
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

54- Race starts

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 54

Hugo smirked as he watched the blood pool down from Mark's forehead as he laid unconscious on the side of the road. His arm twisted at an unnatural angle. 

"Next person," Hugo muttered to himself. Most part of the crowd began booing at him as he had no shame in doing what he had shamelessly done. 

"And Mark is down!!! This is carnage. Mark's head is bleeding furiously. And it also looks like his arm is in a twist, and it looks like his bone is protruding from his arm. This is so cruel! This is so wicked!! And this is so wickedly COOL!!!"

"Who is going to be the next victim of Hugo's tricks"

Aban broke the stick sweet that was in his mouth. He had switched from the cigarettes to the sweet, "This fucker for a commentator!! What the hell is he saying?!" he shouted. 

Noah squinted his eyes as he watched the paramedic take Mark out of the road. But still had his suspicion on, 'Why didn't he—'

"THIS FUCKER!!!" Aban shouted. He had veins popping from his head to his neck to his clenched fist.

"It looks like Hugo had set his sights on another racer!!"


For a newcomer, it didn't take much trick for Hugo to throw Theo off the race. As Theo attempted a high-speed grind, Hugo swerved into his path, causing a brutal collision. Hugo didn't just stumble on his part, he also kicked him hard on his sides.

Theo crashed and tumbled to the ground. He instinctively shielded his head from colliding to the ground. 

"AAH!! Another one bites the dust!!. Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like Hugo seriously plans on playing dirty".

"That two down ladies and gents. And it looks like our beautiful and daring Gabi is next!!" 

Gabi, seeing the chaos unfold, increased speed like Theo did, to put distance between her and him. But the difference between Theo and Gabi was that Gabi was more experienced and calculating than Theo.

Hugo skated to her side and threw her one of his iconic smile, that was supposed to throw her off guard and have her swooning for him. 

But the exact opposite happened, as she looked upset and visibly nauseous at his presence. This aggravated his anger. "You know, I was planing on letting you go… But then again—" He said, gliding in front of her, blocking her way. 

But Gabi maintained her speed, not reducing but not increasing either. "What the hell is she doing? At this rate, she was going to collide with him!!"

"Maybe that's her plan. Perhaps she plans on sacrificing herself and putting Hugo off the race," Noah analyzed. 

"But will it work?" Aban questioned as he watched eagerly. Funny enough, Aban wasn't rooting for his racer, but actually for the girl, Gabriella.

"If it works out. At the very least, Hugo would be out of suspension for a few weeks," Aban said. Pumping his fists with anticipation as he watched on.

"But we might not be correct about it"

Just as Gabriella had gotten very close to Hugo, she immediately slid across and away from him. She made an aerial back twist, spinning the board as she swerved across the wall landslide. 

She continued this method, passively avoiding Hugo at the last minute. At some point she would even turn her skate board backwards, going back a couple slides just to avoid Hugo. 

"Ah! I see," Noah said, understanding her tactics. "It is the if you cannot beat them, join them tactic"


"She knows, she can not beat Hugo with his terrible tricks, so she opted to avoid him till the end of the race." 

"I see"

"Dumb but smart"

"But that doesn't guarantee her win. No, it doesn't—"

"Then why?"

"It guarantees her health. After all, they only award first and second place position" Noah stared at Aban. He immediately noticed the glint in his eyes. Eyes sparkled with excitement. He already knew where his train of thought was heading. He sighed and tucked his hands into his pocket. 

Aban turned his attention to him. "You think she would join us?"

"This fucker," He cursed underneath his breath.

Noah sighed as he turned his attention back to the screen. This time Gabriella was skating freely as Hugo had lessened his attack plan on her. But strangely enough, he wasn't going after Jake, who had being leisurely skating behind them. Jake just went about his skating as he watched Hugo take out the other racers. 

It was weird and very suspicious of Noah. Probably because he already had the underlining feeling that something was off about the two of them. 

Gabriella, however, continued skating, occasionally glancing back to see if Hugo was back on her tail. After frequently checking, she had completely lost sights of him and decided right there to take the game by storm.

"It appears as if Hugo's plans to take our dear Gabi off the race has being trampled on," The commentator announced, and this brought about happy cheers from the crowds. 

"Now, watch as Gabi makes her signature move. The Ollie!!!!" Hugo, in contrast, was seething with rage as his plans weren't going as planned, and now the attention wasn't on him anymore but was on Gabi.

Gabi smirked as she readied herself in position to do The Ollie. She placed her back foot on the tail of the skateboard and moved her front foot to the middle. She bent her knee and prepare to jump.

While simultaneously jumping up, she slammed the tail of the board with the back of her foot. 

While in the air, she slid her front foot up the board towards the nose to level it out in the air. She then pulled her knees up towards her chest to gain more height. 

She was actively almost at the height of the billboard screen. Even though the crowd had already seen it before, their eyes and mouth still went wide in shock that the height that she had to jump through.

"Just look at her go!!! I am sure we can all agree that even though Hugo plays dirty, in terms of skills, he is not probably better than Theo," The commentator compared the racers.

"I mean, look at Gabi move!! She completely killed that move!!" More screams erupted as she prepared to land. Once on the ground, she purposefully waved her hands at her cheering fans. As she continued to do more tricks like the Pop Shuvit and the kick flip,

"Here it is folks, as the race of the night is about to end as the racers are twenty meters away from the finish line. With Gabi in the lead, Hugo in second place and Jake in third place. Will this line up stay till the finish line, or will something happen to our dear Gabi? Because it appears the other two racers are planning something" 

The camera zoomed to both Hugo and Jake. Hugo had slowed his board down to talk with Jake. 

"What the hell, man? You can't get rid of a simple girl?" Jake shouted at Hugo once they were side by side. It wasn't a loud shout that you could say got the attention of people close by. It came off like a normal conversation talk than an actual yell. 

Hugo rolled his eyes. "Don't make me punch you across the face," he countered as he sent a hard glare his way.

"Well, what do you suppose we do, then?" Jake asked as they made a sliding turn around the edge.

"We would both block her path."

"And how do you suppose we do that?" Jake looked at him with questioning eyes. 

"Just follow my lead and skate as I do," Hugo ordered, and Jake nodded in response.

"Oh, shit folks!!! It looks like the men have both taken a decision to take Gabi out of the race at the very last minute. But the question that is probably on everyone's mind is why is Jake agreeing to Hugo's demands?! Is he scared that he would lose the race to Gabriella?!! Talk about pathetic. Am I right, folks!?!" The commentator taunted the men. 

Aban gripped the barricade in front of him as he yelled in annoyance, "THAT THE HELL IS THAT FUCKER DOING?!!! HE SHOULD JUST IGNORE THEM BOTH AND KEEP RACING. WHAT THE HELL IS HE PLANNING?!"

Aban looked like he was about to jump over the barricade and knock some sense into his head.

"You will need to step away from the barricade, sir, or else we will escort you out of the areas," The bouncer said, gripping Aban biceps. 

He angrily shrugged his hands off him, but did as she was told and left the barricade be. He turned to Noah, whose look, for the first time that day, was ashen in anger. 

"What the fuck!"

"Oh, no!! The men seem to have finally caught up with Gabriella. And it looks like she in a bind"

Gabriella looked for a way out, but it was no use. They were following her every move. Until suddenly Hugo placed one of his legs on her board and Jake pushed her off it.