
Echoes of the Player: A Chronicle of Dual Realities

In a world devastated by the Great Collapse, where humanity lives in vast underground fortresses under the control of the Xhatazlan dynasty, Isaac Arravane struggles to find purpose. Society is strictly regulated, with every action overseen for the common good. Substances that alter perception are absent, and idle life has no place; every waking moment must be productive. However, inhabitants escape into lived dreams during the night, a oneiric world that becomes a second life. For many, these dreams are a refuge of desires, filling them with ecstasy but also with guilt. Within these dreams, they find themselves in a 21st-century world full of life and color, yet they are plagued by the realization that their dreams lack purpose and productivity. Isaac, like others, grapples with the haunting question of why billions populate their dream world while the real world holds only a fraction of that number. Isaac's curiosity is piqued when a mysterious message—"player"—appears in his dreams. His investigation leads him to uncover unsettling truths about the true purpose of these dreams and the regime that controls their lives. As he delves deeper, he begins to question the very fabric of his existence and the secrets held within the DNA of the few who survived the collapse. When facing societal taboos and threats to his life, Isaac must navigate the blurred boundaries between reality and dreams. He stands on the brink of monumental change, where awakening his mind and spirit could ignite a revolution or lead to his descent into madness. Guided by a flame of hope and rebellion, Isaac embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth and challenge the oppressive order of his world.

Zyr_Yenzyd · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Echoes of the Player: A Chronicle of Dual Realities


As the sun rose, its faint light struggled to penetrate the thick, toxic clouds that had enveloped the Earth for decades. Isaac Arravane meticulously adjusted his respirator before stepping out of his makeshift refuge, steeling himself for another day in the unforgiving wasteland. Life had been irreversibly altered since the Great Collapse, a cataclysm that had decimated civilization and robbed the world of all joy.

An intricate underground fortress sprawled in the depths beneath the crumbling remnants of ancient cities, a labyrinth of interconnected tunnels and fortified caverns that catered to every need for survival. Here, the fabric of daily existence was woven with a tapestry of solemnity and contemplation, where the pursuit of the collective welfare reigned supreme. A conscious decision was made to abstain from the use of mind-altering substances, not due to prohibition, but as a deliberate choice to prioritize the preservation of mental and physical well-being for the greater good. In this society, idleness found no foothold; every conscious moment was expected to be purposeful, while the luxury of unfettered imagination and dreams was reserved solely for the sanctuary of sleep, allowing the mind a fleeting respite from the burdens of reality.

Isaac sought refuge within the confines of a sterile and functional structure constructed by an ancient, esteemed company affiliated with a wealthy and enigmatic family. Every inch of the space was meticulously designed for optimal efficiency, devoid of comfort or leisure. The monotonous, gray walls, utilitarian furniture, and clinical ambiance create a chilling, desolate atmosphere.

Outside, the streets lay abandoned, strewn with dust and debris, while looming industrial plants, massive and foreboding, stood sentinel-like in the desolate landscape. Isaac strode purposefully toward his workplace, a plant that churned out the only sustenance humanity had come to know: a bland, utilitarian substance that barely sustained the remaining survivors. His task involved cleaning the toxic waste emitted by the plant, a perilous and strenuous job marked by the need for everyone to wear respirators due to the hazardous air. The scars on his arms and face bore testimony to the daily risks he faced. As he toiled, his mind often wandered to his sole sanctuary: the dreams he held onto.

In the province of Rozzna, life was governed by the principle of the common good, serving as the guiding light for all actions and decisions. A select council, convened solely by the region's governor, determined whether an action aligned with the common good. This council called into session only during critical junctures and granted special permissions without repercussions if they were deemed to benefit society. In turn, the governor relied on the Cañivers, individuals trained from childhood in the empire's most advanced weaponry.

The underground city was under the aegis of Grastal, an almost mythical figure enveloped in an aura of severe piety and absolute control. Under his leadership, celebrations were forbidden; instead, intellectual gatherings were organized dedicated to the advancement of the population. Ideas and plans to improve life were discussed, although people needed to recognize the importance of leisure. The culture of this society was so rigid that being jovial and effusive was considered taboo. The only permitted entertainment was in the lived dreams, a secret escape from the seriousness of daily life.

For the inhabitants of Rozzna, dreams were not simply entertainment but a second life. Many felt overwhelmed by an existence filled with desires that consumed them, filling them with ecstasy but also guilt. In the world of dreams, their lives lacked purpose, and although they could do whatever they wanted, they soon discovered that an entire night could pass without progress. It was the life of a person with a substance use disorder, where time slipped through their fingers like sand.

Like many others, Isaac realized this life was miserable and unproductive. As much as they wanted to advance, they were not part of a whole, merely machines contributing a thousandth to the total. They could create nothing but enjoy everything. The way they lived there was incredible, but it seemed so unproductive, so unfulfilling and enriching, that it made no sense to something so vitiated. People were so attached to the material things that they could not understand, as they were attached to ideals and hopes of achieving and being part of something great, being a solution, not a problem, as they saw themselves in their dreams. For them, these dreams were already part of their life. No one spoke of them, but it was an open secret.

After an exhausting day, Isaac immersed himself in the dreams every night, escaping to a 21st-century world full of life and color. There, the sky was blue, the streets were full of people, and the pleasures of daily life were just a click away. However, his immersion in this oneiric world was not just a search for pleasure but also a trap of addiction. Within these dreams, he became a fervent believer in a religion that offered comfort and a sense of belonging and developed an addiction to the oneiric drugs that provided a temporary escape from his bleak reality.

One night, while exploring the vast oneiric landscapes, a message appeared in the corner of his vision: "Player." Intrigued and slightly alarmed, he tried to understand its meaning. This seemingly harmless message awakened in him an uncontrollable curiosity and a sense of unease that he could not ignore.

As he investigated, he discovered clues that led him to question the true nature of the dreams and his reality. The boundaries between the two worlds began to blur, and the values and guilt he felt in the dreams started infiltrating his daily life.

The dreams had been initially designed for another purpose, one that no one knew. The great Xhatazlan dynasty had controlled the world since everything changed. No one knew exactly what happened except a few who kept the secret in their DNA, which was the primordial information needed to live fully. Although the inhabitants were only a few billion, in their dreams, they lived in a world of 8 billion, raising questions about the identity of the others. Some, in their dreams, killed without mercy, showing the worst of themselves. Only 158,000 inhabitants lived in the area, and the oldest was only 500 years old, not counting Grastal or the Great Governor of Xhatazlan. This dream world did not match the known reality, and although history was taught, this world was never mentioned. No one asked questions except Isaac, who had gone through three councils due to assassination attempts but was always found innocent. After a council, he stopped mentioning the dreams.

In the real world, society is strictly regulated, and any deviation from the established order is quickly suppressed. But in his heart, Isaac begins to wonder if there is a way to break the chains of this oppression.

His family, pragmatic and focused on survival, had instilled in him the importance of intelligence and cunning. In a world where meritocracy was everything, being a good person meant being efficient and pragmatic. But as his investigation advanced, he began questioning these values and seeking a deeper purpose.

The first step on his journey was clear: he had to understand the meaning of the message "player" and how it connected to the regime that governed his life. Confronted with the duality of his existence and the unsettling truths he began to discover, Isaac knew he stood on the threshold of monumental change.

The labyrinth of his daily life, with its strict rules and unyielding rationality, began to crumble under the weight of his doubts and discoveries. Every day, as he worked in the depths of the plant, his thoughts grew darker and more complex, as if the toxic air was penetrating not only his body but also his soul.

In the vast underground fortress, where artificial lights never flickered, and the echo of footsteps resonated eternally, Isaac realized that his true struggle had only just begun. The persistent question of "player" whispered not only about the dreams but also about the very structure of his existence. In a world where cold logic and survival were the norm, awakening his mind and spirit could be the spark that ignited a revolution or the beginning of his descent into madness.

While the figure of Grastal, with his austere piety and unyielding authority, watched over every corner of the underground society, Isaac knew that the path to the truth would be dangerous and lonely. But within him, a flame of hope and rebellion began to burn.