
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

64-Loan Sharks.

Editing in Progress…

~Chapter 64~

*****Trigger Warning: This Chapter contains themes of depression and Suicidal thought. Please proceed with caution*****

Soon after taking care of her wounds. She had wrapped the ice pack on her face to reduce the swelling. Luckily it was just in one cheek. So hopefully when she wakes up tomorrow, it would have reduced considerably.

Kehlani laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling, the events of the night replaying in her head repeatedly. 

She felt dirty, violated, and helpless. She was weak and pathetic. Maybe she was truly born to be a whore, at least she was sure she would make money from it and lazy. She turned away from her position and curled herself into a ball.

The loan shark's leering face haunted her as she aimed to fall asleep. Jan's touch on her breast felt like a sickenly disgusting brand. She could still hear their mocking laughter echoing in the silence of her room.

'How had her life come to this?' She thought. Her mind trailed to the insulting and degrading words of her father as her tears spilled some more. She immediately wiped it off, not wanting to cry anymore.

She felt trapped, a prisoner in her own life with no way out. She had nobody to call, nobody to seek comfort with. All she had been her measly pillow that would have to be moved back to her head position, since she couldn't sleep without a pillow.

But maybe she was wrong and there was actually a way to escape these trapped feelings she felt. 


She could just die. With no one looking for her, needing, she could easily just drink a sniper and be off with it. She didn't want to cut her wrist. After all, she was trying to die quickly and not prolong her death. She wanted a quick, smooth and painless death. After all the pain and suffering she was going through, she was happy to just end it all.

Lani gripped her sheets, and she planned to stand and go ahead with her suicidal tendencies. But her body was stuck in the ball position. 

Why was she hesitating? Why was she holding on to life when it didn't weather? Death called, begged and pleaded, but here she was ignoring it and clinging to something that didn't even want to treat her right. She was a fool. She knew it would be better off just to end it all. 

But she didn't.

But she really was tired of her life.

How the hell was she supposed to come up with 1.9m pesos? Hot and bitter tears slid down her cheeks, and this time she didn't bother to wipe it away.

Why was she the one who had to bear with this pain and suffering? Why can't someone come to her aid? Was she that terrible of a person, that people believe she was better off suffering?

She didn't do anything wrong, so why did it feel like the entire world was against her?

She sighed as she knew no amount of self wallowing and self-pitying was going to get her out of this situation. It was either she ended her life immediately and rid this world of her pathetic existences, or she forces sleep to come and think of a better solution by the next morning. 

She chose the latter, squeezing her herself to provide more warmth to her body as she readjusted the ice pack she tied on her cheeks. 

"I hope it goes down by tomorrow."


Santiago and Xavier sat on the couches as they waited for their don to arrive. "You have any idea why he wants to see us?" Xavier asked, looking tired. 

After all, it was a given since he and Santiago were suddenly called upon in the middle of the night. They didn't have to stress it after they were both in Joaquin house and they both arrived together. 

With a shrug, Santi looked up from his phone. "A job maybe?"

He replied. 

"Hmm, this late at night?"

"It not weird nor impossible, though," He answered.

Xavier folded his lips as they continued to wait in silence. That's until Santi spoke up again, "Quin is coming back tomorrow, {pause} or today since it's already morning of Monday"

"Yes, and you are to pick him up some time in the afternoon," Salvador spoke, making his presence known to the two friends.

Both men immediately stood up, to greet their don complete respect.

"Good evening, Don Salvador" They both untied in greetings.

Don Salvador looked up, his gaze sharp and assessing the men. He moved to his seat and sat down. He gave the men a nod and they both follow suit. 

"Quin and Carlos will be back by today, in the afternoon," He informed. Santiago and Xavier, both a gave a small nod, wondering if that was the only reason they were woken up, called and drive all the way here.

Well, given that Quinn's house wasn't too far from the family house. But still driving all the way there was in all truth annoying. But they didn't dare say it out loud.

"Yes, Don" They replied.

"He also informed me he could sign an alliance contract with the Don of The blood Devils"

"I guess that means he didn't fuck shit up with his anger," Xavier spoke, crossing his leg.

"Maybe because Carlos was there? I really wouldn't put it past him".

"He actually surpassed my expectation, to be honest," Salvador stated, shamelessly not hiding the fact he didn't believe Quin would be successful on his first assignment alone, without the help of his friends.

'Has he grown?' He thought to himself, but immediately shook his head as if getting rid of the thought. 'No, that is not possible. Maybe he threatened the don?'

"I am definitely sure he threatened the Don." Xavier said, stating Salvador's thoughts.

"Exactly! I am sure, rather than alliance, he has full control of the clan now." Santiago nodded in agreement to Xavier's statement.

The way the three men had little to no faith that Quin was going to succeed and actually form an alliance in the most docile way was mind-boggling, to say the least.

Salvador nodded and took to his feet. "Well, however, and whatever he did, he came back with an ally. That is enough for me. They are coming back around the afternoon time, so you are to pick them up by then. Without delay," He ordered, leaving the men in the home.

"Santiago threw his head backwards with a heavy groan. He could have just texted the order to us. Why did we need to come all the way here?"

Xavier stood up and tapped his shoulders lightly, "Come on, let's go" 

He, too, was tired, so he wanted to drive home as soon as possible. And since they were probably not going to school till afternoon, he had enough time to sleep in.

Santiago groaned as he stood up, throwing the car keys to Xavier; who caught it with ease.


Hello Everyone, Araneae here! So starting from June 1st, 2024, I would start posting one chapter every day till the end of June and some days at the beginning of July. My exams are coming up around those days, so I will need time to read. 

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and I will be back on schedule, latest middle of July.

Thank you for your time.