
Echoes of Power : Embracing the Supernatural

A Man dies and gets another chance in a different world, in a different time. He will nurture the flame of ambition in his heart, uncaring if the world burns in it. [The MC is evil and would go to extreme lengths for his enjoyment and in his pursuit of power. The world in this story is a mixture of many Fantasy stories, with different lores, world settings and characters mashed together. Sometimes there will be just some character taken from a story with nothing else connecting that story to this. This will be a Massive Harem. Many Plots would change and diverge as the MC would only care about his own wishes. I will keep adding the names of all the media which are currently confirmed in the story: Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Wednesday, Twilight] Support me if you can!! Patreon: patreon.com/Avi2112 Paypal: paypal.me/avirat2112

Avi2112 · TV
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

[2007, Central city, US]

In the living room of a mansion, a handsome man sat between two beautiful women. He had dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes that contrasted with his pearl-white skin. Both girls appeared to be in their 20s with blond hair, the one on the right had slight curls, while the one on the left had straight blonde hair.

The man had his hands on both their waists as they sat on the sofa watching television. However, instead of a show, the scene on the television screen depicted something happening in a cemetery at this very moment.

"So, these two were supposed to be my sons?" Mary, the girl on the right, asked the man, looking at Sam and Dean who stood in front of the crypt door.

"Even after so many changes, the plot still happened" The man ignores her question and speaks with a smirk. He bends down slightly to the right to taste her lips.

Mary Campbell was originally meant to become Mary Winchester, the deceased wife of John Winchester and mother of Dean and Sam Winchester. However, at this moment, she was passionately kissing this unknown man.

As their kiss ended, the scene on the television continued to unfold. The door to Hell swung open and hundreds of demons escaped into the world.

"Jo and the girls are gonna have loads of fun hunting the demons" Ellen, the girl on the left, said playfully.

Ellen Harvelle, the mother of Jo Harvelle, was originally supposed to be with Dean, Sam and Bobby, helping them close the gates of Hell.

Both the girls were meant to be much older and not resemble 20-year-olds. Now provoked, the man turned his attention to kissing Ellen.

After a while, the scene shifted to when the Yellow-eyed Demon pushed John Winchester to the ground. Suddenly, a handsome man appeared behind the Demon and pulled the trigger killing the Yellow-eyed demon.

The man on the screen had Brown hair and deep forest green eyes, bearing no resemblance to the man in the room.

"I like this form of yours much better," Mary said, massaging the man's groin.

"That's because you saw me first in this form," The man said with a small smile.

This Man's speech suggested that the Man on the Screen and himself were one and the same.

The Man on the screen vanished along with the Yellow-eyed Demon's body, and the television powers off.

"Let's celebrate the death of the Prince of Hell," The man said, in a cheerful mood.

Mary unbuttoned the man's jeans, while Ellen passionately kissed him.

[2007, Wyoming, Just after the Yellow-eyed Demon was killed]

A black mass of smoke passed through the walls of a house as if they were non-existent. It reached the bedroom of a little girl who was soundly asleep.

The black smoke wasted no time and entered the little girl's body through her ears and mouth. In the next instant, the little girl opened her eyes and they were all white with no pupils, as if white smoke was swirling within them.

The little girl blinked and her eyes returned to normal. She got up from her bed but paused as she saw a Man standing before her.

"Umm …. who are you, and what are you doing in my room?" The little girl asked, sounding fearful.

"I am here to make a deal with you, Lilith," The Man said with a small smile.

"Huh, who are you, and why should I make a deal with you?" Lilith asks as her little girl mask crumbles instantly, her voice filled with disinterest.

"My name is Silas," Silas said, pointing a gun at the little girl,"Even if you don't know my name, you should be familiar with this weapon, no?"

"The Colt," Lilith speaks raising a brow.

[2007, New Jersey, US]

Inside a gloomy-looking estate, a young girl hugged a man while lying on the bed.

"Daddy, did you kill that Azazel?" The young girl asked, sounding slightly intrigued.

"Yes, my little reaper, I just killed him," The Man said sporting a proud smile.

"Not fair! I want to kill a Prince of Hell too" The little girl complained, looking at the Man with her puppy dog eyes.

"We will discuss this when you grow up" The Man said with a wry smile, patting the little girl's head.

The little girl pouts adorably.

"Okay it's time to sleep now, Wednesday." The Man said, kissing the little girl's forehead.

The little girl had two pigtails, her entire room was decorated in black and white. Even her pajamas matched the color scheme. The little girl's name was Wednesday Adams.

"But daddy, you promised me that you will tell me the story of when you were a kid" Wednesday said, giving the man a sharp look.

The man, who appeared to be around 24-25 years old, was very handsome, with black hair and striking blue eyes. He wore an ever present bad boy smile.

"Yes I remember the promise" The man smiled helplessly. They got under the covers "So, it all started in Ancient Greece around the 1st century B.C."

[Unknown year, Greece]

A boy stood on the balcony, gazing at the full moon in the sky, his hand holding a golden wine glass. The sounds of music floated from behind him, and the grand manor, constructed from marble exuded an aura of opulence.

The boy appeared quite young, but his handsome features, with white skin, forest green eyes and brown hair, caught the eye.

"What are you doing here, Silas?" a girl slightly older than the boy asked, approaching him from behind.

"Garcia" Silvanus merely glanced at her before resuming his contemplation of the moon.

"This is your party, celebrating your ascension as the head of the house. You need to entertain your guests ... Are you feeling sad about Father's passing?" Garcia asked, her tone filled with care as she stood beside him.

"I am just bored with this party. The elders keep pestering me about the affairs of the coven," Silas replied, taking a sip of his wine.

"But Silas, you are the blessed child … Now that you are the head of our Salou family, you can get a seat among the elders. In the future, you would be the leader of our coven" Garcia spoke excitedly.

"It seems like you're more thrilled about this than I am," Silas said with a smirk.

"Hmph, I am just happy for you and our coven. We haven't had a proper leader in ages" Garcia spoke joyfully before hesitating."Now that you're the family head … will you really fulfill the promise you made?"

Silas placed his wine glass on the balcony railing and looked at the brown haired girl.

"Yes, I have already rejected all of your marriage proposals" Silas spoke, caressing her smooth white face, "How could I let someone else take 'my' elder sister from me"

Garcia blushed and swatted his hand away. Just then another brown-haired girl came running towards them.

"Elder Brother, Elder Sister there you are … I was looking for you everywhere" The little girl said, hugging Silas tightly.

"Tilly, I have told you many times not to run around when there are outsiders present" Garcia scolded the little girl, but she just buried her head in Silas's chest, ignoring Garcia.

"Let's go entertain our guests before they become impatient," Silas said with a smile, patting the little girl's smooth brown hair.

The three of them enter the room, and Silas is immediately surrounded by elderly man and woman.

In a corner of the room, two old men observed the scene with sharp eyes.

"Silvanus Salou, the child prodigy, the one blessed by the Gods … I don't buy it. Even though he excels in magic, that doesn't mean I will bow down to a 10-year-old kid and call him the Leader" The old man spoke angrily, but his voice remained low, as if afraid someone other than his friend beside him would hear.

"But Fotis, you have seen the mark over his heart … He was born with it, and rumors say he was already using magic before he could even speak" His friend replied, speaking stealthily and glancing around to ensure no one else was listening.

"Bah, the mark doesn't mean anything. I have checked all the records, and none of the Gods' blessings match that mark … And Kimon, do you really believe that his father, Panos died from excessive drinking?" Fotis spoke heatedly.

"You can't be suggesting …" Kimon gasped.

"I have heard that Panos was searching for a marriage match for Silavanus's older sister Garifallia, but Silvanus opposed it" Fotis continued in a hushed voice.

"Well, Garifallia is only 13 right now, so there is still time. But why was Silvanus against it?" Kimon asked, sounding doubtful.

"Who knows, but I think Panos didn't listen to him and continued the search. Silvanus retaliated by killing him with poison … I tell you that kid is the devil," Fotis speaks with clenched fists.

"Well that story sounds a bit far-fetched. I don't think Silvanus would kill his father for such a reason. Besides, I heard Panos's wife died after giving birth to their youngest daughter, Tullia. After that, Panos drowned his sorrows in alcohol. So perhaps he really died because of drinking too much" Kimon speaks softly, trying to pacify Fotis.

"Don't you take that kid's side. I know how much you wanted your eldest son to marry that Banea girl. The Benea family's only son is already married so she is the only one you can marry your family into. But now with Silvanus around, does your Son stand a chance?" Fotis spoke with a mocking sneer.

"Well I have heard that the Banea girl is very talented, but she is still just 10 years old. There's still time … Who knows what will happen between now and then?" Kimon replied, his voice carrying a small smile.

Unbeknownst to Silas a conspiracy was brewing right beside him.

After the party, Silas made his way to his bed and massaged his forehead. Dealing with these overenthusiastic elders was always a pain in the ass for him.

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Silas felt delighted that his first plan had been executed perfectly. Yes, he was the one who killed his father. To Silas, that man was merely another obstacle on his path, all it took was a trace amount of poison everyday for a month to complete the kill cleanly.

Silas's thoughts wandered back to his previous life, where he had done something similar. Yes, Silas was a reincarnated individual.

In his past life, Silas hadn't possessed much talent. Learning felt like a chore to him. Though he had been adept at charming girls and could have married a wealthy woman or pursued a normal job, he didn't want to live such a mediocre life. The seed of ambition burned ever so bright in his heart, driving him to do things that others would consider morally wrong.

But for Silas there was no inherent Good or Evil, only actions necessary to achieve his goals. He had targeted a multimillion-dollar company whose majority shares were held by a single family of three.

Silas's first target had been the daughter, who was still in college. It had taken a few 'chance' encounters and two dates for Silas to sleep with her.

Through her, Silas had met his next two targets, her Father and Mother. After a month of socializing, Silas had moved onto the next phase, which had surprisingly gone smoothly.

With just one drink mixed with a potent drug, the mother had been shouting Silas's name while bouncing on him. After another month of repeated bouncing, Silas had convinced the mother of his final plan.

The following week, the Father had died, leaving all of the shares in his wife's name. The cause of death had been an overdose of medication.

That night, Silas had consoled both the Daughter and Mother together on the same bed. Silas had also informed the daughter that next month, he would marry her mother and they both would transfer all of their shares to him. She shouted 'Daddy' and kept asking Silas for more.

That had been the last night of Silas's life.

Silas wasn't sure how he died. Was it the Mother? or the Daughter? or perhaps he met his end on his own?

Regardless, despite all the immoral acts he had committed, he found himself reincarnated.

He had been reborn as Silvanus Salou or Silas for his loved ones.

The people are speeking in Greek when they werre conversing. Most of the time I won't mention the language unless its needed, just remember that its not English.

I would be very surprised and happy if someone could guess where his sisters are taken from.

Avi2112creators' thoughts