
Echoes Of The Abyss

"A daring group of gang members ventures into a notorious haunted house in search of a legendary and mysterious monster. As they navigate the eerie halls and encounter unexplained phenomena, tensions rise within the group, revealing their individual fears and motivations. It soon becomes apparent that the true danger may not come from the supernatural, but from the haunted pasts of those who entered the house. The story delves into themes of bravery, the unknown, and the darkness that resides within us all."

chizzy_writes · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Will you Be My Girlfriend?

As the minutes ticked by, the sky began to darken, the first signs of the eclipse casting a faint shadow over the moon. Anna's breath caught in her throat as she watched in awe, her eyes locked on the celestial spectacle unfolding before her.

Logan watched Anna's reaction with a sense of wonder, his heart swelling with affection for the woman beside him. He had never felt more connected to anyone than he did in that moment, sharing such a profound experience with Anna by his side.

As the eclipse reached its peak, bathing the night sky in a mesmerizing glow, Logan turned to Anna, his gaze soft yet filled with determination.

Logan left her and walked up to the stage he collected the mic.

"Hello everyone, can you all spare me 5 minutes of your time?" He paused as he stared at Anna and then back at the crowd.

Everyone turned around to face him