
echoes of survival

Demi_Wright_0855 · Teen
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to save her

Hay lovelies before you read pls read this first as it contains the trigger warning in this chapter :), stay safe , drink water and love your self darlings<3< p>

Trigger warnings for


Mentions sexual assault

Talks about a potential miscarriage


Title: Echoes of Survival

His hit stung more then it ever has before ,shattering my ribs like twigs and leaving his marks all over me .

" YOU FUCK WHORE !" He screamed whilst connecting his fist with my stomach


He suddenly slapped me around the face causeing me to go tumbling into the draws and on to the ground , I look up in fear.

his words burning my skin like fire , he didn't stop , not when I was begging him ,telling him hes going to kill my baby , I don't want to die I'd keep thinking that this was his last hit but it didn't stop , bruises were painted and tattooed in to my once clear beautiful skin

" please s.stop!" I cried pleading him to stop his beatings , I was alone in this home , bringing a new life in to this would endanger them , I had to leave , not for me but for her , my daughter . My only reason to live , I try to shelter my stomach from the beating .

I find strength sumhow to grab the closes thing to me , and swung . The sound was inhuman , gross , deathly , his eyes turning dark as he stands there watching me on the floor with a bat in my hand .

" you.. did you just hit me ?! " he whispered , his tone dark and sinister

"I..I -" I was unable to speak as I clenched my fists harder around the batt

He began to walk away , I thought I had one , I'm safe ? but trust me I made it worse , he walked in to the bedroom and was banging around as if he was looking forsomething, what was he doing ?

" get the fuck in her so I can show u how to fucking behave you bitch. " his voice sounded evil and ripped through my skin as I began to panic and trying to hide myself .

I heard his breathing becoming louder as he closed the door behind him .

"I..I'm sorry " I whispered hoping he didn't hear me

"Your what ! OH YOU WILL FUCKING BE SORRY IF YOU DONT GIVE ME WHAT I WANT ! " he shouted as he swing the door open hurdling towards me , my whole world whent numb and quiet as I sat there in pure fear , every fibre in my body screamed at me to run , to hide , something before he does something worse then beating to me . I try to stand but collapse again on the floor , he comes closer watching me as I crawl as fast as I can to the front door screaming for help .my leg dragged behind me as I used all my strength trying to get there , he begins to laugh at me, suddenly it felt as if my back had been smashed as I felt a tone of weight getting on top of me as I was slammed down on the the floor bruitely hitting my head with a loud thud , I cried out in pure agony as I held my head .

( 45 minutes later )

"Get up" he said in a cold yet quiet tone as he finished what he was doing , he threw my cloths at me , now stained with blood and tears , I lied there numb , cold , empty as tears formed a puddle on the floor , I cradled my self letting out silent cry's as I tryed to move .

" I... I hate you..." I whispered

"Yeh well don't be a fucking whore then"he said slamming the door .

My world broke as my heart pounded makeing it hard to breath ,my body shivered as I tryed my hardest to pull myself up using the draws behind me . I see the bat layed on the floor as I wish I never hit him .

Slowly I manage to stand enough to put my dress back on , I feel his hands everywhere as I rub my arms trying to get them off , his hand prints bruised in to my thighs and wrists . I suddenly look down at my belly feeling it for any signs of movement, I feel I slight kick and then a shoot of pain making me fall to the ground again . I pull my dress up to full see my belly .

"N...no " I whisper seeing the marks all over it . I need to get out ! I need to find someone ! Anyone ! I'm going to die , she's going to die !

"My baby , my poor sweet baby "I cry holding my stomach , I begin to crawl to the door , every movement feeling like it was my last

"Don't worry sweetheart I'm going to save us " I say making a promise that I do not know if I can keep .

The night was heavy with the weight of the cold ice snow ,secrets, the darkness concealing the horrors that lurked in its ally's . In the desolate streets, where shadows danced with whispered promises, a woman crawled out of her house ,she groaned and sobbed in agony clenching her belly as she grabbed hold of the fence pulling her self up , she feared for her life as she began her escape and with ever fibre in her body she ran -an final escape  from the clutches of her abuser, her heart heavy with the burden of what just happened to her and her unborn child.

With every fiber of her being, Maya fought against the darkness threatening to consume her, her will to survive burning like a fire  in the night. For within the depths of her despair, hope flickered—a fragile flame refusing to be extinguished

each labored breath stung harshly as Maya's footsteps echoed against the pavement, a symphony of desperation in the stillness of the night. Her swollen belly bore witness to the silent struggle raging within—a battle for survival, for freedom, for a chance at redemption.,she searched the streets endlessly, every step sending a shot of pain throughout her body .

As the moon cast its silver glow upon the world, Maya stumbled, her knees finaly giving up ,buckling beneath the weight of her burden. Pain seared through her body, as her eyes widen in agonising pain .a relentless reminder of the violence she sought to escape. She clenched her stomach harder falling on to a bench And then, like a torrential downpour, the crimson tide of blood trailed down her trembling and bruised legs, the world was awoken as she screamed in utter fear seeing the pool of red poring down her legs , she sobbed as she used her dress to stop the bleeding.

"NO ,NO NO PLS BABY NO ! " she sobbed as her heart raced . Every inch of her on fire from what she has whitnessed .

In the darkness, Maya's screams pierced the silence, a primal cry for help echoing into the night. But the streets remained indifferent, their secrets buried deep within the folds of their shadows.

" PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME , ,MY BABY ! " a plead for safety's and help escaping her mouth as she ran from door to door covered in blood .

" p..please ....dont leave me " she whispered holding her stomach looking up to someone who had finaly opened there door

" madam?! " A women said shocked

She suddenly ran the Maya seeing the blood staining her legs

Mayas world turned dark as she gave up.

" oh shit , oh fuck no !  come on sweetheart come on , wake up please darling " she gently shook mayas shoulder

"MARK RING A FUCKING AMBULANCE NOW" she screamed in fear holding maya in her arms , stroke if her hair as she rocked her

" come on darling your going to be okay , stay whith me hunnie " she said frightened.

Mayas world was dark , black , empty as she layed there lifeless.


Time skip to the hospital:)

"WE NEED TO SEND HER DOWN TO SURGERY NOW!" Demanded a doctor , as he assessed Mayas injury's .

"Poor girl ...." He whispered, tears forming in his eyes as he notes down -

- 32 bruises , on the arms , thighs , wrists and back aswell as two on her legs

- A fracture rib

- A severe concussion

- Black eye and broken nose

- As well as sights of sexual and physical abuse

He placed his note pad down on the table as he gently lifted her with a nurse and put her on a stretcher .

"She's gone through so much , poor girl" the nurse whispered

As maya was numb and unconscious she clinged on to her survival , begging god to let her and her unborn child live as doctors worked hard around mayas body .every hour going by slowly .

"THE CHILDS ALIVE , SO IS THE MOTHER " cried the lead sergeant seeing a pulse on the monitor

Time skip to when maya woke up cause I'm lazy

In the sterile confines of the hospital room, Maya stirred, her consciousness emerging from the depths of darkness like a ship navigating treacherous waters. As her eyes fluttered open, fear gripped her heart like icy tendrils, suffocating her with the weight of uncertainty as she realises she's alive .

The stark white walls loomed around her, their pristine facade a stark contrast to the chaos that raged within her soul. Panic surged through her veins as she remembered what had happened , the blood,the abuse , everything , suddenly she searched for signs of life, for the reassuring flutter of her unborn child nestled within her womb.

" sh...she's g.gone" maya whispered in disbelief , her world beginning to fall apart and she began to sob.

But the silence that enveloped her was deafening, a hollow echo of the nightmares that haunted her dreams. With trembling hands, Maya reached for her swollen belly once more , her touch seeking to feel a baby's kick or movement . But there was nothing ...

And then, like a whispered prayer answered by the heavens, an angelic voice shattered the silence finaly ,a voice tinged with relief, with hope, with the promise of salvation. It was the voice of the doctor, his words a lifeline amidst the wreckage of Maya's shattered faith.

"Luck was on your side, Maya," the doctor said, with a bright and welcoming smile , instantly lighting the room up ,his voice a gentle melody in the cacophony of her fears. "Your baby survived. She had a very high blood pressure when we got her out. And had a slight discolouration but We're assessing the little one right now and so far we have managed the blood pressure and stablised it and the little one is now in the nursery  alive well and kicking."

Happiness waxed over maya as she listened carefully ,Tears welled in Maya's eyes, a torrent of emotion cascading down her cheeks like rain upon parched earth. In the midst of her darkest hour, a ray of light pierced through the shadows, like an angel ,illuminating the path towards redemption, towards healing, towards a future filled with boundless possibilities.

As the doctor's words washed over her like a dream , Maya clung to the promise of new beginnings—a chance to rewrite the narrative of her life, to reclaim the fragments of her shattered spirit, and to emerge from the depths of despair stronger than she ever thought possible.

"C..can I see her " maya croaked

"Can I see my little girl " I asked

Title: Echoes of Survival (Part 3)

With trembling steps, Maya ventured into the nursery, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear, happiness and overwhelming love. The soft glow of the nursery lights bathed the room in a warm embrace, casting shadows that danced upon the walls like fleeting dreams.

As she approached the crib, her breath caught in her throat, anticipation mingling with the sweet perfume of hope.

"Hear she is , I'll wait out side "whispered the doctor as he patted my shoulder and left

And then, amidst the gentle rustle of blankets, she saw her —the embodiment of her dreams, the culmination of her prayers.

Her baby lay nestled in the cradle of innocence,her sweet tiny fingers curled into fists,her chest rising and falling with the rhythm of life. Her eyes a beautiful blue colour,Maya gently lent over the crib a gently cradled her baby ,she hugged her tightly gifting her the promise of tomorrow, a world brimming with possibility, with wonder, with endless potential but most of all a life full of love and safety .

Tears welled in Maya's eyes as she stroked her baby's tiny little head , her fingertips brushing against her delicate skin as if to reassure herself that she was real, that she was here, that he was hers.

And in that moment, as their eyes met for the first time, a bond forged in the fires of adversity blossomed—a bond that transcended the confines of time and space, a bond that whispered of unconditional love, of unwavering devotion, of a mother's fierce determination to protect and cherish her child.

As she cradled her in her arms, Maya felt the weight of the world lift from her shoulders, replaced by the lightness of joy, of hope, of the infinite possibilities that lay before them.

hushed stillness of the nursery unravelled the amidst of the symphony of whispered promises and unspoken dreams, Maya knew that her journey had led her to this moment—a moment of pure love and comfort , where the echoes of survival gave way to the symphony of new beginnings.

" I love you my little girl " maya whispered as she kissed her baby's head

Before the escape

Maya's journey of survival began in the suffocating grip of terror, woven into the fabric of her existence by the hands of Michael—a man whose cruelty knew no bounds, whose twisted desires eclipsed any semblance of humanity.

Their courtship was a facade, a charade of false promises and whispered lies. Beneath Michael's charming veneer lay a darkness so profound, it threatened to consume everything in its path. For Maya, his love was a prison—a labyrinth of fear and despair from which there seemed to be no escape.

The abuse began slowly, insidiously, as if Michael reveled in the gradual erosion of Maya's spirit. His words were venomous daggers, slicing through her fragile defenses with surgical precision. He mocked her dreams, belittled her aspirations, and extinguished the flicker of hope that dared to ignite within her soul.

But it was the physical torment that left Maya trembling in the shadows, her body a canvas upon which Michael painted his twisted masterpiece of pain. His fists were relentless, raining down upon her with a fury born of madness, leaving bruises that blossomed like macabre flowers upon her skin.

In the dead of night, when the world slumbered in blissful ignorance, Michael's cruelty knew no bounds. He wielded his power like a sadistic puppeteer, orchestrating a symphony of agony that echoed through the corridors of Maya's shattered mind.

His words were like acid, corroding the very foundations of her self-worth. He told her she was worthless, undeserving of love, a mere puppet dancing to his sadistic whims. And with each blow, each vile epithet hurled in her direction, Maya felt herself slipping further into the abyss of despair and depression.

But it was the moments of false tenderness that cut deepest—a cruel mirage in the desert of her suffering. Michael would feign remorse, beg for forgiveness, only to plunge the dagger of betrayal deeper into Maya's shattered heart.and then one night she discovered she was pregnant...

As Maya's pregnancy progressed, so too did the savagery of Michael's abuse. He viewed her unborn child not as a miracle, but as a weapon—a player in his twisted game of dominance and control. He would strike her with a callous disregard for the life she carried within, his blows raining down upon her swollen belly like a storm of malevolence.

And so, on that fateful night when Maya made the harrowing decision to escape, her body bore the scars of countless battles fought in silence. Bruised and broken, she fled into the night, her spirit battered but unbroken, her unborn child a beacon of hope in the darkness.

For Maya, the road to freedom was paved with unspeakable horrors—a journey through the depths of hell itself. But with each step, each heartbeat, she clung to the promise of a new beginning, a chance to break free from the shackles of her tormentor, and to reclaim the life that was rightfully hers.

(Back in the hospital)

And as she relived the horrors in her mind she cradled her newborn child in her arms, bathed in the soft glow of dawn's first light, Maya knew that her journey was far from over. But with her baby nestled against her chest, she found solace in the knowledge that no darkness, no cruelty, could ever extinguish the flame of hope that burned within her heart