
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

11- Who hurt you?

Editing in progress...

Chapter 11


The banging sound brought Lani back to her senses as she stared at the producer.


"Hello" Lani greeted, but Nita wasn't having any of it as she raised her hands to slap her across the face but Kehlani caught of hold of her hand, held it, and slapped her across the face.

Looking at her, she greeted again, "Hello, do you need something?" she gave her a closed eye smile. Juanita glared at her.

"Why are you talking to him?! Why now, when you have never had an interest in boys" She yelled at her. The little students left in the class watched the action unfold before their eyes. Juanita's was red from either Lani's slap or her rage.

Pushing Juanita off her, flexing her wrist around to crack it, maybe it was from the hard slap she had given her.

She did remember the times when she and Juanita's group of friends would go out and all they did do was talk about Joaquin, Santiago, and Xavier.

At that time, she didn't care about them, but she always felt disgusted whenever they spoke about her brother in sexual ways. She never attempted to tell them that Santi was her brother, so she was not surprised when Juanita was glaring at her when Santi was comfortable around her.

"I don't know what you mean," she said with a shrug.

"Why were you talking with the trios" she yelled.

'You have no shame do you' Lani thought to herself.

"The trios?" she asked, provoking Juanita even more as she tried to slap her again, but this time Kehlani moved effortlessly and with a fluid motion, suddenly catching Juanita's hand and slipping behind her.

"I swear to God if you try to hit me again" she threatened as she pulled her arm backward to tighten it. "I will break your arm"

"Do you know who I am?! My father will kill you and your worthless family".

"Hmm yes I know your father Alberto D Rodriguez… part of the top ten mafias Don in Mexico City… The Godfather of The Black Cove… I would be seeking death to hurt his beloved daughter," She said, her voice so serene it terrified Juanita.

"Lani that's enough" A girl with large glasses spoke.

"Savannah" Kehlani looked at Juanita and looked at the Savannah girl. Sighing to herself, she let go of her arm.

"Walk with me" Kehlani spoke to Savannah as they both left the class. Suddenly stopping short by the door, Kehlani turned and spoke to Juanita.

"Santiago is my brother, Joaquin sits behind me in class, and I babysit Xavier's siblings I hope you don't bother with idiotic questions anymore" finally leaving the class with Savannah trailing behind her.

"What's up," she asked as they entered the girl's bathroom, and Savannah hushed her lips. Going to check if the four stalls were empty, she pulled out an 'out of bound' sticker and placed it on the outside of the door, closing it and locking it from there.

"There is a race today," Savannah said, going to the mirror and pulling down her black bob wig, as she let her dyed dark blue-black hair roll off her shoulders stopping at her bra length. She ran her hand through her hair as she tried to ruffle something out of it. Taking her glasses off, her blue eyes reflected on her.

"Can't make it"

"HUH?! Why!!! It is a hundred thousand Mexican pesos we are going to miss out on… what is so more important than that?"

This is Savannah, Savannah, Ramirez. She was a perfect definition of a money monger.


This is Savannah, Savannah, Ramirez. She was a perfect example of a money monger. Savannah was born and raised in a trailer park. Her family stole from each other. If you could keep your money hidden, no problem, but if it was stolen, that is your luck and a warning to try harder to keep it well hidden. And because of that, she was always out and ready to look for money wherever she could.

It didn't matter what jobs she did, so far money was the reward, or whatever it was to exchange for money, she would do it. It didn't concern her whether the job was legal or not, she would do it, but she still had her limits. And to her, there was nothing like dirty money or blood money.

She, Savannah, was the one who introduced Kehlani to illegal racing because in her last job, Savannah was almost thrown into jail and that was the last thing she wanted, to be thrown in prison. Savannah and Kehlani hardly ever spoke in school, except if put in pairs for a project or if the situation called for it.

But outside school, they were two peas in a pod. They did everything together, from stealing cars for Kehlani's races to helping Savannah with one of her weird missions, because it gets peculiar each giving moment.

For Savannah, doing illegal activity was as normal as breathing air. But for Kehlani it just changed when her mother died. It was like she was numb to everything. Best known to Kehlani, her brother has always been worried about her.

She didn't cry when she heard about the death, she didn't cry when their mother was being buried and even months after. She only began to shed tears when it came to her father beating her up. While Santiago was running around doing something she had no idea of, she too was running around doing something he had no idea of.

They both of them did things just for the other.

Though she never took weed, cigarettes, or alcohol in general, she only did minor mundane illegal things like illegal street races, stealing vehicles or parts of vehicles, and breaking into people's cars and houses. So compared to Savannah, she was still the good little girl her brother believed she was.

"I am telling up this is a sweet deal… we can't walk away from it" Savannah continued to push it, but Lani didn't budge an inch.

"I am serious I am not going, I already promised I can't just cancel it"

"Oh come on, look at the cash" She urged, pushing her phone up Lani's face. Lani just pushed it back down and spoke to her.

"Get another person"

"Another person?! You are the only one I have, how do I suddenly get another person? It's not like I pick them up in the streets like loose change"!

"You can hardly find loose change on the street these days"

"That is not the point, Lani!!" she snapped. Sighing, Kehlani pulled the phone from her hand and looked at the next race.

"Sign me up for next three weeks' Friday's race," she said, trying to compromise.

"You want to race with Big Bill?! Have you lost it? Even I don't want you to race with Big Bill".

"Girl, just sign me up. I would never get better if I keep playing with the same people, and I am also starting to get bored with the same old race every time." She blankly stated.

"Before I agree, let me see if the money is worth the risk" Shock was evident in Savannah's voice.


"What?! How much"!

"Half a million pesos" and Kehlani's sweat dropped. This meant one thing.

"MAFIA DONS ARE COMING," They both said together.

"Okay, Okay, let's calm down," Savannah said, being the first of the two to get themselves together. "Let's see how many are coming" she whispered. Swiping and scrolling, she finally found what she was looking for.

"Twelve. Twelve Dons are coming" she whispered. The two girls had the same thoughts in their heads.

Should we race or not?

The racing ground was named after AREAs. AREAs X0 to AREAs X99. Kehlani was popular in just thirty-one AREAs. Which were AREAs X1, X5, X7, X8, X12, X13, X14, X20, X21, X22, X26, X27, X30, X34, X36, X39, X40-X45, X54, X67, X69, X70, X79, X80, X83, X89, X99. They both thought deeply about it.

"What do we do? What do we do? What do we do?" Savannah questioned expectantly.

"Let us think this clearly okay" Kehlani muttered, she paced quietly, going back and forth.

Half a million pesos was seriously a large amount to have, but it was also a large amount to let go. The two girls would most likely never see that type of money in their lives again.

"WE DEFINITELY CAN'T LOSE THIS CHANCE IN RACING" Savannah yelled to the ceiling.
