
First Chapter: "Wings of Sorrow"

The desolate wasteland stretched out before her, a testament to the ruin that had befallen the once-thriving realm. Li Xue, a fragile and abandoned bird spirit, perched upon a withered tree branch, her golden eyes surveying the bleak landscape. She felt the weight of her isolation pressing upon her, the bitter taste of betrayal lingering in her heart.

As the wind whispered through the remnants of a sacred temple, Li Xue's wings trembled with both anger and determination. This barren world was a reflection of her own shattered existence, a cruel reminder of the pain she had endured. But she refused to be defined by her weakness.

The pain is her darkness and light.

From now her life will change, if It will worsen or change for better, time will show.

Now she need to survive, but how she can do it in the desolated wasteland, even if it was great forest with abundant amounts of animals and plants, but now you can't see a bush.

You can be kind, you can be soft-hearted, but you will not survive with this idiotic attitude. The bird spirit now know it from experience.

Probably this bird will never love, because why to suffer more?

The sorrow make determination of people and beasts, but It is great nurturing for ruthless creatures.

Humans are one of the worst beings. I will show you this.

I will shatter your stupid mortal view!

Cause I hate!

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