 more points than 3rd, and i had a full 100%

She was shocked since she thought i was just a rich kid who only knows how to fight, and she's a genius.

Her words, not mine.

I only got to see Shizuka once since i got a little too fierce during Kendo Club and a kid got hurt.

Did i do it on purpose to meet Shizuka? maybe.

"AHHH" i was awoken from drowning in my thoughts by a loud scream coming from outside the building.

Since Kyoko is currently in the classroom as i told her i needed help with something, so butterfly effect, some random teacher lady is being murdered right now.

I knew it was time for action, the announcement went off and kid's everywhere started screaming.

'Annoying' i thought and Saeko and I left the room.

Me and Saeko made our way through the building, killing zombies on the way, i noticed her letting out her sadistic side, though she's still holding back not wanting me to see the full side of it.

We made it to the room where my lovely nurse is and bust the door open.

"FBI OPEN UP!" i yelled as loud as i could, scaring the kid in the corner and distracting the zombie about to rip his head off.

"What??" *boom* before the kid could keep yelling i killing the zombie, but it seems the kid was still bitten, yikes i'm sorry man.

Not really.