
Eclipsed Destiny: The Saga of Diaz

Hello Guys,Volume 1 is neear finished, and will go to second volume Plot Summary: In a world where heroes and villains are defined by deeds and desires, Diaz awakens in the body of a seemingly ordinary young man, believed to be the vanished son of the celebrated hero. Unbeknownst to the world, Diaz is not the missing heir, but a reincarnated former underworld boss who once wielded power with ruthless cunning. Diaz seizes the opportunity to assume the identity of the hero's son, embracing the role of an heir while secretly orchestrating his own agenda. With his underworld experience, he employs a web of deceit and manipulation that rivals the very foes he inherited along with the hero's legacy. He manipulates the political landscape and pits his enemies against each other, all while maintaining the guise of a grieving son. As Diaz navigates the world of heroes, magic, and treachery, he discovers that the his past dissappearance was no accident. A shadowy organization with its own nefarious goals had orchestrated the original heir's vanishing act, plunging the realm into chaos. Diaz uncovers the truth behind his predecessor's fate, learning of the hero's flaws and unshared secrets. Harnessing his underworld connections and strategic brilliance, Diaz wages a shadow war against the organization, drawing on the resources he had once commanded. Along the way, he assembles an unlikely group of allies, individuals who thrive in the shades of morality and share his desire to dismantle the organization that manipulated them all. But as Diaz digs deeper, he grapples with his own transformation. He must confront the morality of his past actions and the consequences of his present manipulations. As lines blur between redemption and revenge, Diaz must decide whether to embrace his role as a savior or succumb to the darkness he once ruled. The story is slow but i assure you is just a rain before the storm. There are a harem in the story. But i guaranted you they are not just vase girl. Well but being manipulated by our MC ofcourse. Our MC is not that good but he also not so much evil. MC always puts himself first and not a naive MC

MyLawDude · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Aura POV (Bonus Chapter a little Longer)

Aura's POV

The first time I met Arthur, I never could have imagined how our lives would become intertwined in the most unexpected ways. It was during a perilous expedition deep within the enchanted forests of Elysia. A dense fog clung to the air, and the echoes of mythical creatures resonated in the distance. That was when I first laid eyes on him—a bumbling young adventurer stumbling over his own feet.

"Watch out for that tree root!" I had shouted, barely containing my laughter as he tripped and nearly face-planted into the ground. His indignant expression was priceless, a mix of surprise and embarrassment that painted his cheeks a vivid shade of crimson.

And so began our adventure, one fraught with mishaps and laughter. Arthur's unwavering optimism and knack for stumbling into trouble had a certain charm, and his genuine curiosity about the world around him was infectious. We navigated treacherous terrains, encountered elusive creatures, and survived more than a few close calls.

Our journey was not without its moments of lighthearted banter. Arthur's tendency to mistake dangerous flora for harmless plants led to some comical situations. "Oh, look at this lovely flower," he'd exclaim, only for me to snatch his hand away just in time to avoid a venomous sting. We would exchange playful jabs and jokes, our camaraderie growing stronger with each passing day.

As our bond deepened, I found myself drawn to Arthur's unwavering spirit. His heart was as open as the sky above us, and his presence had a way of brightening even the darkest corners of the forest. Yet, in my heart, I couldn't ignore the fact that my feelings for him were slowly shifting from friendship to something more.

It wasn't until Celestina arrived that I truly understood the depth of my emotions. Celestina, the Dragon Emperor herself, had taken an interest in Arthur's adventures and had joined us on our journeys. I watched as Arthur's eyes widened in awe upon meeting her—a reaction I had never seen from him before. The way his heartbeat quickened and his cheeks flushed in her presence was impossible to miss, even for someone as dense as Arthur.

As Celestina and Arthur's friendship grew, my heart ached with a strange mix of jealousy and resignation. Celestina was everything I wasn't—powerful, regal, and a figure of admiration to all who knew her. It was clear that Arthur's heart had found another to beat for, and I was left to wrestle with my own emotions.

Time passed, and the bond between Celestina and Arthur only grew stronger. I watched from the sidelines, pretending that my heart wasn't breaking with each passing day. Then, the news of their impending marriage arrived, and I felt the weight of heartbreak settle deep within me.

Years went by, and I remained by Arthur's side as a loyal friend and confidante. When he became a father to a son even more handsome than him, I found solace in the moments we shared. Arthur's visits with his son were filled with laughter and playfulness, a testament to the kind of father he had become.

I cherished those times, for they allowed me to be a part of his life in some small way. As his son, Diaz, grew older and entered Luminiar Academy, I took pride in his achievements. Watching him become one of the academy's brightest students filled me with a sense of pride that I couldn't deny.

But then, one fateful day, Diaz disappeared without a trace. My heart raced with worry as I scoured the kingdom for any clue of his whereabouts. Every lead turned into a dead end, and desperation gnawed at my soul. The only thing that seemed to connect to his disappearance was a rumor—a rumor that suggested the involvement of the Polimex royal family.

the Polimec Kingdom ruler is known as King Cedric Stormborne, while the revered queen, Eleanor Dawnswell, brings balance to the royal court. Their heirs include the ambitious Crown Prince Alistair Stormborne, a third-year student at the academy; the cunning Second Prince Leopold Dawnswell, skilled in navigating court politics; the sophisticated Third Prince Maximilian Dawnswell, adept at diplomacy; and the enchanting and Diaz classmate Youngest Princess Isabella Dawnswell.

My mind raced as I considered the possibilities. The king had three sons and one daughter, each with their own motivations and secrets. The first prince, known for his ambition, and the second prince, a mysterious figure cloaked in shadows, stood out as potential suspects.

But despite my efforts, the truth remained elusive, slipping through my fingers like water. As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, I felt a sense of helplessness unlike any I had experienced before. My heartache deepened as I grappled with the possibility that Diaz might be lost to me forever.

And so, I continue my search, driven by the memories of the adventures we shared and the bonds that were forged. My determination to uncover the truth remains unyielding, for Diaz's disappearance is a puzzle I must solve, no matter the cost. As I tread the path of uncertainty, I can't help but wonder if the answers lie within the royal family of Polimex—a family with their own secrets and motives that could unravel the enigma of Diaz's disappearance and bring him back to the world he left behind.

"Auntie" Suddenly Diaz called

she snapped back to his reality

"ah hey Diaz, Do you like your stay in this place".

in the core of the place while there are green leaf, natural beauty, and add some description, the room is big

"Auntie," Diaz's voice broke through Aura's thoughts, snapping her back to reality. She turned to face him, a quirked eyebrow betraying her curiosity.

She make a apologetic gesture. "Yes, Diaz? Ah..I am sorry I lost in my thought again"

He chuckled, his gaze sweeping over the lush greenery surrounding them. "I can't help it, Aura-nee. This place brings back memories from my childhood."

"Ah, I see," she said with a hint of amusement. "Well, I suppose the nostalgia is a bonus of staying here."

Diaz nodded, his eyes taking in the natural beauty around them. "Definitely. And speaking of bonuses, I'm quite impressed with this room. It's quite spacious."

The room where Diaz and Aura conversed was a haven of tranquility nestled within the heart of the sanctuary. Bathed in soft, moonlit hues, the room exuded an ethereal ambiance that seamlessly merged with the natural beauty of the surroundings. Intricately carved wooden furnishings adorned the space, their elegance mirroring the timeless wisdom of the sanctuary. Delicate tapestries depicting scenes of nature adorned the walls, their colors dancing in the gentle glow of candles. The air carried a faint scent of herbs and blossoms, further enhancing the soothing atmosphere. Diaz and Aura occupied a space that resonated with the sanctuary's serene energy—a place where secrets whispered on the wind could intertwine with the intricate dance of fate.

Aura smiled, pleased by his compliment. "I'm glad you like it. It's important to have a comfortable space to unwind."

"Yeah, it's been quite a relaxing stay so far," Diaz admitted, his tone unusually candid.

Aura couldn't help but feel a bit surprised by his openness. She leaned against a nearby tree, studying him with a thoughtful expression. "You seem different from the first time we met, Diaz. More... at ease, perhaps?"

He met her gaze, his lips curling into a wry smile. "Well, being on the run and constantly scheming does that to a person. But here, surrounded by all this greenery and tranquility, it's hard not to let my guard down."

Aura's gaze softened as she regarded him. "I'm Suprise you're finding solace here, Diaz."

He scratched his head, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips. "Well, surprises keep life interesting, right?"

Aura nodded in agreement. "Indeed, they do. And speaking of surprises, are you sure you do not want to call Celestina? She might be worried about you."

Diaz shook his head. "No, I want to surprise her. I want to see that shocked expression on her face when I just pop up."

Aura chuckled. "You've always been one for dramatic entrances, haven't you?"

Diaz shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "It keeps things interesting."

Aura rolled her eyes playfully. "Well, Diaz, if you want to make a lasting impression, you might want to consider a less dramatic approach."

He grinned. "Noted, Aura-nee. I'll keep that in mind."

Aura shook her head with a fond smile. "And can you please stop calling me 'Auntie'? It makes me feel ancient."

Diaz laughed, a rich sound that filled the air. "Alright, Aura, I'll spare you the 'Auntie' title."

"Thank you," she said with mock seriousness.

Diaz's gaze shifted to the nearby library, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "You know, your library is quite a good place. I've learned so much in the past two days here."

Aura's eyes softened. "I'm glad to hear that. Books have a way of opening new worlds and perspectives. Well, while I was adventuring with your father, we used to visit libraries and gather knowledge from around the world."

Diaz's interest was piqued. "Really? I didn't know you had a penchant for reading."

Diaz smirked. "Well, every good adventurer needs a vast array of knowledge, right?"

Aura chuckled. "I suppose that's true. Knowledge is power, after all."

Diaz's mind was working in overdrive, trying to come up with a scheme that would capture Aura's heart. He had seen her charm and wit, and he wanted to impress her in a way that went beyond his usual tactics. He cleared his throat, trying to sound casual. "You know, Aura, I've always admired your intelligence and strength. You're quite an incredible woman."

Aura's cheeks flushed slightly at the unexpected compliment. "Well, thank you, Diaz. That's very kind of you to say."

Diaz leaned against a tree, a playful glint in his eyes. "But I've heard that actions speak louder than words. So, I've been thinking of ways to show you just how much I appreciate you."

Aura arched an eyebrow, intrigued by his words. "Oh really? And what do you have in mind?"

He grinned, a confident smirk playing on his lips. "How about a little adventure? I've heard there's a hidden waterfall deep within these woods, a place of breathtaking beauty. I thought it might be nice to explore it together."

Diaz mouth curled up with a smirk, 'well, let's start the plan'