
Echoes of Light: Triumph over darkness

This tale follows a boy who gained valuable lessons from his errors. Despite facing numerous setbacks and doubts about his abilities, he always made decisions based on his moral compass. This mindset instilled in him a strong sense of self-assurance and unparalleled strength, all thanks to his unique perspective. Disclaimer:-This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locals, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

Slayer_21 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


SHANAYA: So, what's the plan for today?

They were just about to have breakfast when SHANAYA madam asked...

VAANI: Let's go for a full day outing today. We'll go shopping, then have lunch at the same mall. After that, we'll watch a movie. Then in the evening, we'll go to the beach and then back home.

PRIYANA: Nice plan, sis. It's going to be fun today. Mom, why don't you come too?

AVNI: Yes, auntie, come with us.

AUNTIE: No, kids. You all go ahead. I have to visit my friend's house. I promised her, otherwise, I would have surely come with you all.

VAANI: Okay, mom. Enjoy with your friend. We'll go then. Girls, get ready. This is Mumbai; if we leave late, we'll get stuck in traffic till evening.

Then, everyone got ready and set out for sightseeing in Mumbai...

Let's leave them and see how our brother Digvijay is doing...

NISHKALIKA: That's great. For the first time, a warrior has come whom NISHKALIKA herself has come to meet.

DIGVIJAY was lost in NISHKALIKA's beauty. Though DIGVIJAY was quite handsome himself, NISHKALIKA was also quite impressed by his personality.

DIGVIJAY: So, you are NISHKALIKA. I've heard a lot about you. I came here just to meet you.

NISHKALIKA: To meet me!! Why did you want to meet me?

DIGVIJAY: I want to challenge you to a battle... DIGVIJAY straightforwardly raised the issue without any hesitation.

NISHKALIKA: Hahaha... a battle with me. Why do you want to fight? Warriors like you are very rare to find. Give up the thought of fighting, become my commander. Whatever you ask for, you'll get it.

DIGVIJAY, smiling: If I can become the king by defeating you, then why should I become a commander!!!!

NISHKALIKA: If that's your wish, then so be it. Let's go to the battlefield then. It's been quite some time since i've displayed my powers...

DIGVIJAY: Let's go then.

Now, DIGVIJAY and NISHKALIKA were facing each other. The field was completely filled from all sides, but there was silence everywhere. Everyone was familiar with NISHKALIKA's strength, and just a while ago, what DIGVIJAY had done had impressed everyone.

NISHKALIKA secured the entire ground to ensure no bystanders were harmed...

DIGVIJAY: Let's begin!!!

In response, NISHKALIKA extended her hands and recited some spell. Right above where DIGVIJAY stood, the sky opened up, and numerous weapons began to rain down upon him.

This attack was new for DIGVIJAY, but he quickly adapted.

DIGVIJAY raised his right hand and started rotating it. Another door opened about 10 feet above him. All the weapons began to enter inside. When all the weapons went inside the door, it closed...

But now DIGVIJAY understood that he couldn't underestimate NISHKALIKA. If her first attack was so powerful, she could do a lot more...

DIGVIJAY summoned the earth. Explosions started happening all over the ground. NISHKALIKA was lifted into the air, but then the earth took the shape of a hand, grabbed NISHKALIKA, and pulled her into a pit... As soon as NISHKALIKA fell inside, the pit filled up.

Now, DIGVIJAY was feeling happy as NISHKALIKA emerged from the ground.

NISHKALIKA: Enough is enough.

She raised her hands, and lightning started striking from the sky. NISHKALIKA didn't stop there; she recited some spell, causing all the lightning to converge into one place, forming a huge electrical ball. NISHKALIKA extended her hands forward, and the ball started moving rapidly towards DIGVIJAY.

DIGVIJAY sensed that the electrical ball contained a lot of energy and its speed was quite high...

DIGVIJAY created a protective shield and filled it with the energy of the sky.

The electric ball collided with the protective shield, and with a deafening BOOMMMMMMMMM sound, it exploded.

The impact of the blast was so intense that they both were caught in its grip... DIGVIJAY and NISHKALIKA were thrown far away while flying. Both of them were severely injured. Due to the intense pain, both lost consciousness...

No one else was harmed, but the protective shield created by NISHKALIKA was shattered. No one present there had the courage to approach either NISHKALIKA or DIGVIJAY.

A few hours later, both regained consciousness. They both had healing powers, so their wounds had already healed.

NISHKALIKA: Amazing. For the first time, I've found someone who matches my strength.

DIGVIJAY: Me too. I still want to become a king, but not alone. I want your companionship. Will you be my queen...? Saying this, DIGVIJAY knelt down and extended his hand towards NISHKALIKA...

NISHKALIKA couldn't contain her happiness. She lifted DIGVIJAY up and embraced him...

NISHKALIKA: That's exactly what I wanted to say. If we unite, we can rule the entire universe. And NISHKALIKA sealed her words with a kiss on DIGVIJAY's lips...



This chant echoed everywhere...

Meanwhile, on the other side...

BALBEER: How is all this possible? Who can harm me?

BALBEER had learned that it wasn't someone else but his own trusted men who had set fire to his plants and hotel. But the reason for BALBEER's astonishment was something else. He had realized that his men had been hypnotized... BALBEER tried hard, but he couldn't trace the source of the hypnotic spell.

BALBEER: Who could be behind this, someone beyond the reach of my spells? Then suddenly, something struck him.

Oh, how could I forget? raj's son. Could it be him behind all this? But why would he do this? Does he somehow know that I set fire to his father's factories and hotel... But how???

BALBEER closed his eyes, and he started to see Vijay. He was going somewhere alone.

BALBEER: I'll put an end to his game right now. BALBEER focused on the most dangerous spell from his black magic repertoire. Black rays emanated from his hands towards Vijay.

BALBEER: Your game is over...

Before the black rays could touch Vijay, his protective shield activated. An invisible blanket of light spread all around Vijay, and the rays collided with this shield, dissipating instantly.

BALBEER watched all of this unfold as he sat in meditation. As soon as his released rays collided with Vijay's protective shield, a sharp pain surged through BALBEER's mind, causing him to lose consciousness.

Meanwhile, at the Hero's Mansion...

DAD: Hello? Yes, when? But our clients are... that's fantastic news, Ashish. Yes, I'm leaving right away. I'll reach the office in an hour...


MOM: What happened? You're still like a child. You have no patience at all. Hurry up and tell me, my vegetables will burn...

DAD: Oh darling, you're worried about the vegetables, but what about what's burning here!!!!!

MOM: What's burning? Where??? What's burning???

DAD: My heart, which still burns seeing your beauty...?

MOM: Oh, you... you're getting older, but your childishness hasn't gone away...

MOM: Enough of flirting now. Will you tell me why you called me?

DAD: Oh dear, could you tone down your hotness a bit? It makes me forget everything else. There's good news.

MOM: Really! What is it?

DAD: Our clients who had withdrawn their dealership want to rejoin us... Not just that, somehow this news leaked into the stock market, and our shares' price has started to rise again.

MOM just stood there, smiling.

DAD: What happened? Aren't you happy?

MOM: My happiness lies in yours and our son's happiness... If you both are happy, then I'm happy too...

DAD: Oh Mona, I am so lucky to have you as my life partner.

DAD gave mom a tight hug, kissed her on the forehead, and headed off to the office...

ME: Aunty, namaste... Is RONIT here...!?

RONIT'S MOM: Come in, son. What's the matter? You're here so early in the morning. Such kindness.

ME: Aunty, I apologized just yesterday. But it was my parents' order, how could I refuse? Let me apologize once again. Saying this, I lay down at aunty's feet.

MAI: Please forgive me, aunty.

RONIT'S MOM: Enough of your drama. You won't change. Go on now. He's in his room. Anjali is also here. Do you guys have any plans for today?

ME: Not yet. Let's see. Then I headed towards RONIT's room...

Upon reaching, I saw both of them engrossed in their X-box...

ME: You scoundrels! I called you both so many times, but not even one replied. And you didn't even come to meet me. Wow, my best friends... I said all this just jokingly...

They both were surprised to suddenly see me, but then they continued playing without paying much attention.

I felt really hurt, but I let it go.

I went and turned off the TV. Whenever any one of us wanted to get our way, that's what we did. It was a normal thing among us three. But what happened this time was something I had never imagined...

RONIT, full of anger, exclaimed, "Hey, this isn't your house, it's mine. Do whatever you want in your own house, not here." ANJALI tried to calm RONIT down, but by then, the damage was done.

RONIT had always been like this. When he's angry, he doesn't realize what he's saying... But this time, he had crossed the line...

I was boiling inside, but I managed to control myself.

ME: Sorry, I'll be more careful from now on. Tears filled my eyes. Before my tears were visible, I turned around and started to leave.

But someone grabbed my hand. It was ANJALI. I wiped my eyes and turned back...

ME: What happened?

ANJALI: Sorry, V.J. You know him. When he's angry, he says anything. But you also lied to us, saying you were going to meet a relative of your mom's, but we know you went somewhere else.

I looked into ANJALI's eyes, and I could see everything RONIT had told ANJALI.

I just smiled and turned back.

ANJALI: Are you not going to say anything?

ME: Those who can't understand your silence can never understand your words...

I was about to leave when RONIT's voice stopped me once again...

RONIT: Hey, are you not going? No one stopped you. Your leaving doesn't affect us anymore...

I walked up to RONIT and said, "Don't ever forget two things. First, what you just said, and second, what I'm about to say..."

"Now, whatever you said, I've heard it because until now, I was your friend... But from now on, whenever you come before me, remember that you'll face VIJAY RAJ SINGH, in whose presence even arrogance bows down. So, whenever you face me, keep reminding yourself of your limits for your own good, or else you won't even recognize your own face...And you know well that whatever VIJAY says, he ensures it happens...I'm leaving now..."

RONIT: You're threatening me, you... umm ummummmmmmm....

Before RONIT could continue, I had lifted him up by his collar...

MAI: You don't understand in one go, do you, bastard??

ANJALI: What are you doing, V.J.? Let him go.

ME:Call me VIJAY. ,,V.J. is only for friends. Leave me alone and try to make his rusty mind understand. I've only lifted him from the ground for now, but if he continues his nonsense, I'll lift him from the world. I picked up RONIT and threw him onto the bed.

ANJALI rushed to him. He was holding his throat and coughing. But I didn't stop and left the room...


For a while, RONIT coughed but then recovered.

RONIT: See what he did. First, he makes a mistake, and then CHATAKKKKHHHH.....

ANJALI: Shut up! Completely shut up. What do you think of yourself? You act however you want. We're friends, not your slaves to obey your orders. Damn you. Because of you, even my childhood friendship is ruined.. Damn you! First, you made me swear not to talk to V.J., and now you want answers from him. This is how you demand answers. And what did you say? This isn't your house. Did you forget that when you used to spend day and night at his house, it also wasn't your house? When did this "yours" and "mine" come between us?

Today, for the first time, I saw tears in his eyes. And that too because of us, who call ourselves his best friends. While saying this, tears streamed down ANJALI's eyes...

RONIT: Can't you see his mistake???


ANJALI: Shut up, just shut up... What mistake did he make? Just that he didn't go to his relative's place and went somewhere else. But why did he go? What could be the reason that for the first time, he had to leave without telling us, you tried to find out. And even if he didn't tell us, is it a sin that you treated him like a stranger and forced me to do the same...

Remember, V.J. always used to tell you not to let your anger control your emotions. Otherwise, one day you'll regret it. Today is that day.Anger is a temporary bond, but friendship is a lifelong bond. You put your anger above friendship. Today, you've lost not one but two friends. Today, our friendship is also over...

ANJALI left in tears, and RONIT stood there, feeling drained.

Back to Hero..

My mood had soured by now. I didn't even feel like going home. I stopped a taxi and headed to the mall.

Once I reached the mall, I thought, "Now that I'm here, what should I do?" First, I decided to call Mom. I went to a booth and informed Mom that I would have lunch outside.

(We, Ronit, Anjali, and I, don't have mobile phones at the moment. We had decided to start using them only after crossing the 10th grade.)

After talking to Mom, I entered the mall.

I thought, "Where should I go now?" I decided to watch a movie. I went to PVR to watch a movie. Throughout the movie, I kept thinking about what happened this morning. I didn't even realize when the movie started or ended. As hunger struck, I headed towards the food court.

After having lunch and paying the bill, as I turned around, I accidentally bumped into a girl. She had a cup of coffee in her hand which spilled on my T-shirt.

GIRL: "Oh, shit. I'm extremely sorry. I wasn't paying attention. I'm really sorry... Please..."

ME: "Hey, relax. It's okay. These things happen sometimes..."

Until now, she hadn't looked at my face. She was staring at my T-shirt where the coffee had spilled. When she heard my voice and looked at my face, she was shocked.

GIRL (PRIYANKA): "Sir, it's you... Oh my God, I just can't believe it. What have I done? I'm really sorry, sir..."

ME: Hehe, first of all, relax. And you're calling me sir. Do you know me?

GIRL (PRIYANKA): Of course, sir. I'm also a student of St. Joseph's. I'm your junior, in the 8th grade. By the way, my name is PRIYANKA. (our hero's future sister-in-law.)

ME: Oh, I see. Well, nice to meet you, PRIYANKA. Anyway, I should get going.

PRIYANKA: But, sir, your T-shirt!

ME: I'll manage.

PRIYANKA: Sir, I have a request. Can you meet my sisters, please?

ME: Your sisters? But why?

PRIYANKA: Sir, they are also joining our school this year, and they are all in your class. I've told them about you. Please, sir, just meet them once.

I hesitated a lot, but she didn't agree and asked me to wait for her.

But I was getting late, so I left.

On the other side, she rushed to her sisters, but only AVNI was there.

PRIYANKA: Big sis AVNI where are VAANI, and SHANAYA ?

AVNI: They went to the bathroom. Why, what happened?

PRIYANKA: Oh, these sisters, they always feel the pressure at the wrong time.

AVNI: Will you tell me what's going on?

PRIYANKA: I won't tell you; I'll show you. Come with me.

AVANTIKA: Wait. Where are we going? Tell me first.

PRIYANKA: Oh, you ask so many questions. Do you remember last night I told you about the topper of my school? VIJAY RAJ SINGH. He's here. I've kept him waiting. Let's go meet him.

AVNI, upon hearing the name VIJAY, followed PRIYANKA quietly. But when they reached, I wasn't there.

PRIYANKA: Where did he go? He was standing right here. Look, he's near the exit gate.

AVNI looked and saw me heading outside. Only my back was visible.

PRIYANKA: Well, he is gone. What's wrong, sis? You could have at least met him without any questions.

AVNI: He was in such a hurry, even though I went to stop him. Fake... ATTITUDE...

To Be Continued..