
Echoes of longing

William is a rich business tycoon who owns brandy company his parents died when he was at the age of 12 . He then made a promise to his self he must avenge his parents death.it became more interesting when he saw Isabel William was at his office preparing for his online conference meeting when he heard a knock at his office door he said come in. Isabel walked into the office and was blowen away by the decor of the office the office was transparent. William said how can I help you ....well sir someone said you can help me with so I came to ask for help . he turned his chair around and said am listening go ahead I am hoping you can help me with some money I will give you anything you want I promise ..... He raised his head from the document anything I want are you sure of this deal . you about to sign a deal with the devil little kitten . He smirked . I was amazed by his look his blue eyes was so captivating his red Rossy lips his face was breathtaking I was in daze ... He snapped me out of my own world of admiring him I realised he was standing so close to me he whispered in my ears saying why can't I resist your cuteness .... I was shocked sir are you going to help me he cut me off in my speak saying call me William....Ummm ok William ..I love how my name sounds on your lips I was surprised this guy is shameless ..... ............... what do you think will happen next well you will find out soon what will William want in return .... umm

Miracodecity · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Taking a break from studying

After a few hours of intense studying, William and Isabel decided to take a break and have lunch.

They sat at the small table in his office, enjoying the delicious chicken sandwiches that Isabel had prepared earlier.

"Thank you for the lunch, Isabel. It was delicious," William said with a smile.

"You're welcome, William.

I'm glad you liked it," Isabel replied, blushing slightly.

As they ate, they talked about their studies and their plans for the future. Isabel was excited to finish her degree and pursue a career in medicine, while William was focused on growing his family's business and expanding their influence.

"I have a surprise for you, Isabel," William said suddenly, interrupting their conversation.

"A surprise? What is it?" Isabel asked, curious.

William stood up and walked over to his desk, where he pulled out a small jewelry box. He handed it to Isabel with a smile.

"Open it," he said.

Isabel hesitated for a moment, wondering what could be inside the box. When she opened it, she gasped in surprise. Inside was a beautiful diamond necklace, sparkling in the light.

"William, this is beautiful! I don't know what to say," Isabel said, touched by the gesture.

"It's nothing, really. Just a small token of appreciation for all your hard work," William said modestly.

Isabel put on the necklace, and William helped her fasten it around her neck. As they looked at each other, Isabel felt a flutter in her chest. She had never felt this way before, and she couldn't help but wonder if William felt the same.

As the afternoon wore on, William and Isabel continued their studies. They worked together, learning from each other, and enjoying each other's company. When it was time to leave, William escorted Isabel to the car and said goodbye.

"Thank you for today, William. I had a great time," Isabel said, smiling.

"The pleasure was mine, Isabel. I look forward to our next study session," William replied, also smiling.

As the car pulled away from the office, Isabel couldn't stop thinking about William and the feelings she had for him. She didn't know what the future held, but she knew that she was happy and grateful to have him in her life.

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