
Eclipse; Divergence

The universe has fallen to ruin and Earth has become the center of this rising chaotic era. Gods and Monsters long-forgotten stir and at the center of the coming chaos is Cassius a man apart from the universe the greatest anomaly and perpetual deviant. His given role in this new era is that of a protector to the key to overturn everything, and he intends to do more than protect. For he is Divergence, The Other, and his entire existence is set to defy the universe.

Godspeed_Augury · Sci-fi
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24 Chs

Prologue 2

West of what once was New York City just across the river a newly erected city and fortress overlooked the ruins of what was Manhattan. In the year 2020 Manhattan had become ground zero for several earth-shaking conflicts which in the end not only left NYC devastated and desolate, but also dragged the rest of the world down with it. The Fortress City, Liberty, has acted as a haven for survivors and a launch point for a new breed of soldier tasked with recapturing Manhattan and the rest of NYC.

Deep in Liberty Fortress several dozen squads. Each squad was unique in its ways but two stood out among the crowd more than any of the others. The squads were meant to consist of five people, this number proved to be the most effective in the face of the threats they would face whether it be human or other.

On the surface the foremost squad was no different from any of the others, they had the standard five members, and even with foreigners on the team that had become a normal sight in the last year. They stood out due to the individuals in the squad. The vice-leader Alex Hernandez is a former member of the now-infamous Allslayer Corps. Though the man himself was no one too special the fact that he was in the Allslayer Corps was enough to garner his fame. But the true standout among their group was the leader Ayla Mallory known only as Silentshot to others. Still a young woman at only twenty years old and rumored to be the second most dangerous person still planet-side. She had a wheatish complexion, with a few light scars and blemishes on her face. She had no other notable characteristics, while she was not ugly or plain looking, she was no great beauty either. Her most well-known feature was found in her capabilities and temperament. She was at times no different from an animal.

Aside from this squad the most notable was not even a squad but a person. At the rear of the auditorium, the warriors had gathered in was a tall and slender woman with attractive platinum-blonde hair and deep blue eyes that were almost luminescent in the dark auditorium. No one knew the woman but if she were there, then she had every right to be and must have been capable. While the more casual and less notable squads took note of each other, footsteps resounded in the large hall.

The new arrival, a bony frail-looking man who should've feared the slightest gust of wind, comfortably and slowly strolled toward the stage. People covered their ears or placed their palms on their chest as though it would minimize the vibrations they struggled to endure with every step he took regardless of distance. Eventually, he reached the podium.

"It is good to see you all well and alive Heaven knows our time these last few months have been a journey. You all may not know me my name is Malakai Spears, you can call me Kai, Mr. Spears," he paused and watched for the reactions, "Moving on, I have been appointed Coordination Director for Field Ops. First order of business we will begin pushing toward the eastside of Manhattan. Field Teams will be reorganized into three large divisions and one small. The three large Divisions will be responsible for consolidating and holding the territory we've gained in these past months. The fourth division will be under the lead of Menefer Harmon and they will be acting as our spearhead, and claim a position on the eastside. Dismissed, Alex you and your squad are to return here in one hour. Astrid, you are to remain here and receive your mission."

The entirety of Liberty Fortress was thrown into chaos. Rumors of the leadership going mad and deserting the fortress spread so fast that within five minutes of being dismissed by the new Field-Ops Director, every single person knew of the meeting proceedings. Some believed the new divisions would be their chance to climb the ranks. Others thought it an elaborate way to get rid of the problematic fighters in the fortress.

Regardless if either or any opinion of the leadership's move was right, the one truth that remained was that they would soon enter a quiet period that gave the same peace as a graveyard.

In a small two-story building at the outskirts of the fortress, Ayla's squad was gathered in their usual dwelling, having a meeting of their own.

"Cap'n, we best bailout. Nothin' good about that guy, blokes a ratbag. An' he ain't gettin' me back to the bush anytime soon."

Edward, Eddie as he likes to be called set his sights on Ayla for a moment. Ayla had an amazingly athletic figure and was toned perfectly due to her workouts and missions. Again she was no great beauty with flawless pale skin and golden hair, but she was beautiful in her own right. Eddie shivered quickly redirecting his gaze. He may not be the strongest but he was the most sensitive to danger. How else could he make it from Queens/Brooklyn to the westside of Manhattan? He was quick to realize that his gaze had started to anger Ayla and with her animal-like tendencies and general way of handling unpleasantness he would not fare well.

"There will not be a need even if we are not chosen for this mission I would have volunteered us. You want to return to Australia. Mizuki wants to return to her family and I have no reason to stay. Soon enough 'they' should be arriving in the Southern Ports we just have to get there." A slightly robotic voice responded to Eddie. Ayla in her role as Silentshot never spoke with her voice, she always used the half-mask she wore to translate and speak to her companions and anyone else.

While Ayla's squad plotted their departure and defection someone else in Liberty was also planning her getaway. However, hers was not only leaving Liberty Fortress. She planned to leave Earth in the most permanent way possible and the greatest blaze of glory.

Meanwhile, in the skies above Earth, an object that had satellites still functioned every nation would be prepping doomsday protocols or praying. A meteor with seemingly no end rocketed directly at the planet and only gained speed as it fell and it was aimed specifically at New York City.

The story will truly start from the next chapter. I introduced quite a bit of characters in these prologues and hinted at a couple others. The story will mostly follow Cassius but the characters here will occasionally have their own time in the spotlight.

As for the auxiliary chapter. I think I will hold off for a bit and figure out what is confusing and needs to be explained a bit more beforehand.

I will try to keep up with a Tuesday and Thursday release for a while before increasing it.

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