

The end of the world approaches, and time is running out.

Cordel_Lawrence · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 1: Faith

"Elizabeth it's time for school," Elizabeth replies "I know mom." "Sweetheart if you don't hurry you'll be late for your first day in college." "You don't need to remind me mom I know, by the way where my car keys are." Elizabeth mom replies "in your hand sweetheart now go." "ok bye mom".

After a long drive I finally made it to Morgan Stanley college for future doctors and it was worth it. All my life I've always wanted to help people,save lives, so I decided to do medicine and some other things, all those years in high school paid off.

"Aye liz, welcome to college." This is my friend Emma. She's a year older and my role model, I looked up to her. At the age of 8, she saved an old man from dying, she's a star. "Liz, let's go," said Emma. "Right behind you." Elizabeth replied.

Everyone take your seats. My name is Howard Leo and I'm the chairman for this school." "And I'm Amy Leo,the chairwoman of this school and we both want to welcome you all to Morgan Stanley college for future doctors. Standing from where I am I can see that all of you children, great minds, the future of medicine and hope for a family. Today we want to tell you about how this school operates, the rules and regulations. Do you believe in miracles anyone you can just put your hand up."

Emma slightly puts her hand up,"I do," Emma said. Amy laughs, "so do I, I had stage one cancer and now I'm cured and I think with young minds like yours we can create miracles."

After two very long hours, it was over. I felt relieved, I couldn't listen anymore. Emma walked up behind Elizabeth "Aye liz there's gonna be a meteor shower tonight, are you going to watch it? By the way how's things between you and Allen?" Elizabeth replies, "good." "So are you two still going out?" Why are you asking me these questions Emma?" "Because we're friends and I want to know, plus I've always liked you." "Emma we're not doing this it was just a one time mistake." Emma replies "oh really but you liked it." "Emma stop"

"Sorry I gotta go." I don't know but sometimes Emma scares me, I know she's my role model but that doesn't matter. "Go long,go long!" Elizabeth screams "watch out dang" "I'm sorry let me help you up, I'm really sorry." It's ok" Elizabeth replied. "My name is Joseph and that idiot over there is my brother Joshua." "I'm Elizabeth, you can call me liz for short. Sorry to ask but are you a member of the students council?" "Yep I am." Joseph replies "I'm the vice president" "oh I'm not going to be in any trouble am I?" "Why would you? I was the one who bumped into you. Anyways I know it's too early to ask but would you like to watch the meteor shower with me tonight?" Elizabeth paused for a moment "I'll think about it" "ok bye"

*Later that night*

"You came" "why wouldn't I," he replied. "Wow I didn't think there would be so many people." "I know right, but this is the first meteor shower in about a hundred years so everyone is gonna want to see." Joseph looks at his watch, "it's almost time let's go on the roof liz, hurry it's about to start." "wow." said Elizabeth as she was stunned. Hundreds of meteorites light up the night sky.

"It's so beautiful." "I know," said Joseph. "Joseph?" "yes liz?" "That one looks like it's heading our way." "I think you're right." Joseph replied. "Joseph," "yes liz?" "I think we should run now." "I think so too."

The two ran down the stairs quickly before the meteor could hit to warn the others. "Everyone hurry up and run!" shouted Joseph. "A meteor is heading our way!" Everyone started to panic "Joseph! Joshua! I'm over here!" Emma hold my hand let's go." The four ran outside the building.

*Meanwhile on the news*

"NASA satellites just picked up 7 meteorites heading towards earth at a very fast speed. Could this be the end for mankind?"

"Wow liz." "Yes emma, I think one of the meteorites landed over there let's take a look." "I don't think we should." "Let's just go liz." "ok. Wow."said Joshua.

"That's a very big hole" Elizabeth took out her phone and turned the flashlight on. "Let's take a closer look at it." "ok" said Joseph. "Is that a boy?what is he doing here? did the meteor hit him?" Asked Elizabeth one question behind the other, "or maybe he's an alien," Joshua replied. "I don't think we should get any closer to him," "are you scared?" Joshua asked. "No I'm not,"  Joshua replied. "Everyone stop," says emma. "He's getting up."

"Aye can you hear me? what's your name?" Elizabeth asked the mysterious boy. The mysterious boy replied, "Πού είμαι?"(where am I) "What did he just say?" emma asked. "I have no idea," said Elizabeth. "Where are you from?" The mysterious boy replied, "Πανδώρα." (Pandora)"I don't think he speaks English." "Ohh I had no idea," Joseph said. "Thank you brother for stating the obvious." "ποιοι είσαι άνθρωποι?"( who are you people) the mysterious boy asked. "Let's help him up." said Emma. "We can ask him questions later but for now let's get inside."