
Eclipsed Luna (BL Omegaverse)

A heads up..I will not post warnings on chapters. I understand many people have triggers, but for me there are too many to try and warn readers about. I have no plans of blood and gore, but know there will be death and sexually mature content. This is also a Boy x Boy book with omegavers meaning men can get pregnant. If you have any issues of any one of these types of content please refraine from reading. Thank you all for your support! Being born as the second son of the Alpha normally would mean the life of being a leader for the warriors. Kash did not get such luck. He was not born an Alpha. He was born as an omega. His father had protected him for years. Keeping him away from everyone, even his own pack. Now that the annual ball is arriving along with his 18th birthday his father expects him to greet new wolves to find a mate. Kash does not want this life and fights it. But a certain Royal arrived a day early and has other plans for the omega. Will Kash learn to like who he is and become stronger for it, or will he reject everything. A story of growth and love. I will caution that this story will have strong language and sexual content. It is boy x boy and omegaverse. This story starts slow and will build. It is not just about his relationships but his way of living, the changes that come into his life and how he handles it all. I hope you enjoy the ride with my first webnovel! I do try to post chapters often but I am very busy with work. My goal will be a minimum of two chapters a week. **** I walked to the door only to be completely assaulted by the scent. Standing in the room was my mate. A fierce young male. He was adorable. His small stature would fit perfectly against mine. I could not stop staring at the man before me. His black hair framed his face with the piercing silver eyes. His pale alabaster skin looked so smooth and tempting even from the slight distance we held. He was perfect. “Are you done staring? If so, you can leave.” He had now crossed his arms and glared at me with mistrust. I could now understand that he was under 18, or he would have scented me as his mate as well. “Well?” All I could get out of my lips, thanks to my wolf trying to take over was one word. “Mate.” The eyes of my mate opened wide before he started to shake his head. “Oh, hells no! I am no ones mate. Never will be.” He started to back away as much as he could from me. I grinned stepping forward while my Beta took my back. He knew it would be dangerous to get between us right now. My wolf found our mate and wanted to claim him. “I am Alpha Atlas of the Royal Eclipse Pack. And yes, you are most definitely my mate. What is your name?” He shook his head. He then looked towards the direction of his father stood before looking back at me. “I do not have to talk to you. You are not my Alpha.” The glare he gave me was more pinch his cheeks adorable over aggressive. ****

Zurgyness · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 30

Atlas View

My uncle was not surprised I pulled him aside over the group he brought to the meal. It angered me he never asked me about my thoughts or if Kash could handle it. The whole time I blew up at him he was quiet. His smile grew when we heard the footsteps, ones I knew by heart running from the dining room.

"Kash." I glared at my uncle. "If any of your members hurt him in anyway, I will never allow them to step foot in these lands again. I could care less if they have family here or not."

"My young Atlas. He is but a quiet omega, they are sensitive over small things. I would not worry yourself over it. It might give you early greys."

The man before me angered me. He also knew that this was not the time or place with so many around for a further discussion. "Your games will not be tolerated any more uncle." I turned around and went back in to the dining hall while mind linking with Zion. 'What happened?'

'He stood up for himself and the pack. It was beautiful. He still might be hurt or overthinking a few things with what was said.'

'Like? Come on Zion, I want to know if I am killing anyone tonight.' I had almost gotten to my seat when Zion told me all what was said to Kash. 'They said I would get a concubine for an heir?' I wanted to roar at them. 'I am not staying here longer than needed. My mate needs me more.'

'I agree. Karr and Colton followed him up and said he was quiet. We both know that might not mean anything good.'

"It has come to my attention that my mate and the future Luna was disrespected here tonight while I was in a meeting. This will cause my visit tonight to be shortened. I care very much for my mate and his well-being and disrespect to him, as with any other Luna will not be tolerated." I sat down and looked around the tables. It would have been hard to figure out the culprits if it was not for the three females Zion had pointed out.

They of course never got the hint and continued their thoughts. "Sire. When can we expect an heir? It has been so long. New pups would be so welcome in the manor. I do love little ones." This one was the one that started it. She was from a higher noble family, but looked like she belonged with the trash to me. I could smell her letting out some of her pheromones on purpose. She was telling me she would be ready to mate soon. What a stupid ploy. Every alpha in the room was looking at her now. "Aww. Can you imagine little pups running around and playing in the grounds?"

"Trish. That is enough. Alpha Atlas has not even had his mating ceremony date set yet. We have many things to deal with before he can think of pups." Zion stepped in to try and quiet her.

"You do not need to mark to mate and have pups. Or is it true he cannot produce. I guess not all omegas would be useful in that manner. Males especially, would be harder for them to help with that. He is cute at least." She smirked while watching my reaction. "An heir is just as, if not more, important than a Luna, is it not?"

"Enough!" I stood up as I roared. "This slutty behaviour is not welcome at the table. If you can't keep your pheromones in check, you can leave. As for discussions of heirs, it is between my mate and I. When it comes time you all as a pack will be notified by both my mate and I."

"I apologize for tempting you sire. It was never my intention. I just got carried away with the idea of pups." She quieted her scent but smiled while she did.

This time my glare was directed right at her. "You could never tempt me with your scent. I have saved myself for my mate, and will continue to be for my mate, no other. Do you all understand?" Still standing I looked around at the other tables. "I shall bid you all farewell. When my mate and I return from our travels we will have another dinner with a proper meeting."

'Zion, make sure they understand the rules. I will be with Kash.'

'Your uncle has never been this quiet. What did you say?'

'Ha! I told him his games are no longer welcome. Good evening, see you ready to travel tomorrow.'

'Night boss.'

As I walked through the main hall, I ignore the high heels I heard heading my way until a hand grabbed my wrist. "Sire, wait." Trash, I mean Trish, was holding my hand and pulling herself towards me. "I am truly sorry for any miss understanding. I should not have come to the dinner knowing my rut is near." She tried to get in closer and I growled.

"Atlas?" Then I heard a voice from the top of the stairs in a hurt voice I never wanted to hear.

Whipping around I looked up at eyes holding back tears. His hands were gripping the banister is a death like grip. His skin looked pale and he was holding his breath.

"Kash! I was just on my way to see you." As I moved forward the bitch beside me grabbed my arm and pulled back.

Kash bolted. He ran faster than I have seen him go before. Karr and Colton were right behind him and I was shocked. What happened? Turning to the female as Kash dashed out the door I growled. "You are to leave and are no longer welcome in this manor. Be happy I am doing nothing more."

'Zion, Kash just ran out. Escort Trash out the door and past the manor boundaries. She is not welcome here again.'

'What happened boss?'

'That is what I am about to find out.'

'Karr, report.'

'Boss his scent is hidden from us. I do not know if he knows he does it, but when he is upset, we can't track him. We do know that he is in wolf form.'

I growled. Running out the door I changed to my wolf form not concerned with anything but Kash. What happened for him to be like that. Did the words those damn females say, really hurt him that much? Putting my nose to the air I found his trail. 'Warriors on me. I have his scent. Zion, take care of the guests.'

It did not take me long to realized he can run fast in his wolf form when he needed or wanted too. His wolf being smaller also allowed him to get into areas I never could causing the warriors and I to go around and loose time catching him. The forest was now dark and I was still tracking him. At one point I lost his scent when we had to go around an area. I was getting frustrated as we backtracked to find his scent again. My wolf was yelling at me. 'That stinky female made him run. We should have killed her to appease our mate.' I could only growl in reply.

'Warriors wait!' I could hear him now and he was no longer running. He was whimpering. 'Stay put. I will go alone.' The thicket he dived in was thick and would take a smaller wolf or animal to get into without some difficulty. The deeper I looked in, the closer I could see the trees were together.

As I walked forward through the thick bush I changed to my human form for ease. Before I fully exposed myself in a small clearing near the middle, he growled at me. It was a warning to stay away. Hesitating at first, I did not move. Listening and observing, I could tell he was tired and laying down. His breath fast from the run, but whimpers in between. That had me step forward. "Kash, it is me."

His answering growl was not what I was expecting. I watched as his form turned to me and stood up. He was very mad; no furious, and I still could not figure out what I did. His wolf form, though angry was still cute in my eyes, and I struggled to keep a smile from my face. That flopped ear was so unique.

"Can you change forms so we can talk?" His growl told me no. I sighed. "Look, my uncle caused the people to be there. I did not know until we were already on our way from your training. I did not mean to pull you in, but my plan was not to stay. I am so sorry those she wolves were cruel." He whimpered at that. "One has already been banished from the manor. In fact, Zion is dealing with them all now."

He changed as I spoke. "You will be better off with that female you seem to like, than something like me."

"Female?" I was really confused.

He stomped his foot and then punched a tree near by. "Don't fuck with me. You act all nice and then the females told me you will get concubines. Stupid me, never thought you would. But what do I see? A female all over you in the hall. The smell alone told me enough. I knew I should have listened to my gut. No one would want me. I am a waste of a wolf." His tears were enough to have me on my knees, his words pulled me right to him.

"Kash. There is never going to be anyone but you!" I tried to grab him in my arms and he slapped me away. My wolf whined. "Kash, that female in the hall is the one banished for her behaviour. I was on my way to you when she grabbed me. I held in my anger and stopped from striking her down only because I know her father would never condone her behaviour and would punish her far greater than her death would serve."

"But her scent, and she was so close to you..." His tears had started to slow from being cried out.

"I do not know what you saw, but she was not that close. As for her scent, she tried using it in the dinning room as well. She was trying to draw me into a rut with her own, but the only scent that ever will, is yours. I don't want any other scent but yours." I moved in to hold him when he looked down. "Kash, if you ever doubt me, or yourself, please talk to me."

"What if..what.." He was struggling to speak and I just held him as his tears flowed once more. "What if..I..I..I am..n...n.not able...." His voice quieted as his tear took over once more.

"Kash. Shhh..It is okay." I rubbed his back and pulled him to sit in my lap on the ground. 'Zion, I have Kash. Trash made it look like her and I were gonna mate when Kash walked in. I do not know if it was her plan, but inform her father of her behaviour tonight. I need to make Kash understand how much he means, so be ready.'

'Atlas!' I shut the mind link off.

Kash had slowed his tears now. I was not sure if he was dried up or if my comfort was enough for him. "Atlas, what will happen if I can't give you an heir?" His voice was but a whisper.

This was what he was worried about? I grabbed his chin and had him look into my eyes. "You will always be enough. If you can't have pups and want one, we can adopt." Looking at his pouting lips I had enough and put my lips to his.

At first, I was slow, tasting and testing, I never want to force Kash. When he moaned in response, I slipped my tongue inside to taste him more. Damn he tasted so good. His body shivered in response and I could now smell his arousal. Pulling back, I let him have some air while I looked down at him. His face was flushed, lips red and shining with saliva. His eyes were half lidded along with his breathing being shallow and almost at a pant.

I wanted more. I moved his body to fully face me and he squeaked a little in surprise with his eyes opening and looking right into mine. "Can I show you what you do to me Kash? I promise to only go as far as you want." His eyes looked into mine for a little while, I wished I could read his thoughts and worried a little, until he blushed a little more and nodded.

I am still reworking previous chapters and this one will get it as well I am sure. However, new chapter for my followers. Also, please remember I will not remind folks if chapters are Mature..the book is mature already.

Thank you so much for sticking to my story while I grow. I love the support I am seeing!

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