
Echoes of Betrayal: The Rise of Lucian Aurelius"

Gentleman_Kharoud · Action
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2 Chs


Chapter 1: The Fallen Heir

In the kingdom of Elysium, where the whisper of magic filled the air and abilities determined one's worth, there existed a family of esteemed lineage—the Aurelius dynasty. At the head of this noble house stood Viscount Regus Aurelius, a war hero whose name was revered throughout the land.

But amidst the glory and splendor of the Aurelius estate, there was a shadow—a son named Lucian, whose birth had been heralded as a momentous occasion, a sign of hope for the future of the kingdom. From a young age, Lucian had shown promise beyond his years, his intellect unmatched by any who came before him. He was hailed as a genius, a prodigy destined for greatness.

But fate is a fickle mistress, and in a cruel twist of destiny, Lucian awakened to find himself bereft of the very thing that had defined his existence in the eyes of the world—he had no abilities.

In an instant, he went from being hailed as the kingdom's hope to being labeled as trash, an utter disgrace to the noble lineage of the Aurelius family. Even his own father, who had once showered him with love and adoration, now regarded him with disdain, seeing him as nothing more than a stain upon the honor of their bloodline.

His mother, a woman of grace and compassion, was the only one who showed him any semblance of affection, her eyes filled with sorrow as she watched her son suffer beneath the weight of society's scorn. But even her love could not shield him from the cruelty of the world.

His younger sister, Serena, who had once looked up to him with admiration and awe, now passed him by with barely a glance, her own abilities shining bright in the eyes of their family and peers.

But the greatest blow came when tragedy struck the Aurelius household—a rebellion erupted against the kingdom, and Viscount Regus was framed for treason. In the chaos that ensued, Lucian's family rallied around him, their love for him shining through in their final moments.

His sister, Serena, just eighteen years old and hailed as a genius, was killed before his eyes, her bright future snuffed out in an instant. His mother, whose love had been his only solace in a world of darkness, was taken from him in the most cruel and heartless manner.

And his father, whom he had resented and hated for so long, sacrificed his own life to save his son, succumbing to poison meant for Lucian himself.

In the years that followed, Lucian was tortured relentlessly, his tormentors seeking the location of the legendary treasure of the Aurelius family—the Regelius Sword, a relic said to be forged by the gods themselves, descendants of the primordial deity Vishnu.

But even in the depths of despair, Lucian clung to a flicker of hope, a glimmer of light in the darkness that surrounded him. And in his final moments, as death's cold embrace drew near, he was granted a chance—a chance for revenge, a chance to rise from the ashes and become something more than he ever thought possible.

As his life slipped away, a voice echoed in his mind—a voice that spoke of redemption, of power, and of a destiny that stretched far beyond the confines of mortality.

And so, with his last breath, Lucian Aurelius made a choice—a choice to embrace the darkness within him, to harness the power that lay dormant in his soul, and to seek vengeance upon those who had wronged him.

Little did he know, his journey was just beginning, and the gods themselves had plans for him that would shape the fate of the kingdom and the world beyond.

my first novel so sorry if it sound cringe let's just go on a journey of revenge

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