
Eclipse Arcana

Eclipse Arcana It is a story that contains five main leads. The story begins, when Kai arrives in Celestria to save the village with his friend Eiera, his sister Rin, and his Fairy friend Luna. Later, he has been assigned a task to retrieve an artifact known as Eclipse Arcana and has to take the King's son, Aiden, with him. But he didn't know the Artifact he was sent to find could destroy his realm in the blink of an eye. Kai also found out that he is not the only one who is seeking Eclipse Arcana. The Dark Realm is also after it. Now, he has to act faster than before and gather all six pieces of Eclipse Arcana before it's too late. Kai, Eiera, Rin, Luna, and Aiden together they will face many challenges, and fight monsters, Dragons, and much more. Can Kai and his group Find Eclipse Arcana before it gets into the wrong hands? A Conversation from Chapter 40 One of the Scorchers spoke to Kai, "SO YOU ARE KAI THE WEILDER OF THE ETERNAL BLADE!"  Kai looked up at the Scorchers, "I don't have time for an introduction." Kai pointed towards the carriage and continued, "I want all three of you to carry that carriage and follow me." "HOW DARE YOU ASKED US FOR HELP!" The Scorchers got furious after listening to Kai's demand, and all three of them bang on the Eternal Blade's barrier. Scorchers, "LET US OUT! AND WE'LL TELL YOU WHO WE ARE!" "The thing is, I wasn't asking. I'm ordering all three of you!" Kai said in a commanding tone. I Hope all the readers enjoyed the story. TAGS #FantasyAdventure #MagicalRealm #EclipseArcana #JourneyofHeroes #MagicQuest #StrongestAmongThem #TrustYourFriends #ProtectTheRealm #DarkRealmThreat #MagicalCreatures #BondTested #EpicAdventure #FantasyNovel #BookishCommunity

MS_Studio_3460 · Fantasy
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122 Chs

Kai's Three Wishes

King Cedric took a moment to give Kai an offer. After a brief pause, he spoke, "Fine, I'll give you anything you desire."

"I want three things from you," Kai stated firmly.

King Cedric replied, "I'll give you anything you wish. As long as you retrieve Eclipse Arcana."

Kai said, "The First thing I want from you is your messenger."

King Cedric was puzzled after hearing Kai's first demand. He said to himself, "After everything he could ask. He asked for a messenger."

"Which one?" King Cedric demanded clarifications.

"The one that lives in the village that was attacked yesterday. He is also a father of a boy named Hiroshi." Kai clarified.

King Cedric agreed, "He is yours from this day."

Kai said, "My second wish is that you will pay that man ten thousand gold every month."

King Cedric nodded, "That's easy, consider it done. The messenger will arrive tomorrow and will get his gold."

King Cedric said to himself, "I thought he was going to ask for something rare, like a dragon's tooth, but everything he has asked for is nothing compared to my royalty." King Cedric was smiling as he was talking to himself.

"Now, the last thing I want from you is Celestia Spire Castle," Kai demanded.

King Cedric went through a myriad of expressions as he heard Kai's words. He was taken aback. He didn't know how to respond to Kai's third wish. He took a moment of silence. "The Celestia Spire Castle, the place where King Asta and his wife and daughter were killed. No one has entered that castle after their death, and you want that?"

Kai nodded and said, "Yes, I want that castle if you want that Eclipse Arcana."

"For the sake of the realm, I will give you the Celestia Spire Castle." King Cedric approved Kai's demand.

Kai looks at King Cedric as he asks, "By the way, what are you planning to do with Eclipse Arcana?"

King Cedric replied firmly, "I don't want Eclipse Arcana. I want you to find all six pieces and destroy it."

"That sounds great," Kai said as he stood up, grabbing his Eternal Blade with him. 

As Kai reached the door of the chamber, King Cedric called out, "If you fail to retrieve Eclipse Arcana. I want Eternal Blade back."

Kai smiled beneath his mask and said, "That won't happen."

As Kai walked out of the chamber, he walked towards the long table room. As he entered the room, he saw Luna sitting on Eiera's shoulder and Rin still talking to Aiden.

"Let's go," Kai called out to his friends. As soon as they heard Kai's voice, they immediately joined him, and together they all left the castle.

As the group walked back toward Hiroshi's village, Rin asked Kai. "Brother, what did the King say to you?"

Kai replied, "Asked Eiera Luna already told her everything."

Eiera was shocked as she heard Kai's reply she said. "How did you know?"

Kai responded casually, "I had a feeling you would send Luna after me."

Kai looked at Rin and said, "We have to leave tomorrow on a journey and retrieve something for him." Kai's voice was calm.

Luna flew in front of Kai and asked him, "Kai, you wanted to talk to us about something last night. What was that about?"

Kai responded, "About that," Kai looked at Eiera and began. "Eiera, why were you so angry at Hiroshi last night."

Eiera responded, "It's because that boy entered your room while you were sl...." She took a pause, and then the realization hit her. "Wait a minute, how did you know that you were asleep."

Kai smirked and said, "Did you forget who I am? Rin spell didn't work."

Eiera hit the palm of her hand on her forehead and exclaimed, "How could I forget your immunity!" Then she took another pause and said as she looked at Rin. "Rin, did you know that Kai was awake?"

Rin giggled and said, "Of course, I knew."

Eiera shouted at Rin, "You said Kai was sle-"

Rin cut her off, teasing her more, "You remembered you told Hiroshi how you met my brother." As she said, Rin ran off.

Eiera chased after her, determined to get her revenge.

As Kai and Luna were left alone, Luna whispered in Kai's ear, "Kai, are you sure about retrieving Eclipse Arcana? We don't know what type of power it has."

Kai responded confidently, "Are you doubting me?"

Luna quickly replied, "NO... It's not that..."

Kai interrupted Luna, "Don't worry too much, everything will be ok."

As Kai finished talking, he and Luna had arrived at Hiroshi's village.