
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

31- Car Ride

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 31

"Where is your boss? Does he not know we are here?" The man questioned the banner boy about the whereabouts of their boss, with his eyes narrowed in suspicion, who flinched at him.

The banner boy stuttered and replied, "Um- the Don is in his meeting room— I think?"

However, Carlos and Quin gave him a pointed look, indicating that his answer was not satisfactory. "You think?"

The banner boy felt overwhelmed and just wanted the day to end. He immediately turned towards the stairs "I would go check" His panicked voice could be heard but to Quin, it was just something he glazed over, and did not give any attention to. "So I would have some servant to bring your luggage to your guest room"

The two men said nothing as the banner boy scurried away. Not because they were ignoring him, but because something or someone had caught their eye.

Behind the banner boy, It was none other than the Don of The Blood Devils himself. "That would not be necessary" The Don replied, startling the innocent banner boy.

The banner boy stood between the two dons. The aura emitting from both Don suffocated the innocent kid. He felt so little in between them.

The Don of The Blood Devils spoke up and informed them that they would only need the maid to handle their luggage as he would take care of the rest of the tour himself.

He slowly bowed his head to his boss and also simultaneously to the visiting boss and sped away, wanting to rid himself of the agonizing experience.

Despite being taken aback by the sudden appearance of Don, Carlos, and Quin remained silent as they observed him closely. The tension in the air was palpable as everyone awaited further developments.

The Don slowly came down the stairs, his eyes never moving, never wavering, and never leaving Joaquin's sights.

Likewise, Joaquin, watched the Don like a hawk, wanting to know when to attack or when to turn tail and flee. But he gave no opportunity to confirm.

"Hello, The name is Diesel, Diesel Giordano" Diesel greeted, he had one hand stretched out and another tucked in, into his pocket.

Quin stared at him for some seconds before he shook his hands with him.

"Joaquin Salazar" His reply was simple and short, but unlike Cassius, Diesel isn't quick to anger or irritation.

"Giordano? Are you Italian?" Carlos asked, coming forward with his arm outstretched to give his greeting. He would have bowed, but he wasn't a lower rank of the Armani clan and since his own Don was here, right beside him, it would be rude to give higher respect to another.

Acknowledging his greeting, Diesel turned to answer him. "My father, the previous Don is Italian, he only moved to the US for my mother"

"Oh, I see"

There was dry but weirdly enough the silence was not uncomfortable for the two Dons. But it was uncomfortable for the rest of the members, even Carlos.

Carlos genuinely wanted Quin to chill and not be so sensitive and suspicious about everything. Probably because it was his first time traveling outside Mexico City.

He only usually traveled within the country and never stepped outside. OR maybe the family was already giving off suspicious vibes, way before they officially met, and it only worsened after they met.

But to Carlos, Quin should relax, or else, son or not, he would not like the consequences Godfather would unleash upon him.

 A loud resounding clap awoke Carlos from his thoughts as he stared at the direction it came from. "Shall I have them take your things? Or will you take them yourselves?"

"We will take them ourselves, just lead the way"

"I thought as much" Diesel's words were something that would be normally said underneath one's breath, but he wasted no time nor effort to voice out his thoughts.

At the very least, Quin couldn't kill him.


Turning around, they followed closely behind the maid who directed them. Soon, Diesel fell in line beside Quin, aiming to make small talk.

"Hope the travel wasn't all too stressful and tiresome?"

"The plane ride was okay. Well, as okay as it can be, but the car ride—" Quin paused, trailing his eyes over the wall as though admiring the wall design.

"The car ride?" Diesel urged on pensively. Quin took his eyes away from the walls and stared at the Don.

"It was as good as bad"

"So Cassius didn't do well?"

"He was mindful" his response was very nonchalant, but still didn't wipe the smirk off his face.

It was clear Diesel found his attitude humorous. "And Vinny?"

Diesel wanted to know what and how much Quin thought of about his family, the Blood Devils.

"Vincenzo is better. Most likely because he is muted"

"~Ah, I see, so you like quiet people?"

Shoving his hands into his pants pocket, he replied"The person doesn't have to be overly quiet, but at the very least should know when and when not to talk"

Quin slowly found himself in a continuous and back-to-back conversation with his fellow Don.

Soon the maid stopped in front of a door. "This is your room, Don, and the one just next to yours is for your companion" Her voice came out so small, that they had to strain their ears to hear her. Quin gave her a nod and entered the room, hoping to get an eye shut before they talked. But it seemed like Diesel had other plans.

Diesel walked in closely behind him. Quin noticed the three men that were behind him before weren't there anymore.

"Your men?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he leaned on the wall to reply, "They went to see if your partner will need something"

Quin only hummed his reply before his brows twitched a little.



"Why are you here?" he asked

"To see what you need," Quin said nothing more after the response but only took to survey the room layout.

The beds were more large and comfortable, dressed in high-quality linen sheets. The dresser and nightstands were antique, each piece carefully selected to create an atmosphere of refined comfort. The walls were of a soft, neutral color, adorned with just a few pieces of art that were tasteful but not overly personal.

Each room had its seating area, with a couple of armchairs and a small table, perfect for private conversation or quiet contemplation.

The lighting was soft with lamps casting a gentle glow, and the curtains were heavy, capable of blocking out light for those who required rest after a long night's work for revelry.

In addition to the comfortable beds and tasteful decor, each room also boasted a spacious bathroom with high-end amenities. The shower was large enough for two, and the bathtub was perfect for a relaxing soak after a day of exploring the city. Soft, fluffy towels were provided along with plush bathrobes and slippers for ultimate comfort.

For those who needed to catch up on work or stay connected, each room had a desk with a comfortable chair and high-speed internet access. And for those who wanted to unwind, there was a flat-screen TV with a wide selection of channels and movies.

Overall, every detail had been carefully considered, ensuring that guests felt pampered and relaxed during their stay. From the luxurious bedding to the thoughtful amenities, this guest room truly offered an unparalleled level of comfort and sophistication.

"Is the room to your taste?"

"Yes, it is very comfortable" Quin replied from the bed he was lying on.

"I am glad"


"It's just 4:30 pm, rest up. Dinner is by 7 or 8. Whichever time the cooks finish" he informed.

Turning around, he added, "You can lock the doors for extra protection if you deem fit"

"I understand"

With a final nod, he stepped out of his guest room. And waiting for him just outside were his three men, waiting for orders.

"Get me Cassius and Vinny"

"Yes boss"