
Eclipse of the Overlord

Fear not the darkness, for within it lies the brilliance of my reign. The world shall kneel before the unseen hand that controls its very destiny.

Digiman · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2.5

In my daily life, I have a busy schedule that leaves me with little free time. As a noble, I have to study during the day and fulfill various other tasks. This leaves me with only the nighttime for personal experiments, which means I have to sacrifice precious sleep hours. Consequently, I frequently find myself waking up rather late, causing my breakfast and lunch to blend into a delightful combination that I fondly refer to as "brunchfast."

Well done, let's embark on experimenting endeavors with utmost diligence and determination. Today, I'm particularly excited about an experiment I plan to conduct after running and engaging with monsters in the forest. Yep, It has come to my attention that a group of unruly individuals has taken up residence in a nearby deserted village. Upon closer examination, it became evident that they formed a substantial bandit gang. Remarkably, their presences entrust a valuable opportunity for me.

This is a rare occurrence, yes, as I usually only encounter scattered brigands. But dealing with a full-fledged bandit gang is a special occasion. Moreover, I lack proper sparring partners throughout the year, so I relish the opportunity. It's a bit mischievous of me, but I hope the local public order deteriorates for a change.

Well, Today, I'm excited to showcase a new weapon I've been trying out—the Slimeguard Suit. Let me explain what it is.

The Slimeguard Suit is made from a mystical material called Black Aetherium. This extraordinary substance is exclusively sourced from the depths of forests or the caverns within caves. While its availability is abundant, its utilization remains relatively scarce. But Black Aetherium possesses remarkable properties that make it perfect for crafting the Slimeguard Suit.

Firstly, the slimy resilience of Aetherium enables the armor to repel and deflect sword and arrow attacks. Its naturally slimy texture hinders opponents' weapons, reducing their effectiveness in penetrating the suit.

Moreover, despite its exceptional protective capabilities, Aetherium remains remarkably lightweight and flexible. This ensures that the wearer can move swiftly and gracefully, unburdened by the weight of heavy armor. The suit's lightweight nature enhances agility and maneuverability in combat, enabling the wearer to evade attacks and strike with precision.

Furthermore, Black Aetherium possesses inherent anti-magical properties. It forms a protective barrier that actively repels and neutralizes magical energies directed at it. This makes the Slimeguard Suit unsuitable for magic users, as it interferes with their ability to channel and manipulate aura. While wearing the suit, their spellcasting abilities are nullified by its magic-repellent properties.

In summary, the Slimeguard Suit, crafted from the extraordinary material Black Aetherium, offers exceptional physical protection and enhanced maneuverability. Its slimy texture repels conventional weapons, while its lightweight and flexible nature allows for swift and agile movement. The suit's magic-repellent properties make it unsuitable for magic users, as it negates their spellcasting abilities. For someone like me, the Slimeguard Suit is an ideal choice.

Unlike traditional armor, it remains silent, comfortable, and provides support for all my movements. Its defensive capabilities are also guaranteed. Who would have thought that the ancient book I won at an auction in my previous life would prove so useful?

However, perfecting the Slimeguard Suit has required a great deal of time and patience. If patience is a virtue, then creating a Slimeguard Suit turns you into a saint or a frustrated crafter!

Currently, I'm wearing a completely black bodysuit made from Aetherium mixed with black pigments. It lacks unnecessary embellishments, fits my body perfectly, and allows unobstructed vision and breathing. Imagine a pitch-black night with a mysterious figure donning black bodysuit, and then suddenly, my silver hair shines like a spotlight from the fashion gods. Ahaha!

Perhaps I should also consider a more suitable design in preparation for the day when I shall intervene as an overlord destined to rule the world.











In the intricate fabric of a distorted world, criminals serve as the threads that entangle, creating a web of despair and shattered innocence. However, in certain lawless corners of bustling cities like this, these individuals roam freely, unhindered by trials or judgment. It is within these spaces that I take it upon myself to deliver judgment upon these wrongdoers. Be grateful, the significance of your actions and sacrifices, for they shall become a source of great strength for me in pursuit of my ultimate goal.

Oh, I almost forgot! I need to wear this too. What is it called...?

Ah, gas mask!