
Echoes of Eternity: predations, gods and devils

"In a world where gods and devils manipulate mortal pawns, where fate and love lie in one hand Kael and Espona stumble upon the ancient Book of Spells, a powerful artifact that could tip the balance of power. As they delve into its secrets, they're drawn into a treacherous game of cat and mouse between powerful forces. With Edana, Kael's fierce and powerful sister, by their side, they must navigate treacherous landscapes, battle formidable foes, and confront the darkness within themselves. But as they unravel the mysteries of the Book of Spells, they realize that their fate is inextricably linked to the fate of the world. Will they be able to harness the book's power to save their world from destruction, or will they become pawns in a divine game of chess? Dive into a world of magic, adventure, and heart-stopping suspense in... Echoes of eternity

Allen_Peter · Urban
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15 Chs

gathering of supernaturals

Kael felt a chill down his spine, the last time he felt something like that was when he went to explore an ancient building with Espona .

"What is it?" Lyrik asked. She could feel Kael's tension since she was closer to him.

"Nothing, are there only humans here?" He asked .

"Nope..." She answered, then seem to realize something "oh, you haven't been in a gathering of supernaturals have you?" She asked.

"No" he replied.

Lyrik's eyes sparkled with amusement, and she leaned in closer, her voice taking on a conspiratorial tone. "Well, you're in for a treat, then. This gathering has all sorts of creatures – vampires, werewolves, witches, and even a few faeries. And, of course, the Order of the Quill." She nodded toward a group of robed figures standing off to the side, their faces obscured by hoods. "They're the ones who organized this little get-together."

As Lyrik spoke, a figure emerged from the shadows, his piercing blue eyes fixed intently on Kael. He was tall, with chiseled features and jet-black hair that fell to his shoulders. "Ah, Kael," he said, his voice low and smooth. "Welcome to our gathering. I see you're still getting accustomed to our... diverse company."

"um...is this some movie set I have found myself in? I haven't even gotten into the academy yet" Kael shook them off as he stared dumbfounded at them.

"Well, it's better you join a group, and the quill seems to be easiest for you to join" lyrik suggested.

"Well, it doesn't matter, just get ready for your first test" she announced.

"That will be ?" He asked.

" You see that building over there"lyrik said pointing at a building like a colosseum " go in there, register as an aspirant and occupation. Then wait for your test"

Kael's eyes widened as he gazed at the imposing structure, its stone walls etched with mysterious symbols that seemed to shimmer in the flickering torchlight. "What kind of test?" he asked, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

Lyrik's grin grew wider. "Ah, that's for the acadmy. You'll be fine." She patted him on the back, her expression reassuring, but her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.

As Kael hesitated, a figure emerged from the crowd, dressed in a flowing white robe with intricate silver embroidery. "Ah, Kael, I see you're still uncertain. Allow me to introduce myself – I am Arianna, a member of the Order of the Quill. We've been expecting you."

"So... I will go to undertake the academy's test first, then I will think again if I want to join," Kael said, his voice laced with a hint of uncertainty. "I just want to be a mage, alright? This order and whatever is not even my problem yet." He walked towards the building, his footsteps echoing in the silence.

As Kael approached the entrance, Arianna's voice called out, "Remember, Kael, this test is about more than just magic - it's about who you are!" Her words echoed in his mind as he stepped into the sleek, high-tech interior. The air inside was crisp and clean, filled with the hum of computers and the glow of holographic screens.

A figure in a sharp black suit and silver-rimmed glasses sat behind a futuristic desk, a single holographic display flickering in front of them. "Name and occupation, aspirant?" they asked, their voice crisp and professional.

Kael hesitated for a moment before answering, "Kael, aspiring mage." The figure nodded, tapping on the holographic display.

"Very well, Kael. Your test is... the Elemental Assessment. You'll face three challenges, each representing a fundamental aspect of magic. Success will grant you entry into the academy."

The figure gestured to a sleek, silver door behind them. "Your first challenge awaits. Good luck, Kael."

Kael was expecting something different, like a place filled with orbs and an old wise sage, but here was a man in a suit, telling him he would be tested in magic. He was expecting a beast to fight for survival and a giant golem to defeat to prove himself... "...Okay." Having too great an expectation could mean a bigger disappointment.

Kael's eyes widened as he gazed around the modern, high-tech room, feeling like he had stepped into a futuristic lab rather than a mystical testing grounds. He couldn't help but think of the ancient tomes he had read, filled with tales of heroic mages battling fearsome beasts and overcoming treacherous trials. The contrast between his imagination and reality was jarring, to say the least.

The suited figure, seemingly oblivious to Kael's disillusionment, gestured toward a nearby console. "Please, aspirant, place your hand on the scanner. The Elemental Assessment will begin shortly."

Kael hesitated, feeling a pang of disappointment wash over him. No ancient artifacts, no mysterious incantations, just a sleek machine and a bland, corporate-like environment. He sighed, wondering if he had been wrong to expect something more... epic.

"First, there are vampires and wolves and all those creatures, then the organization, then the academy, which is supposed to be in a medieval setting, but turned out to be futuristic."

"Anything the problem, Mr. Kael?" The figure sitting down to examine the student asked.

"No, sir," he responded, doing as told.

The figure nodded, seemingly satisfied with Kael's response. "Very well, aspirant. The Elemental Assessment will evaluate your magical abilities and determine your suitability for the academy. Please, place your hand on the scanner and focus your energy."

Kael complied, feeling a strange sensation as the machine hummed to life. A holographic display flickered before him, displaying a swirling vortex of colors.

"Your first challenge is... Earth," the figure announced, their voice echoing through the room. "Demonstrate your control over the element."

Kael's eyes widened as the vortex coalesced into a miniature earthquake, shaking the room. He raised his hands, and to his surprise, the tremors ceased. The machine beeped, and a score appeared on the display.

"Well done, aspirant," the figure said, nodding in approval. "Your magical potential is significant. Let us proceed to the next challenge... Air."

"Air?" Kael asked, hoping he wouldn't be swept away by a whirlwind. Thanks to his sister, he already had a fear of wind.

The figure nodded, a hint of a smile playing on their lips. "Indeed, Air. But do not worry, aspirant, this challenge will not involve actual wind. Merely... a test of your mental agility."

Kael breathed a sigh of relief as the machine hummed again, and a holographic puzzle materialized before him. The pieces swirled and danced in mid-air, defying gravity.

"Solve this puzzle, Kael," the figure instructed. "The solution lies in the patterns of the air element. Think swiftly, and think wisely."

Kael's eyes darted back and forth, his mind racing to make sense of the whirling pieces. Suddenly, a gust of inspiration struck, and he reached out with a confident gesture...

...and the pieces snapped into place, forming a shimmering, ethereal sphere. The machine beeped in approval, and the figure nodded, impressed.

"Well done, Kael! Your mind is quick and adaptable. Now, let us proceed to the final challenge... Water."

Kael's heart skipped a beat as a large, transparent tank materialized before him, filled with swirling, iridescent liquid. A delicate, crystal vial floated within, suspended by invisible forces.

"Retrieve the vial, Kael," the figure instructed. "But be warned: the water element can be... unpredictable."

As Kael reached out, the liquid began to churn and writhe, like a living entity. The vial danced just out of reach, taunting him with its elusiveness...

"The wind has ended, but the water is next" Kael sighed as he jumped in the tank. Controlling the water, he created a wave in the tank, the tank might be small, but creativity was never limited by that.

Kael hopped to get all high a score, but the person next to him also taking that same test, seems to be ahead.

"A vampire" Kael sighed. Humans can't defeat the agility and speed of a vampire, and this one, without using complex spell, seems to have almost finished his assessment even though he started later

The wave crashed against the side of the tank, and the vial bobbed up and down, tantalizingly close. Kael focused his energy, shaping the water into a series of precise, intricate waves. Each one lifted the vial a little higher, until finally, it floated within reach.

With a triumphant grin, Kael plucked the vial from the water and emerged from the tank, dripping but exhilarated. The figure applauded, a hint of surprise in their eyes.

"Bravo, Kael! Your creativity and control are impressive. You have passed the Elemental Assessment with flying colors!"

As the machine whirred to a stop, the room erupted in a warm, golden light. The figure stepped forward, a small, leather-bound book extended in their hand.

"Welcome to the Academy, Kael."

The vampire, with piercing blue eyes and jet-black hair, flashed a charming smile as he accepted his own leather-bound book from the figure. "Well done" he said, his voice low and smooth. "You have potential, but perhaps you should focus on honing your skills... and accepting your limitations."

Kael bristled at the hint of condescension, but the vampire simply winked and turned to leave. "Until we meet again, human". He said as he went out of view

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