
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

23- Agreement with Jamie

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 23

FLOPPING ON THE BED ONCE SHE and Savannah had gotten back home. It was the weekend, so Savannah decided to stay over at her father's house. It wasn't a split agreement by the court, it was just something she wanted to do by herself and Marco was grateful for that.

Savannah opened the door to her room and saw Kehlani sprayed across the bed. She began undressing, humming a tune under her breath.

"So you aren't going to tell me what is going on between you and Joaquin?"

A soft groan slipped from her lips and she turned around to face Savannah who had on one of her father's shirts and overly bleached loose play shorts, "I swear to God there isn't anything going on, he is just mad at me for some unknown reason."

"Wait a moment, let me recollect everything for a moment," She said, sitting up and placing her hands under her chin in a thinking position. She went quiet for a while before nodding her head as tho she had arrived at some sort of agreement.

"We were all playing together, um was it on Wednesday or Thursday, I can't remember"

"You can't remember something that happened to you this week?!" Savannah asked, looking very much surprised.

"Well, I guess… Anyway, that's beside the point. Back to what I was saying, he had a call and suddenly there was this choking air around him, I swear Savvy, I felt fear at that moment" She narrated looking straight at her friend's eyes as she explained the last statements to her.


"Well yes. Listen! I know it sounds crazy, but I am being serious" She said with anticipation. She wanted Savannah to believe her.

"Ok, OK, OK, I believe you. So? What happened next?"

"Next? Yeah, one of his friends escorted me back to class, I guess I wasn't able to mask my fears and worry" She answered with a mild shrug of her shoulders.

"But I guess when he came back to class – Oh right he missed the period after break, but when he came back to class I guess I was still shaken up but the whole thing and—" "Obviously" Savannah answered sitting down on a chair in a reversed form.

Kehlani nodded her head in agreement before continuing her story, "Well I was still shaken up by the entire thing, so when he entered the class and sat behind me, I guess my shoulders quivered a little bit, and he saw it" Savannah's lips formed an 'O' shape.

"I guess he didn't like the fact that you were scared of him?"

"I don't know" She whispered, "After classes I tried to ask him what was up with him, you know, trying to be that calm and nice friend, then he proceeded to ask about my bruises"

A shocked look spread across Savannah's face but gave no words to match her look, she just nodded at her friend to continue talking.

"I was really curious about his sudden change of emotion and demeanor that I threw all sense of thinking and outrightly decided to tell him, but he said not to bother and that he didn't care anymore"

Curling her brow in confusion, Savannah's lips fell into to frown, "Why?"

Shrugging her shoulders, she pulled her legs, folding them underneath her chin "I don't know, I mean it is clear he didn't want to tell me nor did he want me to know."

She sighed and remembered "I had a babysitting job that night and coincidentally the person's sibling was Xavier"

"Xavier? The one that hangs around your brother?"

Nodding her head in agreement "Yes him, I was babysitting his twin brothers that night, so I tried to get information from him, but he didn't even bodge a little. So I just stopped so I don't look so desperate for something that isn't even my concern"

Savannah nodded, understanding her friend's predicament. "So after that day I tried apologizing, you know trying to ease the problem, but he made me look stupid for apologizing, and you know what happened after"

Sighing loudly, Savannah proceeded to laugh out at her friend making her roll her eyes, "Honestly, your outburst today in class was so funny especially when you don't curse on a normal day"

"Hey!! I do curse, I just rarely do it as I realize it doesn't add nor remove much to the sentence, but I was so surprised and annoyed by his statement that it just flowed out my mouth like I was naturally breathing in air."

"Anyway, it was hilarious for me to hear, to be honest. The class was silent— well not silent, a few muttering here and there, but you get my point.  Suddenly you were cursing out Joaquin loudly, like girl that was crazy, everyone was staring at you as tho you went crazy" Savannah bubbled down in her statement. But Lani only rolled her eyes at her, standing up from the bed.

"I am hungry, what do you have in the house?" she asked as she strode her way toward Savannah's kitchen.

"Honestly I don't know if Marco has anything available in there"

"Well, let us check and hopefully see if we can whip up something," Lani said, opening up the fridge. "Oh, he has Corn tortilla"

Turning to her friend who was bringing out the Flat round bread. She had already cut some and eaten them up. Well, she did say she was hungry, though.

"Yes, he likes corn tortilla better than the flour tortilla, saying something about how it is more healthy and gluten-free and all that. I don't I stopped listening at some point" She shrugged on her shoulder nonchalantly.

Lani nodded to herself as she thought of what to make for their dinner. "How about Tostadas?"

"I don't want to eat only veggies" Savannah argued.

"I don't think he had chicken, only sardines and tofu" Savannah gagged at her response making Kehlani laugh at her nonsense.

The girl gathered together and began preparing their dinner together whilst listening to music playing in the background.


Santiago sighed for the nth time that evening, as his sister had not replied to his text messages, but neither had she read it.

"Maybe she is asleep?" Xavier piped in.

"It's 6:23 pm. If she is sleeping by this time, then there is something wrong with her." Xavier raised his hands in defense as he lay across the entire back seat.

Quin who was driving had been silent throughout, just occasionally glancing at Santi anytime his screen light came on. It was a given that was also concerned, but he wasn't going to put it out there for his friends to see.

Different questions trailed his mind as he drove. Was she in trouble? Was her battery low? Did the person who hit her do it again? Once the last thought flashed through his mind, he felt a wave of anger.

He was stupid, he knew, he wanted to know who hit her the previous day, but the idea of telling her that he was part of a mafia clan and not only that but also the soon-to-be next boss?

Yeah, it didn't sit well with him, so he chose to play pretend, and look where it had gotten him, she was ignoring him, and it wasn't like he didn't care.

He did care, or else if he didn't he would not be bothered about her lack of presence. Another reason why he didn't tell her that he was part of the mafia was because Santi didn't tell her, so it wasn't really in his place to tell her what he and her brother were.

"Have you tried calling the girl she was with?" Quin said finally voicing out an idea.

"I don't even know her much, less her number" Santi signed drily.

"Has she ever done this before?" Xavier asked from the back.

"Not really" Turning to face Quin he asked. "Mind if we stop at home I just want to check if she is in, maybe she is sleeping"

"Sure no problem, but are you sleeping over? Or are you staying home?"

"If she is at home I will be sleeping over but if she isn't, I will be off to the police station to file a missing person report"

"Let's just hope it doesn't get to that".


Quin reversed at finally placed the car on park as it came to a halt. Santi was already out the door while he and Xavier were sitting in the car.

Quin released a heavy sigh from his lungs through his nostrils. "You tired bud?" Xavier inquired him, lifting his head from his phone screen.

"You have no idea how tired I am. I truthfully just want to lay down and do nothing for once"

"For some reason I can relate to that" As soon as those words fell from his mouth, the sound of crashing and a loud thud was heard from inside the house.

With no delay or further instructions, the two men were already out of the car. They walked carefully to the door, their hands holding the handle of their gun that was hidden behind their backs.

Quin, who was in front of Xavier slowly lifted his gun as he heard footsteps coming closer to the door.

The door flew open and Quin pointed the gun at Santi, but soon redacted it as soon as he saw who it was.

"Is something wrong?" Quin asked, while Xavier still had his gun pointed at the door, just in case something or someone made a jump at them.

"She isn't home!" Once Santi's words came off his lips, he flung the car door open and slipped inside.

Quin didn't ask where. He knew exactly where to go. After a few rings, Kehlani's phone was finally answered.

"Hello?" A thick, deep voice aired through the device.