
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
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68 Chs

29- Trip to New York.

29- Trip to New York.

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 29

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, this is your captain speaking. We hope you've enjoyed the flight so far. As we descend into the bustling cityscape of New York, we kindly ask that you return to your seats and ensure your seat belts are securely fastened".

The hum of the plane's engines fills the cabin as the skyline of New York becomes visible through the windows.

"Good afternoon, passengers. We are currently making our final approach to John F. Kennedy International Airport. The weather in New York is a crisp 45 degrees Fahrenheit (ca. 7 degrees Celsius) with clear skies, providing a stunning view of the city as we touch down" The captain announced from the intercom. 

A soft ding resonates through the cabin as the seat belt sign illuminates.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in preparation for landing, please stow your tray tables, return your seat to the upright position, and make sure all electronic devices are turned off and stowed," The flight attendant said giving out instructions to the passengers.

The cabin crew members move swiftly through the aisles, ensuring that everyone is following the instructions.

"As we make our way down, take a moment to appreciate the iconic skyline of New York City below. We'd like to express our gratitude for choosing to fly with us today. It's been our pleasure to have you on board for this journey from the vibrant streets of Mexico to the energetic city that never sleeps".

The plane continues its descent, gradually descending towards the runway.

"On behalf of the entire crew, we'd like to wish you a warm welcome to New York. If this is your final destination, we hope you have a fantastic stay, and if you're connecting to another flight, we wish you safe travels to your onward destination".

The wheels of the plane touch down, and the cabin fills with the sound of tires meeting the runway.

"Thank you for flying with us today. We appreciate your business, and we hope to have the pleasure of serving you again in the future. Welcome to the Big Apple, and have a wonderful day!" The captain gave his final greeting and appreciation before opening the craft doors.

Joaquin and Carlos stepped down from the plane as they stretched their muscles from the long airplane flight. They lazily walked toward the baggage claim area to retrieve their luggage.

"Did Santiago rent the vehicle like ordered?" Quin asked, pulling the handle of this box.

"He says he did, I haven't seen any indication of someone waiting for us" Carlos pulled out his phone ready to call Santiago. But was stopped, once Quin placed his hands on his shoulders. Quin looked ahead, pointing to a banner in front of them.

"BOSS!" It was written on it.

"This fool" Joaquin muttered beneath his breath, slowly walking towards the banner with Carlos diligently following behind. Before Quin could utter a word or command, the banner boy opened his mouth.

"The Don demands your presence"

"The Don?" Carlos responded with a confused look on his face. He glanced at Quin, whose eyes had darkened as he stared at the boy who had given him orders.

Quin paused in his thoughts, placing two and three together. Since they were in another family's territory, they had to tread carefully. Not knowing which 'Don demands his presence' he decides to tread carefully.

"I just arrived" he began saying, voice deep and monotone but still filled with seriousness. His hands gestured around the airport parking lot.

"I haven't even seen my ride, so I don't think your 'boss' has any reason to 'demand my presence'" He answered calmly.

"The Don had known of your arrival and sent us here" the banner boy countered, clearly not backing down.

Letting out an aggravated sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose, pausing for a moment before staring at the kid. "If your boss already done background research on me, then he should know that I am not here on a holiday.' Taking threatening steps toward the boy, who stumbled back because of his towering height.

"So if your 'boss' wants to meet me, I will meet with him once I am done with what I came here to do. Now return my ride before the floor turns red" His threatening words and towering demeanor hit its mark as the boy stumbled back.

He raised the banner as a barrier between them, "I would go inform my superior, please wait a moment" he muttered quietly as he turned around and speed walked towards the waiting sedan vehicle.

Joaquin rolled his eyes as he turned to Carlos, who just stood there waiting for the entire escapade to unfold.

"Call Santiago and find out what happened to our ride, then call an Uber to our hotel" he instructed. He wasn't waiting for the banner boy to come back. He didn't know him nor his 'boss' so he had no reason nor obligation to listen to some assistant or errand boy from some mafia family.

"Yes, Don" Carlos reacted, pressing on his phone to do as he was commanded. Quin turned his cart and began rolling towards the café near the port.

Just as he reached the door of the café, a voice called out to him. He turned his body towards it and stared at them. The banner boy had gone to bring back-up, as he had two more men with him.

Joaquin leaned more into his cart as he inspected the men in front of him. He didn't have his gun with him, as this was supposed to be a friendly visit. Therefore, he was more likely to have a head-on fistfight with these men.


He was clearly at a disadvantage as he didn't know, ONE, how many men were present, TWO, how strong they were. His father had always warned him to never judge someone's physical strength but their physical appearance, and THREE it was just the two of them.

"I already said I wasn't following you, didn't your errand boy retell it to you?" He retorted with a folding arm.

"Yes he did Don, but there seems to be a misunderstanding" The man with ashen gray hair replied with a jolly tone. He had rosy skin and a light freckled nose. His ash-gray hair was wavy to his jawline. And in Joaquin's opinion, he looked more feminine than masculine.

"And we apologize, the little runt didn't even use your honorary, Don" he spoke again. "Tell you what?"


"You come with us and see that we don't aim for violence or fight. And besides you are still coming to visit our boss regardless of if you don't"

He furrowed his brows, "Still visiting in regardless?"

"Yes, You are here in New York to visit Don Giordano. Am I wrong?" He interrogated. His demeanor and his words did not match as he looked like he was having a casual conversation with an old friend, but in Joaquin's perspective, it was very clear the direction, his words were going.

But regardless of his disadvantage, his body language didn't change. He kept his cold stare. He wasn't going to let some lackey threaten him or make him think he had the upper hand in this matter. "Who are you?"

"Me? Ah, I see. My apologies, we forgot to introduce ourselves." He gestured between his men. Quinn's eyes darkened and went deathly dead. 'Were they making fun of him?'

"I am called, Cassius, Cassius Novak. And this is Vincenzo Pellegrini. He doesn't talk, he is more of a mute if you understand my words, hence sign language would be better"

"I don't speak sign language"

"Then talk to me only" He interjected immediately. "We are the second and third in command, respectively. Therefore, we are no lackeys" he pinpointed out Quinn's thought perfectly.

"So then, what happens now?" He asked, striding directly in front of Cassius, trying to come off intimidating. Cassius took a step back from the Don.

"What happens now is, you follow us to see our boss. Simple and short" He explained. Vincenzo slightly nudged him on the arm and signed something to him.

It felt like an open secret to Quinn as even though they were conversing in front of him, he didn't speak sign language so he couldn't understand what they were talking about.

"Ah yes, I heard there were two of you. Where is the other?" He questioned moving away from his mute friend.

"He went to do my bidding"

Nodding his head, he placed his hands on his chin to think through his thoughts, "Shall we leave as soon as he arrives? My boss detects waiting, patience isn't one of his forte."

"Let me be sure we are on the same page right now?" Quin began, nodding his head, Quin continued. "The person I am going meet right now is Diesel Giordano, the Don of 'The Blood Devils'"

"That is correct, indirectly we are taking you directly to the person you came to see"

"And you are the 2nd and 3rd in command of the family?"

"Yes. Any more questions?"

"No, I think I got it all"

"Good! Now, how—" He began to say but was interrupted by Carlos's voice.

"Boss, I got the Uber and also the person who was supposed to—" He paused his words and stared at his boss, then at the men in front of him.

He took the inaugural to stand beside the Don; he too gave off an intimidating aura.

"Who are the two extra men?" he asked in a hushed tone, in Spanish to Quin.

"That's Cassius and that Vincenzo" he pointed. He soon brought Carlos up to speed on everything.

"So what do we do now?" he inquired from his boss. Joaquin narrowed his eyes, looking at the men in front of him.

"I guess we follow them"