
Echoes of Flight: The Lifetimes of a Reincarnated Bat

Story of a bat , who bacama god. A commoner who became a king. With a new story ory of an untold tale within Mystery novel focusing on third party veiw

Chino_Kitsune · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Love has Spread it Wings to Fly

As Zion sat alone in his office, memories of Dayla flooded his mind. He couldn't help but feel a pang of longing in his chest as he thought about her. He closed his eyes and let his mind drift back to the day they first met.

It was a warm summer evening, and Zion was on his way to meet with one of his contacts in a rival gang. He was walking through a dimly lit alley when he heard a commotion up ahead. As he got closer, he saw a group of thugs harassing a young woman.

Without hesitation, Zion stepped in and confronted the thugs. They sneered at him and one of them pulled out a knife. Zion was quick to disarm him and sent the thugs running with a few well-placed blows.

The young woman, Dayla, was grateful for Zion's intervention. She thanked him profusely and offered to buy him a drink as a token of her gratitude. Zion was surprised by her boldness, but he couldn't deny that he was intrigued by her.

As they sat at the bar and talked, Zion found himself drawn to Dayla's intelligence and wit. He couldn't remember the last time he had such a stimulating conversation with someone.

Over the next few weeks, Zion and Dayla began to see each other more frequently. They would meet up for coffee or go for walks in the park. Zion found himself falling harder for Dayla with each passing day.

But as much as he wanted to be with her, Zion knew that his life in the mafia would make it impossible. He tried to distance himself from Dayla, but she refused to give up on him. In the end, it was her persistence and love that made Zion realize that he couldn't live without her.

As Zion opened his eyes and returned to the present, he knew that he would do anything to protect Dayla and keep her by his side.