
Echoes of the ages

——-Warning Mature language——- During a school trip, six teenagers stumble upon a mysterious game wheel that transports them to a different dimension. Every midnight, they must fight for a chance at a normal life, though they've never known what "normal" truly means. They grapple with questions of purpose and survival: What are they fighting for? Why were they chosen to endure such horrors? Shifting between realms and battling beasts beyond mortal comprehension, they struggle to make a home in a world that wants them gone. Join this campaign. Embark on this journey. ————————— I hope you enjoy this story. love y’all, peace out

SakenRickman · Fantasy
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74 Chs

chapter 31-Next goal


I nodded to James, still unsure if I wanted to put my life in his hands. I knew I could trust him, but everything right now was in chaos - no rules, no patterns, no clues. I knew I said I would follow him and all that, but that was in the moment. I wasn't peer pressured, just pressured by the situation, you know?

Thomas apologized for his foul language, but I also apologized as it was awkward for both of us. I know why he was angry; he had every right. It's a miracle he isn't showing it on his face right now, and for that, I can be thankful. I know I don't deserve it.

When people shout at you, at least you know they are telling the truth. It may be painful and hurtful, but at least they are being truthful. I'm not justifying being yelled at; I'm only explaining how it's easier on me, in some messed-up form.

I know James is capable of a lot of things; he's a talented guy. But is he capable of getting us out of here? My doubts are clouding my faith, my belief in my friend, if he still considers me his friend.

Breathe, think, remember. I only recall waking up in bed with no memories of a different dimension, then Maddie and James acting like they wanted to do a senior prank, so I played along. I never got invited by any of them, so I thought it was a prank or a party. I went along anyway, then they talked about ghost stories, which seemed fair and familiar. I was believing them at that point until it happened again. My memories shook, and I saw memories and visions that didn't seem mine, yet they were.

I now have to come to reality and accept the present.

James moved to the center and started talking to Maddie as she got closer to him. I never realized those two knew each other. Did they know each other before the chaos?

They look good together, both smart, strong, capable leaders in their own right, but also just as dumb as each other in some aspects, to the point where it was cute.

 I wasn't a social type; sure, I had a group of friends, and people I treated very closely, but I don't like change. I don't like the unexpected. I was sick of it. I like everything staying the same, which is why I dread graduation. I dread seeing my friends with their boyfriends or girlfriends.

And the whole transportation was like my nightmare came altogether, everything changing and making no sense.

I can only sigh and let go of that petty little self-inside me. I was selfish. I liked what was mine, but I was too quiet to voice it.

James shouted as everybody heard him, "Look, everybody gather in five. I'll tell you briefly before we do anything else."

I still remember the last time when my anger and a strange vision overcame me. I hated myself, which is why I haven't really talked to James yet, well I have but I haven't talked to him eye to eye just eye, same goes with Maddie. I was still guilty, ashamed, and embarrassed about what I did.

I didn't want to confront such an awkward situation.

After five minutes, the tavern was filled mostly in the center as everybody gathered around.

"Looks, gang, I've got good news and bad news. Let's go with the good because it's better. As Maddie checked the game table, there was a change. It seemed like our character, or more precisely, only our class cards for each player, has been flipped. And right now, we presume it's active, meaning our abilities labeled on the cards are currently available to us. And that's not all. On the first day or night, you can't tell here, but we were able to gain, next to our card slots on the table, radiant words counting gold coins. Maddie explained in game terminology that we can buy from the shop card stack, so using coins, we can either buy potions, stat boosts, or weapon cards. It seems like killing those bastards yesterday was a blessing in disguise. And Ellie has the most, with hundred and fifty gold coins. If you want to check, go to the table! next to your cards; it will be outlined in golden radiant words."

"That's a lot of good news. What about the bad?"

"Well, the bad is pretty bad, if you know what I mean."

"No, we don't know what you mean. C'mon, man, say it?"

"Fine, you want to know? Just hear me out. It's a theory, but from the looks of it, this is a repeating occurrence, which can only be disproven tomorrow night. Or if we band together again as we did before, the back of our hands glowed, and now we are here. It's either if we all get in the same room together, then that can happen again. The second bad news is that it might happen every night, and without choice or reason, we will be transported here together."

"We're fucked," Thomas said, shocked and angry.

"I know it's not fair, but it's not all ended now, is it? We plan to make the tavern our base, our new home for defense. If we truly want to leave, we need to finish the game and find any clues. From the looks of it, we don't have any, but like I said to Tommy, this is only the beginning. We can't lose hope now, can we?"