
**Part 1: Unveiled Shadows**

The morning sun shone brightly over Shining Star Academy as the K4 arrived in a sleek black car. They entered the school confidently, drawing attention from everyone around.

Kang Joon , the leader who was undeniably handsome he as unique features which differentiated him from other guys,how physique was unmatchable , his dressing was a whole different thing, he looked like he walked straight out of an anime series , he walked with authority and a cold expression,

while Kyeong-min the cute one among then who had a carefree attitude and flirty, he is very popular with the girls and he changes his girlfriends like clothes.

Kyung-ho the charming one who is obsessed with his hair and looks ,

and Ki-hoon the smart nerd, he gives out the most ideas to his friends.

In a nearby classroom,

Yuna Kim a very beautiful and delicate flower, her beauty meets no bounds, mst girls she meet were jealous of her and often told her she was ugly to make themselves feel better, she wore a skimpy skirt and a hoody , she styled her hair in ponytail ,

While she was studying. She didn't notice her water bottle falling from her desk and making a noise.

Kang Joon noticed the sound and looked at Yuna, who felt embarrassed. Kyeong-min joked about her clumsiness, but Kang Joon approached her with a serious expression.

Yuna stammered an apology, feeling nervous. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Kyeong-min stepped forward with a smirk. "Looks like we have a new addition to the clumsy club," he teased. 

"Brother don't flirt with Yuna" Hye min said who just arrived at the scene said,

Yuna chuckled at Kyeong-min words, her cheeks burning with indignation. "Thank you," she retorted, her voice tinged with sarcasm. "I'll be sure to wear my 'clumsy club' badge with pride."

Kyeong-min smirks and turned to Kang Joon, "I like her. She's got spunk."

"You like all girls , dumb ass" Kyung ho said sarcastically 

Kang Joon remained silent, his gaze intense as he studied Yuna. Sensing the tension, Yuna met his gaze with determination, refusing to back down.

Taking a step closer to Yuna, Kang Joon spoke in a measured tone, "Watch yourself, Kim. This isn't a place for mistakes."

Yuna swallowed nervously, but she held Kang Joon's gaze, her resolve unwavering. 

"Whatever," she replied, her voice steady.

Hye min, eager to lighten the mood, nudged Kyeong-min with a grin. "Come on, don't scare Yuna on her first day , I was assigned to show her around today," she said playfully.

Kyeong-min chuckled, flashing Yuna a charming smile. "Don't worry, we don't bite... much," he added with a wink.

Kyung-ho, who had been observing quietly, finally spoke up. "Welcome to Shining Star Academy, Yuna. Despite the rough start, we're not all that bad."

"You guys are been weirdly nice to her" Hye min said playfully and let out a chuckle.

Yuna felt a small wave of relief at Kyung-ho's words, sensing a hint of warmth beneath the K4's intimidating exterior. "Thank you," she said, offering a tentative smile. "I'm sure I'll get used to things here."

As the tension in the room began to ease, the K4 turned to leave, their presence fading into the background as they disappeared down the hallway. Left alone with her new found friend Hye min in the classroom,

Yuna couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation stirring within her—a feeling that her encounter with the K4 was just the beginning of an unforgettable journey.
