
Echoes of Creation: The Universe Within

Get ready to dive into "Echoes Of Creation: The Universe Within" where the everyday grind gets a cosmic makeover. Meet Hiroshi Hajiro, just your average guy living the solo life in his apartment. But when he's hit with the bombshell of unemployment, he turns to the one thing that gives him solace: novels. Little does he know, his world's about to get flipped upside down. Suddenly, Hiroshi's not just a regular dude anymore. Nope, he's been handpicked as a Creator. Talk about a promotion! Armed with the power to shape entire universes, he's off on a wild ride beyond the four walls of his place. Come along for the ride as Hiroshi takes on the cosmos, making destinies and breaking boundaries like it's nobody's business. With twists, turns, and more imagination than you can shake a star at, "Echoes Of Creation: The Universe Within" is the ultimate cosmic adventure for anyone looking to escape the ordinary.

VegetaIsBadass · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 19

Haruko listened attentively as Raiden spoke, his azure hair flowing behind him in a captivating display of grace and power. The mention of his Supreme Core filled Haruko with a sense of awe and anticipation, knowing that it held the key to unlocking his true potential.

"Yes, sir," Haruko replied respectfully, acknowledging Raiden's authority with a nod of his head. He followed Raiden's instructions without hesitation, laying down on the ground and removing his shirt, leaving nothing on as he prepared for the awakening ritual.

Raiden stood a little distance away, his expression solemn and focused as he prepared to cleanse Haruko's Supreme Core of impure energies. Haruko braced himself for what was to come, steeling his resolve to stay conscious through the process.

As Raiden began the ritual, Haruko felt a surge of power coursing through his body, a strange sensation that seemed to emanate from the very depths of his being. He gritted his teeth and focused his mind, determined to withstand the purification process and emerge stronger than ever before.

With each passing moment, the impure energies within Haruko's Supreme Core began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of clarity and purpose that he had never experienced before. Despite the intense pain that wracked his body, Haruko refused to falter, drawing upon his inner strength to endure the ordeal with unwavering determination.

As the ritual reached its climax, Haruko felt a surge of pure energy coursing through his veins, filling him with a newfound sense of power and vitality. With a final burst of effort, he pushed through the pain and emerged from the ritual stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Raiden nodded in approval as he observed the transformation, a sense of satisfaction evident in his eyes. "Well done, Haruko," he said, his voice tinged with pride. "You have passed the awakening ritual and unlocked the true potential of your Supreme Core. We will now begin my Control Class."

As Raiden finished cleansing Haruko's Supreme Core, the young man lay there stunned, overwhelmed by the newfound sense of power and control that coursed through his body. The sensation was indescribable, like a wave of energy that pulsed through every fiber of his being, filling him with a sense of clarity and purpose that he had never experienced before.

Raiden looked down at him with a pleased expression on his face, a sense of satisfaction evident in his eyes as he observed the transformation that had taken place. For Haruko, the feeling of relief was palpable, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders and he was finally free to embrace his destiny.


As Haruko sat up, a determined look in his eyes, he was about to ask a question when Raiden immediately cut him off with a firm gesture. "There will be time for questions later," Raiden said, his voice firm but gentle. "For now, we begin my Control Class on basic core control."

Raiden's serious gaze bore into Haruko as he addressed the young man with a candid truth. "Don't be too excited, Haruko. Your control over your Core is worse than a Common Core user," Raiden stated bluntly, setting a sober tone for the upcoming training.

Haruko, though a bit disheartened, nodded in acknowledgment, understanding the gravity of the situation. He looked at Raiden with a determination to improve, ready to embrace the challenge ahead.

In response to Haruko's question about what to do, Raiden smiled a little before explaining, "To train control over the Core, we'll focus on breaking it and rebuilding it anew. This method is not a known one in Astrion, and the whole year will be dedicated to mastering it. Remember, we are training the Core, not the ability. Lucifero will handle the ability part."

As Haruko absorbed the information, he couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility and excitement for being the first Astrionnian to embark on this unconventional and groundbreaking training.

Raiden led Haruko into the room, the atmosphere heavy with anticipation as they stepped inside. Haruko's eyes fell upon Lucifero, who sat on a chair, exuding an aura of quiet intensity. His imposing figure filled the room with an air of authority, his presence commanding attention.

Haruko couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity as he looked around the room, wondering what awaited him in this new training space. "What are we doing here?" he asked, his voice tinged with anticipation as he awaited Raiden's response.

All Raiden responded with was, "My class had ended. I will see you again tomorrow."

As Raiden bid farewell and departed, leaving Haruko standing before the authoritative Lucifero, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Haruko waited in silence, unsure of what to expect next, until Lucifero rose from his seat and approached him with a scowl etched on his handsome face. The intensity of Lucifero's crimson eyes bore into Haruko, demanding his attention.

"What is combat, boy?" Lucifero's voice echoed through the room, sending a shiver down Haruko's spine. Caught off guard by the sudden question, Haruko stammered out a response, "F-fighting?"

Without warning, Haruko felt a sharp punch to his head, causing him to wince in pain. Despite the blow, he maintained his composure and looked at Lucifero with a sense of determination.

"Combat is fighting," Lucifero affirmed, his voice tinged with a hint of impatience. "But it is also something much more. I'm sure you have heard of the Ashura Realm."

Lucifero observed Haruko's widened eyes, acknowledging the familiarity that the young man had with the Ashura Realm. A place known to all in Astrion as the darkest and most malevolent realm, shrouded in a crimson light that covered the skies. It was the origin of malevolent entities, including the infamous Demon King of Astrion.

"Yes, I know the Ashura Realm," Haruko replied, his voice carrying a mix of understanding and trepidation. The name alone evoked a sense of foreboding, and Haruko couldn't help but wonder how this realm would be related to his training under Lucifero's guidance.

Lucifero then proceeded to tell Haruko the true about the universe. About how him, Aurora and Raiden were not the Creator Gods the Astrionnians think they are. About how Raiden was the guardian of the Middle Realm which encompasses the Astrion planet and many other galaxies. About how Aurora was the guardian of the Heavenly Realm, which the Astrionnians called the City of Holiness. Then about how he is the guardian of the Ashura Realm that is known for its malevolent existence.

Lucifero's revelation about the true nature of their roles as guardians brought a new understanding to Haruko. The concept of Creator Gods and their connection to the three realms—Middle, Heavenly, and Ashura—became clearer. Raiden, guardian of the Middle Realm, overseeing galaxies and planets like Astrion. Aurora, guardian of the Heavenly Realm, with its ethereal and sacred reputation. And Lucifero himself, the guardian of the notorious Ashura Realm, known for its malevolent entities and the Demon King.

"My point is that the combat you will learn from me will be the cruelest thing you'll ever come across," Lucifero declared, his words carrying a weight that hung in the air. Haruko absorbed the gravity of Lucifero's statement, recognizing the severity of the training that awaited him under the guardian of the Ashura Realm.

As Haruko grappled with the weight of Lucifero's words, a sense of unease settled in his heart. The prospect of delving into a form of combat known for its cruelty and mercilessness sent shivers down his spine. Yet, amidst the fear, a surge of adrenaline and determination coursed through him, driving him to confront the challenge that lay ahead.

Questions swirled in Haruko's mind, each one more daunting than the last. What kind of skills would he learn under Lucifero's guidance? How would this merciless combat shape him as a person? And most importantly, what toll would it take on his soul?

Despite the uncertainty that loomed over him, Haruko knew that he couldn't turn back now.






That's it for chapter 19

Two chapters for you all.

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