
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

44- Typical Night in a Night Club

Editing in progress...

Chapter 44.

"You think she would be ready for or before the race?" Jamie asked, opening up a can of Heineken. 

"She better." Savannah shot back without hesitation. She hadn't even paid any attention to Jamie beside her. 

Her eyes were strained on the screen as she used the flying drone to watch Lani's drive progress. 

"[You don't slow down during sharp turns, do you?]" Jamie asked Lani as he brought his voice closer to the tablet speaker.

"[I don't see the point]" Lani answered, taking the next sharp turn, making a move to come back to Savannah. 

Seeing her direction, Savannah placed the tablet in Jamie's hands as she went around to get a quick snack.

Jamie continued to watch Kehlani's race, and he noticed something consistent that he wished to correct. But waited for her to get back before talking.

Meanwhile, Savannah was roaming through the warmer container, looking for something to eat. She finally found some packets of sandwiches. But she could have sworn there were molds in it.

"Um, Jamie, is this still edible?" She asked. It was probably a stupid question, but she really wanted to know.

Bending his head in her direction, he wondered what she was talking about. Finally, he noticed the sandwiches in her hands and replied, "Of course they are. I made those things yesterday after you girls left."

"So why does it look like molds are growing on them?" Savannah asked as she grabbed the entire container and threw it away. (plus the container).

"Jamie?" she called out, her back facing him. 


"You are fucking dirty!!" she screamed, turning around as she pointed her fingers at him.

"Relax!! It is just a few bad sandwiches; besides, what do you expect? I made them like on Monday or thereabout." He answered nonchalantly, like it was a normal thing to do. 

But these only irritated Savannah, as she wanted to hurl something at the supposed 'mature man'.

"You liar, you told me you made it yesterday!!" 

"Some were made yesterday, but I guess I threw everything into the container, and it got contaminated."

Savannah had lots of things to say to him, but held her tongue as she heard Lani drive in.

Lani turned the car off and sat there, as if cooling down along with the car, before finally stepping out.

"What's up? Why are you both fighting?" Lani asked. She went around them, placing the drone back on the shelf, so there wouldn't be arguments about its location later on. She took the tablet from Jamie's hands to watch her drive.

"Did you know we are keeping a dirty pig?" She asked, glaring hard at Jamie, who rolled his eyes and went to grab another beer can. Her glare went unnoticed by the white-haired girl, as she was busy with the recording.

She slowly looked up from the tablet as she gave Savannah a confused look. "We have a pet pig?"

"Yeah, except he is a male and walks on two legs. And his favorite drink is beer," she stated. This made Lani turn her attention to Jamie, who simply had a playful look on his face.

"What did you do?"

"He left sandwiches to grow molds inside the warmer container." Savannah vehemently accused. This made Lani give Jamie a disgusted look.

Jamie sharply and readily raised his hands in defense. "Listen, in my defense, I forgot about it, and I accidentally mixed the good ones from yesterday with the old ones, and I guess they both became moldy." 

"That doesn't make it any better, Jamie." Lani corrected him as she rolled her eyes in addition.

Jamie made his way inside this apartment. His voice trailed as he spoke. "You girls are always mean to me." 

"We are not mean; you are just dirty."

"And that's why you have no girlfriend."

"I don't need one of those."

"One of those? We are talking about a girl, like an actual human being. The fuck do you mean by 'one of those'" Savannah asked, ready to milk him dry.

Jamie only ignored her and faced Lani to discuss what he wanted to while viewing her driving.

"You have a bad habit. You know that, don't you?"

"I know?" she asked.

Jamie hissed in acute annoyance at the girl's blatant ignorance of her driving techniques. It really irked him.

Jamie was a guy; he loved cars like his life. It would probably be more important than his life, as he was an alcoholic. He went to school to study automobile engineering and came out as a mechanic. It was not the best job course, but it was what life made him choose.

Therefore, the fact Lani damaged cars as she drove didn't sit well with him. It wasn't as though stealing cars was easier than taking candy from babies.

"Savannah, talk to her for me," Jamie cried out to her, to which she only responded with a smile.

It was true, Lani destroyed most of the cars that she used to drive, but what could she do? Races in the Areas are dangerous, as there was no rule in the race. The only rule was to begin at the starting point and finish at the ending point with a vehicle.

Meaning, you could start the race with a black car and finish with a red car. Therefore, there was really nothing Savannah could actively do about it.

"As long as she doesn't die or get hurt, everything is golden!" She said it with a smile and a thumbs up.

Jamie sighed as he rubbed his temple as he felt the growing irritation boil inside him. It was like pre-irritation waiting to come.

"Stop damaging cars. It is difficult to steal a car. It is a lot harder than stealing beer from kids."

The girls looked at each other, their brows curved with confusion, and said, "Kids don't take beer, Jamie."

"You are missing the actual point here."

"But kids don't drink beer," Lani stated again. And this was enough to set Jamie off. The level of irritation had already fueled and was ready to explode.


The girls only looked at him with a blank look. "I can not see the problem."

"You fail–You can not see the problem? (Sigh) How do you get the cars you use for your races?" 

They both looked at each other, perplexed and confused. "Um–steal?" Savannah answered like she was answering a really dumb question.

"It is not a dumb question, therefore, quit staring at me like that!"

"I am not staring at you like you asked me a stupid question," She answered, giving him a closed eye smile.

"Really now?"

"Yes, really." Her response earned her a stare-down from Jamie. Neither of them wanting to back down. Lani rolled her eyes at their childishness as she kept watching the drive.

"But really though—" Jamie began to saying, turning away from Savannah, therefore, making her actively win their unnecessary staring contest.

"The rate and manner at which you destroy cars should be in the Guinness book," He complained, going to his store to get out a beer. 

This made the girls worry about him. The alarming increase in his beer drinking is worrisome, and they wanted to point it out.

He pulled out his ice cubes from the packet and popped open the can of beer as he began preparing it. "Isn't there something you can do about it?" he asked, turning to them with his iced-glass of beer.

Lani looked away from him as he was slowly reminding her of her father. "I would love to not damage my car but, other drivers collide with me when I drive. It is honestly beyond my control." she replied with a shrug.

"Hmm, I see"

Savannah looked confused as she looked at him. "Haven't you ever being to the areas before?" She questioned.

"I have, but it is usually during one-on-one matches, so I don't really know how mass races work"

"Hmm, I see," Savannah said, "Alright, I will dumb it down for you. One-on-one races are for like 150 peso-500peso—"

"500 pesos?!"

"Not much, right?" Lani asked, chuckling at his reaction.

"Exactly, I could buy a couple of booze and weed with 500," he stated, but the girls gave to reaction to his statement.

He turned to Lani. "Did you start from there?"

"Ew, no. Not at all. That place is embarrassing to race in." 

Jamie chuckled, shaking his beer around inside the cup, making a clicking noise. "Why?" he asked.

"It is for kids, like high schoolers"

"Aren't you in high school also?" 

"Not like that!" She pointed out, with a bit of aggression, but this only made Jamie laughter some more.

"So you went straight for the mass race"

"Yes1 And I will let you know that I made a name for myself"

"Oh really? Let me guess, blazing wind, Zigzag, roadrunner, Junior?" he optioned in.

Both girls cringed hard at the names he was listing. "I rather be caught dead with those names," Savannah said with disgust.

"If there was someone racing with such shitty names, I would run them over without hesitation," Lani added, mirroring Savannah's expression.

"With full speed?" Savannah asked, knowing the answer she was going to get.

"With full FUCKING speed"

"Hey! Come on now, I thought it was creative"

"Creative? The fuck is a ~Zigzag~" Savannah asked, with her voice sounding weird as she said the 'Zigzag'

"Or Junior," Lani said, clutching her stomach and laughing.

"Isn't that someone's name in real life?"

"Yes," Jamie answered, slipping into a sit beside them.

"Really?!" Lani's faced morphed with a surprise expression like she couldn't believe what she had heard.

"So wait a mother, would carry her child for 9 months, push it out, have postpartum and still name the child Junior? Junior what? Junior school? Junior place?" She teased as they all laughed. 

"Maybe the mother hates the child"


"You both are unbelievable"