
Eden’s Multiverse Journey

——Discontinued But Being Remastered—— —Not related to Domination & Indulgence— Given an opportunity like none other, Eden becomes the next Entity King (One Above All) and his only goal? enjoy life! Watch as our MC travels the multiverse doing whatever he wants without consequences! *No Rape* *No NTR, but there is Netori* *Serious Wish Fulfillment* —————————————— new author

XIIXIV · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Rachnera "Rachnee" Arachnera

One of the perks of being Monster King is the ability to pinpoint the location of certain monsters, with this i was easily able to locate Rachnera—though using my regular powers would've worked too.

I found her in the some random warehouse, it's time to say hello.



My name is Rachnera Arachnera.

I've been in this human world for a few days and i already hate it here.

I'm grateful that our King was able to provide this opportunity for us, but there's just no place for someone like me.

The first home i was sent to the family was scared to death of me, it was when i accidentally hurt the little girl there that i was sent away.

Not just sent away, sold.

They tried to sell me to some creepy man who's intentions were disgustingly clear.

I ran away, now i'm being searched for by the Coordinators.

'Haha…alone again…just like before…'


*tap tap tap tap*


I heard the sound of a door shutting and some footsteps as i crawled into a corner.

I was expecting whoever it was to turn the lights on but they never did, though i had no problem seeing them, and when i did i was a little shocked.

It was the best looking human i've ever seen.

'What is he here for? He won't be able to find anything with the lights off.'

That was what i though until he stopped,m and stared straight at me.

"It's bad manners to stare at people you know."

His voice was magnetic, drawing me in, but i was still shocked by the fact he could see me.

Probably sensing my confusion, the man walked close before he did something even more incredible.

He flew.

Something only aviation type monsters had, but he isn't using wings!

'*Sniff* He doesn't smell human…no way he's a monster and i've never heard about one that could do this…'

I didn't move, for some reason i couldn't. I didn't feel any malice from the man so i was sure he wasn't going to hurt me, but what was his plan?

He flew until he was a few inches away from me.

"Oh, you're the first Arachnid i've seen, you're really pretty"

And said that…

I was confused, is he playing tricks on me? no, he looked very sincere when he said that.

Back in our world, i was usually lonely since even monsters didn't like the way i looked.

This is the first time i was told something even close to this…

While i was still processing, he introduced himself.

"My name is Eden Kaos, you can call me eden. Nice to meet you."

I couldn't be rude at this point, i also for some reason want to leave a good impression.

"Hello, Eden. My name is Rachnera Arachnera. Uh, do you really think i'm pretty? You aren't disgusted by me?"

I had to verify…though i don't want to hear if he says the opposite.

I hate lies.

Even if the truth hurts, i'd rather be told that than lies.

"Ah, Rachnee, why would i lie about that? I think you're beautiful. If anyone tells you the opposite i'll deal with them."

That strangely comforting voice resounded through my mind, making my emotions a little unstable.

My cheeks were hot from the nickname he gave me, but my eyes were wet from tears of being comforted for the first time.

All of a sudden it seemed like me life became much brighter, the once vast darkness was replaced by a single light.

It was him.

I wanted to be with him more, i was contemplating wrapping him with my webs and keeping him by my side.

But i decided against it, he's definitely stronger than me, and all it'd do is destroy my chances to be by his side.

'I don't want to be alone again…i can't be alone again, not that i've finally found my light'

I didn't know what to do, we're both monsters, there no way a family would take him and me, and we can't both live on the streets on the run for our entire lives.

"Do you want to come with me, Rachnee?"

My heart beat fiercely at the thought of being with him still, but it died down again.

"Your family, they definitely wouldn't take someone as disgusting as me…"


After i said that, Eden flicked my forehead.

I showed him my aggrieved look with a little pout.

He didn't put any force into it so it didn't hurt, but for some reason i felt comfortable acting however i wanted with him.

"Hmph why did you do that"

"I told you you're beautiful, so why are you saying the opposite?"

Ahh, i think i've found the one.

My Dear~

/Eden POV\

'And that's how you make a Yandere!'

<Congratulations, Eden. You've made a female unhealthily obsessed with you. What's your next move?>

'Well, my dear Omni, I just have to treat her like i would any of my other wives, with love and care. I have to make her a little more obedient than she was in the original, though. I don't have time to be bothered by pointless shenanigans.'

<Interesting. Please show me your skills, my Entity King>

(A/N: Hope this chapter wasn't that cringe to read lol.)

(A/N: Eden and Omni aren't at any level of definite relationship right now. the 'dear' and 'my' stuff is just playful banter, nothing too romantic between them yet.)

(A/N: Arachnera is someone who really hates lies because of her past, so next chapter will be a little bit more on advancing her relationship with MC. The reason her character is changed slightly is because the way our MC acts vs the way the canon one did, the way and situation our MC met her in is different, and she hasn't been with that creepy guy who used her for her webs so she wasn't widely hunted for hurting that guy, so while her guard is still really up, it's not as much as canon)

let me know if any mistakes i made

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