
Eclipse of the Overlord

Fear not the darkness, for within it lies the brilliance of my reign. The world shall kneel before the unseen hand that controls its very destiny.

Digiman · Fantasy
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Chapter 1.75

In the end, my deepest desire for magic remains unfulfilled. But when I awoke, I found myself surrounded by a dazzling array of lights, distinct from those emanating from the people around me. Thanks to an ancient book I had recently studied, I recognized these lights as auras. However, I deemed these details insignificant and brushed them aside.

Oh yes, there was another trivial matter—I had apparently been reincarnated. Perhaps it was my longing for magic that opened the gates of reincarnation for me. Or maybe it was something else entirely. But really, it doesn't matter.

For now, I am just an infant of a few months old. It is only recently that my awareness has fully awakened, and my perception of time is still hazy, making it difficult to grasp exact details.

Above all else, I struggle to comprehend the language spoken in this kingdom. All I know is that this kingdom possesses a peculiar culture that I have never encountered before. It somewhat resembles the descriptions in the ancient book I read, which I believe referred to a culture known as "medieval Europe" or something along those lines. Regardless, it doesn't concern me greatly. It's possible that I find myself in a strange kingdom or perhaps even another world altogether.

Because what truly matters is that I have finally gained access to see aura. And surely, magic must follow suit. That is my ultimate goal, and I have little interest in the process or any other trivialities. From the moment I regained consciousness, I sensed the presence of aura.

The sight of those shimmering particles floating in the air mirrors the sensations I experienced when I delved into the ancient book during my training in my previous life. That training was not in vain, as evidenced by my immediate ability to perceive aura.

This feeling is akin to the time I drew a circle and lit candles in the royal garden, attempting to command the sky to shower the earth with gold coins. Admittedly, only one gold coin fell, —— but it was quickly thwarted by a petty noble's prank. Nevertheless, things are different now, and I have become as adept with aura as I am with my own hands and legs. Curiously, the whereabouts of my aura seem elusive. Perhaps, I am still in the nascent stages of development, akin to an infant.

Devoting all the free time bestowed upon a baby to training, I am determined to become an overlord that reigns supreme over the world.

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind.

In a fantastical realm where magical forces intertwined with bodily functions, I found myself performing an enchanting jig called the 'Gotta Go.' As the urgent call of nature reverberated through my being, my body became an instrument, conducting its own symphony of urgency. The 'Urgent Urge Symphony' played out with whimsical melodies and crescendos, testing my composure in the most extraordinary ways.

Despite my logical reasoning urging me to resist, my instincts screamed at me to find a solution.

In a moment of quick thinking, I drew upon the discipline and control honed through my intense training regimen.

Locked in a battle between my bursting bladder and my assured swordsmanship, I envisioned my porcelain foe as a formidable adversary. With determination, I raised my resolve and declared, "I shall triumph over this golden torrent!"

However, the struggle became too intense to bear, and a cry of distress involuntarily escaped my lips. "Bawl.....-o-rama!!!!!!" I called out, seeking help from anyone within earshot. My desperate plea reverberated through the surroundings, leaving me hopeful that someone would come to my aid.