
Echoes of Creation: The Universe Within

Get ready to dive into "Echoes Of Creation: The Universe Within" where the everyday grind gets a cosmic makeover. Meet Hiroshi Hajiro, just your average guy living the solo life in his apartment. But when he's hit with the bombshell of unemployment, he turns to the one thing that gives him solace: novels. Little does he know, his world's about to get flipped upside down. Suddenly, Hiroshi's not just a regular dude anymore. Nope, he's been handpicked as a Creator. Talk about a promotion! Armed with the power to shape entire universes, he's off on a wild ride beyond the four walls of his place. Come along for the ride as Hiroshi takes on the cosmos, making destinies and breaking boundaries like it's nobody's business. With twists, turns, and more imagination than you can shake a star at, "Echoes Of Creation: The Universe Within" is the ultimate cosmic adventure for anyone looking to escape the ordinary.

VegetaIsBadass ¡ Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 17

Haruko remained motionless, feigning sleep as the voices continued to converse around him. His heart pounded with unease, unsure of who these mysterious beings were and why they had taken an interest in him. Despite his fear, he forced himself to remain still, unwilling to reveal his true awareness to the unknown entities.

The man's voice spoke again, his tone tinged with curiosity. "He may hold the key to accessing that place, brother," he said, his words echoing in the chamber.

The annoyed voice interjected once more, expressing frustration at the situation. "Why bring a mortal here? Couldn't you have left him in your castle?" he grumbled, his irritation palpable.

A soothing female voice intervened, attempting to diffuse the tension. "Enough bickering, both of you," she chided gently. "The boy is awake."

Haruko's muscles tensed at the realization that he had been discovered. He listened intently, his senses alert as the annoyed voice spoke again, questioning Haruko's feigned slumber.

As Haruko slowly opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of three individuals with otherworldly beauty standing before him. His gaze lingered on the female figure in front of him, her ethereal presence captivating his attention. Despite his youth, Haruko's heart raced at the sight of her, instinctively recognizing her allure and grace.

The female, with her silver-white hair cascading around her, and her piercing golden eyes, held a captivating aura that left Haruko spellbound. He couldn't help but admire her beauty, his gaze lingering perhaps a bit too long before he was jolted back to reality by the voice of the man who had found him.

"Boy, you are staring a bit too long," the man's voice cut through the air, drawing Haruko's attention to his handsome features. With azure hair and chiseled features, he exuded an air of authority and strength.

Haruko's gaze then shifted to the third individual, who wore a scowl on his face that only served to accentuate his striking features. With his black hair and piercing crimson eyes, he exuded an aura of intensity and power that commanded attention.

As the tension simmered in the room, Haruko listened intently to the exchange between the three beings before him, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and reverence.

The black-haired man, Lucifero, fixed Haruko with a piercing gaze before turning to the azure-haired man, Raiden, with a mixture of skepticism and frustration evident in his expression. "This is the key? This fragile human? Did you call me here for a joke?" Lucifero's voice dripped with disbelief, his doubt palpable in the air.

Raiden responded with a seriousness that belied the gravity of the situation. "You know I would never joke about that, little brother," he stated firmly, his gaze unwavering as he addressed Lucifero.

Lucifero's face flushed with embarrassment at the mention of their relationship, his pride wounded by Raiden's words. "Call me that again, and I'll butcher your wings," he threatened, his tone laced with a hint of menace.

Aurora, the female figure, interjected with a tone of exasperation, stepping between the two men to diffuse the tension. "Stop it! What is it with you two?" she chastised, her voice tinged with frustration.

Raiden offered a conciliatory smile and apologized to Aurora, acknowledging his fault in the altercation. Lucifero, however, remained aloof, his gaze cold and distant as he turned away from the group.

Haruko's mind reeled at the revelation of the identities of the beings before him. The Three Gods, creators of the universe, revered and feared by all in Astrion. He felt a surge of awe and reverence wash over him as he realized the magnitude of their presence. "I greet the Creators."

Suddenly, Lucifero's hand shot out, seizing Haruko by the neck with a vice-like grip. "Call us creators again, and your soul won't see the afterlife," he threatened, his voice dripping with malice.

Aurora intervened, gently taking Haruko from Lucifero's grasp and settling him on the bed with a reassuring smile. "We are not creators. That's why he is angry. Forgive him," she explained, her voice soft and soothing.

Lucifero's gaze bore into Raiden accusatorily. "It's your fault. Why didn't you destroy them the first time they called us Creators?" he demanded, his tone sharp with frustration.

Raiden responded with a solemnity that betrayed the weight of his words. "You think I do not want to? Lucifero, that planet was created by Master's hand. I cannot interfere with its progression," he explained, his voice tinged with resignation.

Haruko listened intently to Aurora's explanation, his mind reeling with the revelation that the beings before him were not the creators of the universe as he had believed. The concept of a higher power beyond even the Three Gods was difficult for him to comprehend, but he listened with rapt attention nonetheless.

"And who's the Creator, if I may ask?" Haruko inquired, his curiosity overcoming his trepidation.

Before Aurora could respond, Lucifero's annoyed glare bore into Haruko, his expression dark and foreboding. "You cannot ask. His name is not something you can ask..." Lucifero interjected sharply, his voice tinged with irritation.

Turning to Raiden with a mixture of frustration and disbelief, Lucifero sighed heavily. "Is he really the key?" he asked, his tone filled with uncertainty and frustration.

Raiden offered a cryptic smile in response. "Maybe. Maybe not," he replied enigmatically, his words further fueling Lucifero's frustration.

"Bastard!" Lucifero exclaimed angrily, his frustration evident in his tone as he turned away from Raiden in irritation.

Aurora shook her head at the exchange between Lucifero and Raiden, a faint smile playing on her lips as she turned her attention to Haruko. Despite Lucifero's intimidating glare, Aurora's presence brought a sense of calm and reassurance to the fear-stricken Haruko, her soothing demeanor offering him a measure of comfort amidst the tension.

Aurora's gentle voice filled the room, her words carrying a sense of compassion and understanding. "Haruko, we cannot tell you what this key is. But what I can tell you is that you are powerful. Extremely so."

Instead of eliciting a sense of pride or validation, Aurora's words only served to deepen Haruko's sadness, as a palpable aura of self-blame emanated from him. "Powerful?" Haruko scoffed bitterly, his voice laced with self-disgust. "My sister is dead." The memory of Sheila's demise weighed heavily on his heart, and the familiar expression of anguish that had clouded his face during his confrontation with the men in his house returned. "Sheila is gone because I am weak. I'm not powerful," he continued, his tone filled with remorse and regret.

As Haruko looked up at the three beings before him, his eyes betrayed a deep sense of despair. "Whatever key you are talking about, I am not it. You chose wrong," he concluded, his words echoing with the weight of his self-condemnation.

Aurora's gaze softened as she observed Haruko quietly, her expression reflecting a mixture of concern and determination. With a heavy sigh, she took Haruko by force and led him out of the room, her steps purposeful as she navigated through the floating castle's corridors. Lucifero and Raiden followed behind, their expressions mirroring varying degrees of curiosity and intrigue.

After traversing a series of corridors and passing through several imposing doors, Aurora finally arrived at a door that stood out from the rest. With a decisive gesture, she opened the door, revealing a seemingly reinforced room beyond. "This is... call it a training room," Aurora explained, her voice carrying a note of solemnity.

Without further ado, Aurora waved her hand, conjuring a desk and chair into existence within the room. "Take a seat, Haruko," she instructed, her tone gentle yet firm. Haruko complied, settling into the chair with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension as he awaited further instructions.

As Lucifero and Raiden entered the room, Aurora addressed Haruko once more, her words carrying a weight of authority. "From here on, we three will be your teachers," she declared, her voice leaving no room for objections. "I'll handle your theoretical classes, Raiden will oversee your control training, and Lucifero will guide you in combat."






That's it for chapter 17