

Ectoplasma, The power that this world is relying on. In the middle of this world there's a boy named Aalish, a boy with a harsh task thrown on him to protect the district that he was born in and to win the war that is about to start in 3 years. The flame of the fire inside him isn't going to heat everyone up in this endless world, that spreads before his eyes. Who will be lucky enough to see this light shine the brightest? To win the war and protect the district, his search for a teacher/master to teach him how to fight begins! (I will be posting 1-3 chapters a week if nothing goes wrong, I am a student so sometimes I'll have to take a break from my series for a week (Because of my exams), however I will try to make it up with more chapters for the next week.)

Reo_ · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Barrier is Finally Crossed

The dark grayish-black fur they have, to blend into the night. Their emerald green eyes with the ability to see in the dark make them the hunters of the pitch-dark night.

Quickly turning around Aalish grabs Ovia and starts running.

''Again!?'' Ovia's words get out as surprised and a bit annoyed but still keeping the distance from sounding too mean or angry.

''Yep, again.'' Trying to keep his balance while running, he gives the shortest answer he could give.

War Wolves have a speed of 56km/h, the maximum I can go is 49km/h without any help from Ectoplasma, so if I add a little bit of it, I can manage to keep my distance from them for about 3-5 minutes. I don't know if it's enough to get to the Broken Peak, also my dizziness is affecting my ability to run. I still can't manipulate a medium amount of Ectoplasma through the veins of my soul.

''Hey, why aren't we fighting them? There may be a lot of them but they are just wolves, aren't they?'' Ovia asks in a non-harming way.

''Just wolves? Don't you think they're called War Wolves for a reason?''

Aalish pauses talking to take a deep but silent breath to focus on his balance.

''They weigh 220 kilograms and are 200 centimeters tall. Have the speed of 56km/h and claws 2x the size of my hand.''

He shows her his right hand while carrying her like a bag under his arm still facing forward.

''And also have one Ectoplasma ability-''

*hup* He gasps for air, and it's starting to make sense to him that he will most likely not make it to the Broken Peak.

''Ectoplasma ability? Like an attack or a move? If they have one it makes it even easier.'' Ovia turns to Aalish to see him exhausted.

Ahh, my head hurts, it's bad. It was just a hit in the head I can't fall now.

*huff* *huff* *huff*

''Are you okay? I can carry you, but I'd still rather fight them.''

''Let me finish what I'm trying to say *huff*-'' He slows down a little, looks behind them to see that the War Wolves are quite away from them. Still keeping the tempo, he tries to run forward slowly.

''Listen, the ability they have is overkill, that's why they have only one. The ability they have is telepathy, well it's more like they have a link or a line that's connecting them to each other's brain while still having their own consciousness, they are the most organized animal group till now. When you see there's 1500 of them, you may think they are just mindless beasts, but every one of them knows what the other one will do.''

Ovia quietly comprehends what he's saying.

Also, I don't think I can go that fast anymore for more than 1min and a half, I'll go as fast as I can to get there. They will arrive any minute now, the sound of their paws crumbling the ground, I can hear my steps being followed by theirs.

Is telling me to start running again...


Not a single being with a sense of danger goes to the Broken Peak, it's full of Ruined and Broken Shadows and most importantly they still acknowledge the Broken Peak being Revo's territory. And that's exactly why we are going there. Ruined and Broken Shadows are lumps of rotten burned flesh and bones of the victims from the Revo incident. The souls haven't left their bodies because of Revo's necromancy and stayed conscious with destroyed bodies covered in cloaks and ashes resenting everything alive. So, the War Wolves are scared of them, mainly because Broken and Ruined shadows move at the speed of 80km/h and use some kind of weapon usually something like a dagger or a sword. They still possess the techniques from their previous life, so there can be some really scary ones out there, but if we can just sneak and find someplace to take a rest and drive off the War Wolves in there, it shouldn't be a problem.

''Aalish'' Ovia interrupts him while he's thinking to himself.

''What is it? *huff*''

He turns around with a worn-out look but still listens to her request.

''You can't run anymore''

He takes a deep but sharp breath responding irritated.

''What are you talking abou-'' Aalish turns around to see her determent look

She breaks out of under Alishes arm kicking his legs to make him trip


and caught him on her back with no hesitation.

Without a second to spare they.

''Ugh-'' Just as his eyes open he's greeted by the cold wind cutting deep into his skin. Everything is passing by fast. Bushes, rocks, withered flowers; everything. The whole scenery is engraving into his mind, his field of vision is spreading and spreading even more, as she starts to speed up.

''Uh, Ovia at what speed are we moving at now?'' He says while fixing his position into a piggyback and putting his arms around her; still taken back by the view he's experiencing.

''I don't know anything about that!''

Wow, I was never moving this fast in my life, her Ectoplasma manipulation is flawless. She can easily send any type of amount through her veins (of the soul). I want to know how to do that as well! I want to save and protect others, but how can I do that if I can't even help myself.

''Hey, Ovia'' Aalish speaks in a serious but desperate tone.

The sound of her steps rings out fast.

''Hm?'' that desperate tone of voice reaches her ears in a second ''What is it?''

''Uh, I know we've just met and we don't know much about each other, but could you please help me with my Ectoplasma manipulation? I would even pay you if I have to…''

He's calm, the look on his face is natural or even more peaceful, but still worried. He is ready for every answer, but…

''Aalish I would like to help you, but what the hell is Ectoplasma manipulation!?''


''Aalish? Hello? I can't see your face can you please answer??'' Her voice is full of worries thinking she somehow offended him.

''Yeah, yeah, it's not like I disappeared from your back? I will explain what it is when we get to the Broken Peak.'' He says in a calm-like manner.

'' Speaking of which, can you tell me when to turn because this is my first time here. But still, we've been running for quite some time.'' She says in a concerning tone.

''Yeah, no problem-'' he looks around to see where they're located-


''Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! STOP! STOP!''

She stops her fast running by stopping her feet movement and sliding forward making a loud screeching sound.

''Wha-'' ''Why are we stopping?''


The way he laughs is like he's crying.

''Aalish are you okay you seem a bit-'' Without turning around he interrupts her.

''We missed a turn… ''


''We missed a turn? Well, we can still find another way, can't we?'' She utters intending to give him some hope.

''I don't know, I have no idea where we can go now.''

I have seen the map in the home library, but it was 60 years old. The gap in time changed the terrain, the roads are gone, there are more bushes and trees. You can see that rarely anyone was here this past 60 years. As of now we don't even have a choice, but to run forward, we can't climb those walls it's too time-consuming and the wolves are better climbers than us.

He Jumps on Ovia's back without a warning making her startle a bit.

''Come on let's go'' His hands wrap around her.

''Ah! Yes!'' And the startled girl starts running again.

''I don't remember the map that much, but from what I can remember there's supposed to be another turn ahead, I am not 100% sure.'' He tells her while resting his chin on her shoulder so she can hear him.

''Now that I think about it again can't we just fight the-'' Ovia tries to ask impatiently


''No-'' Finally the path shows itself In front of them.

''There! Turn right there by the withered olive tree-''

She's speeding up so they can get there as fast as they can.




''Ovia aren't you going a little too fast?!''

She can't hear me; the wind is blocking us from understanding or hearing each other.

She jumps over a big rock that's hiding the view to the path, and to their surprise that act itself revealed a long and wide ravine full of bottomless darkness.

She stops just a meter before the fall.

She turns around starts walking back to get the distance for the jump but.

''Hey, hey, are you crazy?! We can't jump that even with your speed!'' Aalish tries to explain it to her.

''Then what are we supposed to do? Just wait here and get eaten!?'' She replies with an angered expression.

''Listen, you carried me all the way here without me telling you to. So, what I ask of you is to leave a little of saving us, to me'' He says with a smile on his face.

The sound of them running is echoing off the walls, they are close.

''Also, Ovia please hop on my back,'' Aalish says while facing forward.

''Eh- why?'' The request weirds her out.

''If you don't want to get blown away get on my back.'' He says happily.

He takes his sword off his back into his right hand.

She hops onto his back.

I may still be dizzy a little from before but…


They're here.


The deep red sword with a black handle straightens in his hand. The snake bodies engraved into the blade shine through and through reflecting the shallow moonlight in this dark place, while the other part of the blade shines in the dark crimson light that it is producing.

Getting my stance ready, my hand grabs onto the handle,

I can feel all of the nerves in my body itching. I know this feeling, the full feeling of uncontrollable emotions swaying my body one after another.

The thought of destroying what's In front of me adds the fuel to the fire. In the purest form, I swear to end what's In front of me.

So please bear with my impatience.

And scream my wrath!



A strong red blow of Ectoplasma is delivered killing half of the War Wolves. Pieces of the flesh are flying in the air with blood in as well. The dead body parts fall on the ground creating a slaughter full scenery

Sparks and pieces of orange and red-colored Ectoplasma fly in the air. It has gotten warmer as well.

….Still, I can only manipulate a little Ectoplasma or a massive outburst…..


It's pretty

She thinks to herself looking at the little sparks in the air, not noticing that she and Aalish are both in the air as well.

''Uwa, I don't think we can make it'' I thought a blow from Arna would be enough to reach the other side of the ravine.

Ovia notices that they're in the air because of the comment Aalish made.

She takes out her spear from under her baggy one-piece dress, grabs the spear with her left hand.

Just as they are about to miss the other end of the ravine, she stabs her spear into the wall.

*Ugh* They both let a sound when they are hit from the shock.

By grabbing the spear, she pulls me and her both up at the same time while taking the spear with her.

*Thup* They both fall to their exhaustion when They get to the solid ground.

''Well, that was fun, wasn't it?'' Aalish says with a relieved voice.

*Pfff* '' Ahahahhaha'' Ovia laughs for the first time since she's met Aalish.

''Hey, but don't tell me it isn't true?'' The smile on Aalish's face is relieved by finally breaking the barrier between them.




''HA! Have you seen that Beiste! Did you see it!? They made it HA! They both survived! Hahahahaha.'' The short white-haired man with black eyes in his mid-twenties wearing a dark cloak asks while watching through binoculars.

''Yeah, I've seen it you half-breed, shouldn't you be a little disappointed that they got away from the War Wolves?'' The man in his forties with dark brown eyes and long hair with a hood over his head replies while sitting in a wooden chair.

''No? why should I be? Now I've won the bet against you and I got to see you control the wolves. But still, I didn't know you were so bad at controlling them.'' He replies with a carefree attitude.

''Give me a break I haven't slept in 8 days. And not even caring about Nullum's plans, are you? So what? Are you going to let them go? '' He asks with curiosity.

''No, I can't let them go, but if the first attempt fails, I usually have a break. You could say I'm letting them go, but that would just be a poor lie. After all, I have to come and get her.''

''Or the others will be pissed huh?'' He adds to his sentence.

''Exactly!'' The with-haired man replies.

…The wind silently blows.

''Well then, Let's get out of here. I hate heights'' he stands up from the chair and they both start walking.

''Beasts always stay on the ground, don't they?'' He pokes fun with a smile on his face.

''Yeah, they do. Especially with a half-breed like you'' The man in his forties replies.

''Yeah, Yeah, don't forget that you are paying for today's drink.''

They walk up to the edge of the peak and then.

''What is with this height I didn't know we were this high up in the air Beiste! Also, what's with our cloaks we look like the shadows from down there?'' The white-haired man says.

''Well, I was aware of it since we got here, and the cloaks were given to us so we should be somewhat thankful, shouldn't we?''

''Yeah, I guess you're right.''

''So shall we go then?''

''Sure, but don't you mean: Can we please go now?'' The white-haired man laughs a little.

''Yeah, yeah, just jump already'' The man in his forties replies with a tired voice.

''Yes, yes''

*swoosh* and they both disappear when they jump down the mountain pillar.