
Echoes Of Sin

Detective Edward Benedict James Martin takes the case of an investigation leading to the Lawless Nation where he shall find a truths and lies to his investigation

WilddRedd · Action
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7 Chs

Drown In It (3)

Edward chuckled at Kieran's words and simply replied with a joking tone.

"You got me old apprentice." 

Kieran's face was still the same emotionless and still as the dead ocean while slowly forming another liquid spear in his hand. Edward's chuckling turned into laughter as he grabbed the liquid Water spear that impaled him to the wall.


Kieran's eyes widened noticing Edward punched in the stomach and now was face to face with him.

"Damn traitor!" Kieran exclaimed.

Raisng his left hand he formed a liquid water blade and aimed it at Edward's neck.


In just in an instance leaving only the sound of the wind Edward was now behind Kieran and quickly attacked him with a kick to his neck.


Getting knocked back and hitting the wall Kieran spat out his own saliva and placed his hand on the stomach due to the pain of forcefully hitting a concrete wall. Slowly walking towards him in the eyes of Kieran Edward had the literal shadow of death itself the grim reaper.

"You've gotten stronger Kieran, but in the end you're still my apprentice." Edward said.

Facing his back toward Kieran he walked away from him and walking up the stairs.


In just a few seconds a liquid water-like spear shot out of Kieran's hand aiming at the back of Edward's head, but to no avail as he quickly dodged the water-like spear which had the speed of a bullet.

Edward continued walking up the stairs without looking back at Kieran. As he reached the top he exited out the basement closing the door behind him and leaving Kieran there.

Sighing, Edward slumped down near the door of the basement and sat there in utter exhaustion. Sweat profusely dropped down his face, and the blood still continue to pour out but slow due to Edward cauterizing the wound with his ability.

Searching through his pockets he picked out a lighter and opened it up trying to flick it on to no use as it no longer worked any more.

"Just my luck," he silently said.

Boom! Thud! Thud!

An explosion at the entrance of the apartment complex happened as dozens of Golden Tooth mafia members started entering the apartment. 

Boom! Thud!

The door was then sent flying by a water-like hammer held by Kieran who's face was filled with utter rage for Edward. Swinging the hammer towards Edward he tried striking him dead with it, but quickly Edward dodged it and aimed his revolver at him.

"Give me a break brat." Edward said as he cocked back the revolver.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four bullets came out the revolver with all four being absorbed and broken down by a wall of water created by Kieran. In just a split second Kieran went behind Edward and strikes him with the hammer flinging him back to a wall clashing through it.

Cough! Cough!

Coughing out blood Edward held the injury in his left shoulder and switched the revolver to his left hand instead. Directly aiming at Kieran's forehead with a calm gaze and an expressionless face he shot once more.


Hitting his right knee Kieran stumbled down on his back and held his right knee in pain. He's gaze towards Edward was completely filled with utter hate.

"Moby Dick: Storm Of The Thousands Clouds!" shouted Kieran,

Thousands of deadly electrifying water-like bolts formed around him and aimed towards every vital point in Edward's body. However even with the thousands of water-like bolts aimed at him Edward simply chuckled.

"Finally, let the battle between a whale and a hanged King begin!" Edward shouted.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the thousands of water-like bolts rushed towards Edward a massive explosion happened creating a dense blinding smoke to fill the apartment. Soon after the explosion happened at least around 200 agents of the Golden Tooth mafia arrived at the scene still seeing the smoke.

Slowly it dissapated revealing Edward standing over a bloody Kieran who's clothes have been completely ripped. Only some bruises were on Edward's body and the only thing ripped about him was the left side of his checkered black shirt.

"Well come on now, I know that's not all you have." said Edward.

With a condescending smirk he spoke with a commanding tone.

"Show yourself Ruler of Whales, Oceans, and Storms!" 

Kieran's eyes turned from normal brown to pure raging blue like a thunderstorm as he slowly pushed Edward away from him. While all this is happening outside the apartment the skies went instantly from no clouds with a wondeful sun to pure cloudy dread with a storm brewing.

"There we go, now that's the Kieran I know." Edward said as he engulfed both his hands into the crimson colored fiery hit aura.