
Echoes Of The Lost Realm

In the mystical realm of Aetheria, young Ethan discovers a hidden portal and awakens dormant magical powers. Guided by ancient whispers, he embarks on a perilous journey to master his abilities, face formidable foes, and unravel the secrets of the forgotten kingdom. With courage and determination, Ethan must confront his greatest fears to restore balance and safeguard Aetheria from darkness.

Demi9000 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 9: Desperate Flight

Chapter 9: Desperate Flight

The merchants scrambled, hastily packing their goods and belongings, while Aiden found himself engrossed in conversation with the four bodyguards. Their voices were filled with gratitude, expressing heartfelt thanks for his timely intervention that had saved their lives.

"Thank the gods you arrived when you did," one of the bodyguards exclaimed, breathless with relief. "We owe you our lives. Without your help, we would have surely perished."

Aiden nodded, his eyes darting between the bodyguards. They exuded a sense of urgency and determination, their every word weighted with the gravity of their profession. It was then they explained that they belonged to an esteemed escort group, entrusted with the task of protecting and guiding travelers and merchants through dangerous territories. They spoke of their expertise and the mounting challenges they faced.

"I am Markus," said one of the bodyguards, his voice tinged with both strength and weariness. "This is Roderick," he gestured to a towering figure with a scarred face. "And these are Orla and Seraphina," he introduced the two women, their gazes fierce and resolute.

Aiden listened intently, his mind focused on the words they shared. Their accounts confirmed his suspicions—the region had been plagued by an unprecedented surge in monster attacks. The bodyguards spoke of the escalating danger, the relentless onslaught of creatures that seemed to grow bolder and more ferocious with each passing day.

"The frequency and intensity of these encounters have reached alarming levels," Roderick explained, his voice filled with concern. "Our escort group has faced numerous perilous situations, unlike anything we've seen before. We are in uncharted territory, and the reasons behind this sudden increase remain a mystery."

Just as their discussion delved deeper into the puzzling situation, the air was pierced by the sound of thundering footsteps. A wave of panic swept through them, freezing their movements for an instant. Then, one of the bodyguards let out a chilling scream.

"They're coming! A stampede of monsters approaches!"

The group's hearts pounded in their chests as fear gripped their souls. There was no time to waste, no room for hesitation. Their survival depended on swift action.

"We must flee!" Aiden's voice rang out, filled with urgency. "There is no way we can stand against such a force. Gather your belongings swiftly, for our lives hang by a thread. We must escape before they descend upon us!"

His words ignited a renewed sense of purpose within the group. The merchants moved with newfound speed, securing their valuables while the bodyguards readied their weapons. The impending danger loomed over them, a relentless force that demanded their immediate escape.

As the seconds ticked away, a shared determination fueled their movements. Ethan, concealed under the guise of Aiden Blackthorn, concealed his true identity, cautious of revealing too much to these strangers.

With their belongings hastily gathered, the group formed a tight formation, their eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and determination. Aiden's gaze swept across the assembled company, assessing their readiness. The weight of their survival rested heavily upon his shoulders.

"Time is against us," Aiden called out, his voice firm. "We must go now!"

With a final glance at their surroundings, Aiden raised his hand, signaling the group to move. The sound of pounding footsteps echoed through the air as they embarked on a desperate flight for their lives. The path ahead was treacherous and uncertain, the monsters' roars growing ever closer, but their will to survive burned fiercely.