
Echoes of Power

What am I supposed to do now?

The idea had time to form before anarchy broke out. The massive Elyrian shape pulsed with energy, spreading shockwaves across the vista. Cracks spiderwebbed across the earth, forcing the group to scatter.

"Run!" Lyra shouted, her instincts taking over. She directed them across the difficult terrain, her newly acquired abilities allowing her to anticipate each tremor and collapse.

As they fled, a thunderous roar filled the atmosphere. Lyra looked back to see a column of blinding light explode from the structure, piercing the night sky. The image filled her with a sense of amazement and horror.

They raced for what seemed like hours, the constant quakes propelling them forward. Finally, as dawn broke, they discovered a secluded valley shielded by huge rocks.

"I think we're safe here," Lyra said, sinking to her knees. The others followed in shape, tiredness written over their faces.

Maya crawled up to Lyra's side, her eyes filled with concern. "What became of that element? And what does it mean that you are a 'Keeper'?"

Lyra shook her head, annoyance building. "I don't know. Nothing about this makes me feel."

A sprig snapped nearby, immediately putting everyone on alert. General Hawthorne raised his weapon and scanned the treeline.

"Show yourself!" he demanded.

A person appeared from the darkness, hands lifted. He grew taller, with close-cropped hair and the bearing of a soldier. Despite his non-threatening demeanor, Lyra may wish to feel the coiled tension in his stance.

"Smooth," the stranger said, his voice low and gravelly. "i'm no longer right here to fight."

"who are you?" Marcus demanded.

"It's Karl Jensen. Former Army Ranger. His gaze fixed on Lyra. "And i'm here for her."

Lyra felt a kick back travel down her spine. "Me? Why?"

Kael's expression relaxed slightly. "because you are now not the only one the Elyrians are interested by."

The floor underneath them began to quake before he wanted it to. This tremor seemed distinct - more targeted and nearly functional. Lyra's senses tingled, focusing her concentration on a certain factor.

"There's something right here," she said, moving near a moss-covered boulder. As she approached, the shaking became more intense.

"Lyra, wait!" Maya called out, but it was too late.

Lyra put her palm on the boulder, and the world burst into light. The rock crumbled, exposing a subterranean chamber. Its center, hovering in midair, transformed into a crystal unlike any Lyra had ever seen. It pulsed with inner light, its features shifting and altering as she gazed.

"The Resonance Crystal," Kael said with a mix of reverence and horror in his voice.

Lyra felt an overpowering draw toward the relic. As her fingers brushed against its surface, a burst of vigor went through her body. Images flooded her mind: ancient cities, a superior generation, and a society that had conquered the Earth itself.

She gasped fantastically backward. The others raced to her side, but an invisible barrier kept them at bay. Only Kael appeared unsurprised by this event.

"what's going on to her?" Doctor Reeves demanded.

Kael's gaze never left Lyra. "She is connecting with it. become who she was always meant to be."

Lyra scarcely noticed their voices. The crystal's energy flowed through her, reawakening something deep within. She could feel the Earth's heartbeat, the ebb and glide of tectonic plates, and the planet's own pulse.

When she opened her eyes, the region appeared one-of-a-kind. She could see energy patterns flowing around her pals, latent electricity concealed inside the rocks, and air currents that were unseen.

"I understand now," she said quietly, her voice filled with unexpected strength. "The Elyrians - they have been looking to shop the arena, now not ruin it."

"shop it from what?" Maya asked, her voice filled with fear and astonishment.

Before Lyra could respond, a tremendous tremor shook the valley. In the distance, they heard the unmistakable sound of the Elyrian form revving up again.

"We need to transport," Kael urged. "they may be coming for the crystal - and for you."

Lyra nodded and reached out to receive the Resonance Crystal. It hummed as she held it near, almost anxious to be used. "i'm able to get us out of right here, but you may want to believe me."

The others exchanged glances, their faces full with uncertainty. Even General Hawthorne was at a loss.

"can we have a choice?" Marcus eventually requested.

Lyra maintained a faint smile. "There is always a preference. But right now, I believe I'm an outstanding alternative."

With a deep breath, she concentrated on the crystal's power. The ground beneath their toes changed, providing a strong rock foundation. It ascended into the air, bringing them out of the valley and into the transformed landscape ahead.

Lyra's mind raced as they flew above the changing planet. The knowledge supplied by the crystal became overwhelming, hinting at wonders and terrors beyond comprehension. However, one thing became clear: the world's destiny hung in the balance, and he or she was suddenly at the heart of it all.

Kael moved to be beside her, his presence strangely reassuring. "I understand you have questions," he replied gently. "So do I. However, right now, we need to focus on remaining alive and identifying our next circulate."

Lyra nodded, grateful for his calming effect. "You mentioned that the Elyrians were also interested in you." What did you suggest with that?"

A shadow went over Kael's face. "It's an extended story. Let's just say I've had some intimate encounters with their generation. "It changed me."

Before Lyra could press for information, a blur of action drew her attention. Something turned into a near-rapid sketch that skimmed low over the earth.

"We've been given enterprise!" she said, urging their homemade vessel to move faster.

The chasing ship became unlike anything they had ever seen: sleek, silent, and terrifyingly quick. Lyra could see persons inside as she got closer, their documents flickering and moving like the phony photograph of her father in the cavern.

"Elyrian hunters," Kael hissed, pulling out a weapon she hadn't spotted earlier. "They may not forestall until they have the crystal - and you."

Lyra's mind raced, looking for a solution. The stone buzzed in her fingertips, and she suddenly realized what she needed to do.

"Everybody, keep on tight!" she exclaimed. She reached deep into the Earth below, channeling the crystal's strength. The ground erupted, sending enormous pillars of stone aloft. She led them through a convoluted maze, hoping to lose their pursuers.

For a moment, it appeared to be a painting. The Elyrian craft dropped behind, weaving through the stone labyrinth. However, inexplicably, it began to section through the barricades, gaining floor once more.

"That is no longer proper," Marcus mumbled, expressing what they had all been wondering.

Lyra gritted her enamel, straining herself to the limit. The crystal's power rushed through her, and she or he felt something alter inside her. Her mind expanded to include new opportunities.

With a desperate shriek, she tore open a breach in the air itself. It shimmered like a pleasant haze, providing glimpses of another world - somewhere safe.

"Via there!" she exclaimed, steering their platform in the direction of the gateway.

Lyra and Kael locked eyes as they reached the rift. At that point, a wordless knowledge was shared among them. Something happened after that; they were in this together.

They plunged through the vortex solely because an Elyrian vessel approached them. The world twisted and bent around them, and then...


They found themselves in a vast cavern, lighted by softly lighting crystals. Historic machinery hummed gently, reviving after eons of hibernation.

"where are we?" Dr. Reeves demanded, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lyra's eyes widened as the information dawned. "This is an Elyrian refuge. An region hidden between worlds."

While the others were admiring their surroundings, Kael placed a hand on Lyra's shoulder. "You did it," he stated softly. "You saved us."

Lyra maintained a vulnerable grin, tiredness eventually catching up with her. "For now. However, something tells me this is just the beginning."

The Resonance Crystal pulsed in her arms, seemingly in agreement. As her eyesight blurred, Lyra caught a glimpse of movement in the darkness. A discernment, neither fully human nor entirely Elyrian, looks at them via historical lenses.

Her final thought before oblivion seized her was a mixture of amazement and trepidation:

What did we get ourselves into?