
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

52-Manager Aban

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 52

Aban glared at Jake as he forced the skateboard into the kid's arms, with no warning whatsoever. And Jake, who wasn't ironically built like a brick, stumbled to his knees. "Next time, when I give you a warning, you listen and go through with it. You did better do everything in your might to succeed in today's race, because it would either be Hugo or me that would hurt you".


Jake said nothing as he held the board in his hands. He squeezed on the board, feeling the overwhelming anger that pooled in his chest. 

It wasn't a hidden secret that Manager Aban didn't like Jake. Jake ignorantly chucked it up to him as being racist. He didn't want to chunk it up to the literal fact that maybe, just maybe, he makes lots of mistakes that warrants Aban's anger and insult. But no, Jake only thought that since he was an immigrant, that was all the reason Aban needed to hate on him.

'He didn't even ask why I wasn't with my board,' Jake inwardly thought as he threw himself a pity party.

"Was there a need to?" Noah asked. He had stayed behind while Aban had gone to smoke in private to cool his temper. But the man was not joking when he said he was going to hurt the dumb kid.

Jake, who wasn't expecting a response, looked shocked as he noticed Noah standing in front of him. The kid had expected Noah to follow Aban after he left, but to his shock, he was still standing in front of him, not saying anything at all. 

Jake also had a problem with Noah. Which was weird as Noah personally tried to create a work friendly environment for the racers. He was like their go protector when one racer pissed off Aban. 

But for some peculiar reasons, Jake didn't like him, and it wasn't like Noah didn't notice. No, he noticed, he just didn't care too much to ask. After all, it wasn't like it was every night he saw the kid. 

Jake's reason for not like him according to what the other racers had said was, 'He is creepy because he often has an unreadable expression'. This dumb reason was all Noah needed to just ignore the kid and let him race and get money. 

After all, that was all the two managers needed for the racers to do. Win the race and get their cut. 

"I thought you left with Aban?" Jake asked, standing to his feet. 

"Wouldn't you like that?" Noah asked, blowing the cigarette smoke in his face.

Jake rolled his eyes as he looked away from the Manager. "Why are you like this?" Noah asked, casually looking at Jake with a tilted head as he rocked on his feet. 

The expression Noah was giving him was the same reason Jake didn't like him. Giving the situation, anybody with their right sense still intact should, by all means, be angry at him. But here, he was looking at him with neither an amusing face nor an angry one.

To Jake, it would make sense if he had a smile, then he would just chunk it up to him, being a sadistic person who found pleasure in other people's misery. But here he was looking at him like he wasn't worth giving an expression to.


Was the word that ran through Jake's mind. 

"I don't know what you mean," Jake replied. His response was very nonchalant and off-putting, but Noah said nothing about it.

"So why did you come out without your board?"

"I don't think it's any of your business now, is it?" It was as clear as day that all Jake's response was only to get a rise out of Noah. But alas, Noah didn't give a fuck about his rude response. So far, he was getting a response. It was enough.

"Well, it is, as I am also your manager." Noah countered and Jake went silent. 

"This isn't your first time coming here, nor is it your first racing. So why did you purposely leave your skateboard in your truck?" Noah asked, putting pressure and force into his question. 

Jake gulped nervously as he clenched the skate board that was in his hands. 

"Like I said before, it was a mistake and besides, it's not like it was only my skate board that was stolen," He confessed.

His statement piped Noah's curiosity as he arched his brows in confusion. "What do you mean? What else was stolen?" he asked. Jake rolled his eyes and played an annoyed smirked at his lips.

"Why are you asking? It is not like you care or anything?"

Immediately, Jake said that the curiosity on Noah's face immediately wiped off and was replaced with a blank and dry look. 

"I guess you are right. I really don't care. After all, it wasn't like I would help replace whatever was stolen." He shrugged his shoulders as he turned away from him. 

"Don't fuck up your race" He called out, waving his hands behind his head as he left the kid standing there. 

Jake was angry. He wanted to slam, kick, or knock something over, but all he had in his hands were the skateboard and phone. His phone was important, and he knew very well that he could not destroy the rented board. As, not only will Aban kill him, but also the shop that sold the board would charge him. And they were probably going to overcharge him. 

Jake closed his eyes as he suddenly calmed his nerves, taking a breathing test. 

'It's all right… it would be fine after this night. Everything would come to a head, after tonight's race,' He soliloquized. 

His truck.

It was his truck and skateboard that were stolen.


Soon the bleachers were filled, and the organizers were ready. The racers who had coaches or managers were speaking to them, and the ones who were their personal coach and manager just kept to themselves until the race began. 

Aban, Noah and Jake gathered in a triangle as the Aban gave Jake some pep talk and word of advice. Which without a doubt went through one ear of Jake's and came out the other side. 

Suddenly, there were loud cheer and also boos, coming from the spectators, which caught the three men's attention. Looking toward the noise, they saw Hugo in all his glory, walking towards the starting point. 

He got hails and handshakes from his high fans, some even shamelessly advising him to spill some blood and break some bones. 

Aban gritted his teeth as he overheard their comment. He glanced at the officials, who seemed to either humor their comment or just ignore them‌.

Noah nudged his shoulders a bit, just to grab his attention, "Ignore them. Don't let it bother you".

"It's not," Aban replied sharply, being all defensive and extra conscious.

"Of course you aren't," Noah replied, rolling his eyes. 

Noah also caught Jake rolling his eyes. After all, who wouldn't get annoyed with two grown men making jabs at each other? 

Hugo finally reached the starting point as he placed his board on the ground, standing it.

He glanced to his side, abstractly noticing the three men. And they immediately piped his interest. 

He walked over to them, gaining some attention from the crowd of onlookers. 

"Look, a fight is about to start"

That comment alone fueled his pride, turning it to a blazing ego.

Reach the three men, he immediately grew annoyed as the only one who turned their attention to him was Jake.

"Plan all you want, you would still lose," He said, grabbing their attention. Noah glanced at Aban. 

One punch.

Just a punch was all Aban needed to satisfy his nerves. But that one punch could also get him suspended. And that wasn't what he needed at a time like this. 

Aban looked up and smiled at him. "You seem healthy, much to my dismay. I had really prayed that you won't come or, better yet, you would have died on your way here".

Hugo's brows furrowed in annoyance at Aban's words "Funny"

"No, No, I reassure you, I mean no joke. I even promised to cut my nut sack and become a eunuch if you had died on the way here".

"I guess the universe loves me"

"That would be very unfortunate for us all," Aban said, looking Hugo dead in the eyes.

This staring contest took minutes before Hugo's eyes furrowed in familiarity. "Hey, aren't you the manager who had their racers put in hospital by me and ended up causing a scene in the areas?"

Jake looked surprised at his embarrassed, red-faced manager. He was enjoying this. After, it wasn't every time He got to see Aban looking flustered and embarrassed.