
Eclipse of death

Millhorn a little boy goes all the way to dethrone the tyrannic and evil king liechty and his ally lord schuelar the most powerful magician/wizard would he succed or would he be going on a suicidal mission

Evaristus_Nworie · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Millhorn:main character

Millhorn a young wizard of fourteen years, in a land where magic is detested.

Can he manage to bring down the king and destroy his reign, things are more difficult due to the king's alliance with lord schuelar the most powerful sorcerer in the world.

Also to remember davensport is the crown prince but how did his brother liechty ascend the throne 

Where is davensport? How did they manage to deny him his right?

There are four classes of witches

Grand sorcerer


Standard witches 


Stay tuned

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